Quest Big Betty

Quest - Big Betty {Kit} (1014) [1993-]

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 1.58 inches
Length: 23.00 inches
Manufacturer: Quest
Skill Level: 1
Style: Sport

Big Betty

While nearly identical t' t' Estes Big Bertha, t' Quest Big Betty has still managed t' carve out a niche in t' entry level market with her upgraded recovery system and lower price. While she is a pretty close copy, she does feature three fins instead o' t' Bertha's four, matey, ya bilge rat, makin' construction marginally simpler while keepin' performance right in line with her sister kit.

T' parts list:

  • 18" body tube
  • plastic nose cone
  • motor mount tube
  • engine clip
  • thrust ring
  • 2 centerin' rings
  • die cut fin sheet
  • 2" launch lug
  • 24" elastic shock cord
  • 24" Keelhaul®©™ shock cord
  • 14" parachute
  • decal

Like her fraternal twin, t' Estes Big Bertha, me hearties, shiver me timbers, t' Big Betty is an almost completely agreeable skill level one kit. Well, blow me down! Well, blow me down! Construction is as basic as it gets and possibly even easier since t' large size o' t' rocket allows easier access t' both internal and external parts. Blimey! T' only thin' about t' construction process that vaguely resembles a "gotcha" be t' loose fit o' t' nose cone, easily countered with a bit o' maskin' tape. Arrr! I chose t' quick route on this project, affixin' t' fins first with LocTite Gel CA, me hearties, matey, then more securely anchorin' them into place with heavy glue fillets usin' Elmer's Wood Glue. I also used wood glue in attachin' t' motor mount and recovery system. Ya scallywag! Avast, arrr, me proud beauty! (Speakin' o' t' recovery system, matey, arrr, I continue t' laud Quest for includin' a length o' Keelhaul®©™ as a part o' t' shock cord anchor.) Construction was finished with t' addition o' a medium snap swivel t' attach t' nose cone t' t' shock cord, somethin' I did on all o' t' kits in this comparison except for t' Tangent, which had its recovery system fully functional right from t' box.

I also went t' simple route on finishin' for t' Big Betty. Tube spirals and balsa grain were eliminated with a couple o' coats o' thinned Elmer's Fill 'n' Finish and a brisk sanding. Aye aye! Avast! T' rocket was then sprayed with Valspar white primer, me bucko, which was allowed t' dry overnight. Arrr! T' rocket was then sprayed with two coats o' Valspar Harvest Orange, shiver me timbers, (only because I happened t' be out o' Valspar Bumblebee gloss.) T' large, matey, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, simple sticker decals were then affixed (horrid things), matey, and t' whole rocket sprayed with a coat o' clear acrylic. Ya scallywag! Ahoy! Despite t' ugly decals, shiver me timbers, Big Betty turned out t' be a pretty decent lookin' girl.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

For purposes o' this comparison, me bucko, I decided t' fly each o' t' rockets on a C6-5, a B6-4, and a B4-2. Well, blow me down! T' Big Betty is most clearly at home with t' C6-5, postin' a high, ya bilge rat, arcin' flight that wouldn't be out o' place on a small field if you were flyin' on a windless day. Blimey! As it was, ya bilge rat, I wasn't and Betty took me on a merry chase across t' field, matey, arrr, finally allowin' me t' catch her on a neighborin' soccer field. Ahoy! Impressive flight, but t' stock 14" parachute could be reefed without worry.

T' B6-4 flight wasn't nearly as high, matey, arrr, but followed almost t' exact flight path as t' wind caused t' rocket t' cock away from t' pad. Ahoy! Begad! This time t' recovery walk wasn't quite as bad, matey, matey, but me legs aren't what they used t' be. I be really lookin' forward t' t' B4-2 round o' flights.

On a B4-2, matey, me hearties, t' Big Betty flew exactly like t' other three rockets in t' comparison. T' B4-2 barely seemed t' be enough t' get her off t' pad, and her near stop and sudden kick t' t' right almost made it seem like she be posin' for me so I could get t' best possible launch shot. Avast! I still missed it.

T' 14" chute is a pretty good fit for a rocket o' this size, but t' gripper tabs, while nay a problem on a kit with a body tube t' size o' t' Big Betty, me hearties, are goin' t' be difficult t' work with on smaller models. As it is, t' stock chute does its job quite well and could even be reefed without surrenderin' any o' its ability t' brin' t' rocket down safely.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

PROs: Easy t' build. Keelhaul®©™ shock cord included. Arrr! Begad! Reliable small field performance. Price.

CONs: Ill fittin' nose cone. Sticker decals are unimaginative and way too thick.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Quest Big Betty By Clive Davis

    Background: This spring I ran a build session for faculty kids at the school where I teach. I ended up using the Quest Bright Hawk for the 7-9 year olds and the Quest Big Betty for the 10-12 year olds. After the build session, I began thinking about the types of rockets that would make great first builds for a budding rocketeer. I wanted to select rockets to compare that had the ...

  • Quest Big Betty By Dan Priven

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D.K. (August 1, 2000)
My first BAR kit. A great first kit. Easy to build, and a reliable performer. I masked the white body tube where the decal was to go, and painted the rest Rust-Oleum Sunburst Yellow. Looked great. I flew this rocket several times at every launch for about a year. A beautiful flight every time until I lost it. I just built another one.
K.R.J. (September 1, 2001)
Look out Estes! Quest is catching up- or already has- in quality and value. When I wrote to Quest to purchase a replacement nose cone for Big Betty, Quest sent an entire Big Betty kit- for free! Now, THAT'S customer service! Quest has made me a long time customer!
J.D.R. (May 12, 2003)
An excellent review and dead on the money. Betty is a near clone of Big Bertha and I bought one during one of Hobby Lobby's famous half-off sales as a temporary replacement for my lost 24mm Bertha. Having built Betty stock, I must say she'll probably get plenty of use even when we do build a new Bertha. Better still, the latest Betties have a new decal set, which is purple and very eye-catching, especially on a bright yellow background as the new packaging depicts the rocket as painted. It looks marvelous! Better still, it's lighter and less draggy than a Bertha with three thinner fins as opposed to four rather thick ones and it will probably go like mad on a C6.
B. B. (June 8, 2003)
The review was accurate, but I found an additional problem. The nose cone diameter is larger than the body tube diameter, which makes this rocket slightly ugly. The first flight, on a C6-5, was quite fast. I saw the parachute come out. The model drifts quite a bit on the stock parachute, which is now used in my Estes Blue Ninja; the field I fly in is quite small.
P.A. (October 21, 2003)
Great rocket. I launched on a breezy day, and every time it went up straight & true, and came down without a problem. Very easy to build...I am experienced, but I still enjoyed building it. Sturdy rocket....great first time larger rocket. Agree that Quest is starting to catch up with the other guys. Review is right on.
R.F. (May 25, 2005)
A great rocket for the low price. I set mine up with a 24mm D mount & it flies awesome! It soars straight as an arrow & recovers great on a 12" chute.

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