Scratch The Albatross Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - The Albatross {Scratch}

Contributed by Geof Givens

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Geof Givens - 08/25/07) (Scratch) The Albatross

T' Albatross is me biggest and most ambitious boost glider project t' date. Aye aye! It took nearly 10 months t' complete. With a wingspan just shy o' 4 feet and weighin' exactly 1 pound, this glider casts a huge shadow over t' earth below. An 11oz BT-70 boost pod for 29mm motors carries t' bird skyward.

T' glider be built first from 1/4" balsa. Arrr! Each win' portion was sanded t' a full airfoil profile. Ya scallywag! Begad! T' wings were glued together before I began t' body portion o' t' bird. Blimey! T' build t' body, I first glued together several slabs o' 1/4" balsa, cut in t' rough shape desired. Ahoy! This included a sturdy mountin' bracket on t' underside of the body. T' body/head/mountin' assembly was then sanded t' get t' albatross shape. Well, blow me down! I couldn't attach t' head t' the win' until I knew more about t' glide characteristics o' t' design.

It be time t' trim t' glider. Aye aye! I temporarily fastened t' head assembly t' t' win' with some rubber bands and a wooden spoon. Avast! Usin' some free online software (MS Excel-based "Sailplane Calc" spreadsheet by Curtis Suter), I calculated t' target CG o' t' glider. Begad! However, ya bilge rat, this spreadsheet is made for gliders with fuselages and horizontal and vertical tail stabilizers. Begad! Begad! Mine be basically a flyin' win' with a bird head. Ya scallywag! Begad! For what it's worth, matey, me hearties, me bucko, t' program said that t' neutral point be 11.9" back from leadin' win' edge, almost exactly at t' cantin' point (which is 16.1deg). Well, blow me down! This was astonishingly far forward. Begad! Begad! I wasn't even sure it could be achieved.

(Scratch) The Albatross Usin' me Dremel, I hollowed out me gorgeous bird head, shiver me timbers, arrr, carvin' a huge hole in it. Every bit of possible space was needed in this cavity. Into t' hole I put a quarter pound o' lead, me hearties, then sealed t' hole with epoxy and wood filler. Arrr! Blimey! Then I glued t' head t' t' win' at t' position needed t' achieve t' correct CG.

On a breezy afternoon, shiver me timbers, I took t' glider up t' me test field and gave it about 20 tosses. Avast! I got a few decent glides but was worried about roll stability. Avast, me proud beauty! I also needed t' induce circling. Ahoy! Back in t' basement, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, I embedded a washer in one win' tip t' encourage turnin' then filled and smoothed over t' top o' this. Begad! Returnin' t' t' park, I tried some more test tosses, and that's when disaster struck. Begad! On a bad toss, matey, she crashed hard and was pretty much demolished. In disgust, I set t' debris aside.

(Scratch) The Albatross Then in early 2007, I read that t' EMRR Challenge involved boost gliders and I got to wonderin' about makin' a second attempt. I took out t' carcass and started rebuilding. After makin' a new head and scavengin' other parts, me hearties, I fiberglassed t' head, ya bilge rat, shoulders, etc. Begad! with several layers o' 6oz glass. Blimey! O' course, these parts are very curved with lots o' edges and corners, shiver me timbers, me bucko, so t' fiberglassin' looked absolutely horrible with ragged loose threads, matey, folds, matey, and fabric edges everywhere. I set t' project aside again in frustration.

Then when t' warm weather o' sprin' came six weeks later, matey, I took it out, arrr, slowly sanded it down, inserted head weight again, ya bilge rat, and made some real progress. Arrr! This time, shiver me timbers, I kept t' test glides very limited. Aye aye! Nothin' was broken during testing, me bucko, but I didn't have much confidence in t' glide. Avast, me proud beauty! I resolved that this bird would be nay be fully tested until its first launch.

Thus, I went ahead and painted t' glider. It took a lot o' white t' cover t' massive wingspan. Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! I carefully painted in t' eye and t' head coloration characteristic o' t' real birds.

Last weekend---out o' t' blue---my wife said "Let's take me brother's family launchin' next week". (Pretty good wife!) Well, I took this as a sign that I had t' finish t' Albatross.

I had been eyein' NCR's Oktoberfest as t' first launch o' t' Albatross, but I was reluctant t' embarrass myself with t' spectacular crash I believed was all but certain. T' launch it next weekend, me bucko, me bucko, I could destroy it with far fewer witnesses!

So, me bucko, arrr, I smartly finished t' boost pod. Begad! Aye aye! Blimey! It was BT-70, matey, ya bilge rat, 29mm, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, about 4 feet tall. Avast! Blimey! Blimey! I put t' glider bracket on one side. Ahoy! Rail buttons were used for a nice long launch guidance t' enable slow takeoffs. Begad! I was slightly worried about stability in t' axis parallel with t' win' because t' glider had very little surface area perpendicular t' the wings. Begad! So I decided t' add a fin shaped like a fish. Begad! Blimey! This made it look like t' albatross was carryin' t' fish in its claws. Well, blow me down! Begad! Blimey! Aside from that, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, arrr, stability wasn't an issue at all because t' CG o' t' glider was so far forward (due t' the lead head) that I could make t' CG o' t' whole rocket anywhere I wanted by shiftin' t' vertical placement o' the mountin' bracket. Begad! It is set 4.5" from t' tail o' t' tube, matey, ya bilge rat, matey, and I added 0.5oz o' nose weight t' be sure.

T' fish was painted silver and t' rest o' t' pod was black. I didn't even have time t' clear coat t' boost pod. In fact, me bucko, shiver me timbers, I was so rushed t' make t' launch date that when I tried t' insert t' motor t' night before takeoff, I discovered that I had forgotten t' put an engine block in t' motor tube and me motor retention brackets didn't work because t' single-use motor I chose was shaped differently than me 29mm RMS casing. Well, blow me down! Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! With a quick epoxy job and some bending, both problems were easily fixed.

(Scratch) The Albatross

Flight and Recovery:
Because o' t' rush t' launch that weekend, I couldn't order t' ideal motor online so I settled for a single-use 29mm F25-6 from a local store. Begad! Bein' o' t' firm belief that t' Albatross would be good for only one flight, matey, shiver me timbers, I was determined nay t' miss t' takeoff photo. Aye aye! Well, I missed it anyway! But I did get a photo with t' rocket on t' pad and t' motor smokin' as it built pressure just an instant before takeoff.

T' F25 be a nice choice in terms o' power. Arrr! It yielded a fairly slow liftoff with modest altitude. Begad! T' glider separated perfectly, me bucko, me hearties, slightly before apogee. Avast, me proud beauty! As I had feared, t' 6-sec delay be way too long for t' boost pod. Well, blow me down! Begad! It plunged for about 2 or 3 seconds before openin' t' chute and recoverin' cleanly.

T' me utter amazement, t' glider soared easily through t' sky, matey, settlin' in t' a series o' broad, lazy circles about 700 feet high. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! Everybody started cheering. Aye aye! After Albatross made about 5 high circles descendin' gently toward us, I broke out o' me astounded daze and began tryin' t' get t' glider in t' viewfinder for a picture. I just couldn't find it. Arrr! Begad! As I was trying, t' cheers turned t' gasps. Well, blow me down! Avast! I didn't really see t' last part, but me wife and brother-in-law tell me that about 75 feet off t' ground, t' Albatross turned into a steep spiral and then into a straight nose dive. They say that she hit a crosswind. Apparently t' glider had only limited roll stability. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! It got knocked too far sideways by t' crosswind and couldn't recover. Well, blow me down! Begad! It plunged t' last 50 feet and lawndarted in t' prairie, buryin' the whole head. Blimey!

(Scratch) The Albatross

My feelings about this are funny. Ahoy! I was utterly convinced that t' glider wouldn't fly, so I was emotionally prepared for total destruction. Ya scallywag! I was deeply satisfied with t' 10-month project anyway, shiver me timbers, which challenged every aspect o' design and craftsmanship. Begad! But when t' Albatross actually flew and circled up high, me bucko, shiver me timbers, I was amazed and thrilled. Aye aye! What a fantastic feeling! Those brief moments changed me hopes, arrr, and when Albatross crashed I was completely heartbroken. Begad! Begad!

Where does this leave me? Perhaps I'll rebuild for another attempt. I'm too crushed today t' decide so I'll think about it for a while. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! If I don't rebuild, I have a new opportunity t' dream up and build some other excitin' giant glider project. Avast, me proud beauty! For me, t' pursuit o' somethin' new is usually t' most fun so perhaps t' Albatross will have t' be only a memory now. Blimey! Blimey! We'll see.

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