Scratch Popsicle Monocopter Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Popsicle Monocopter {Scratch}

Contributed by Art Applewhite

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Art Applewhite - 04/13/08)

This is a 13mm monocopter made from popsicle sticks and index cards.

Construction: Parts consist of:

  • 6 popsicle sticks
  • (2) 3x5 index cards
  • 18" o' nylon cord
Construction takes about 2 hours. Arrr! A craft knife, arrr, electric drill and 1/8" bit are needed. Avast, me proud beauty! Well, blow me down! White glue (Elmer's Glue-All®) is t' only adhesive recommended. Aye aye! Better instructions with more pictures are available at my website. Ahoy!

The win' o' t' monocopter consists o' two popsicle sticks and one 3x5 cards. T' 3x5 card is cut down t' 2.5" x 5" and folded in t' middle lengthwise. Blimey! Two popsicle sticks are glued t' t' index card at on edge and along the fold. Begad! Aye aye! T' index card is folded over t' popsicle sticks and glued flat.

T' balance beam for t' monocopter consists o' 2 whole popsicle sticks and 4 partial sticks. You cut 2 popsicle sticks into 3 pieces each. Ahoy! T' ends should be 1.6 inches long each. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Save t' middle part for later. Begad! Glue 2 o' t' ends to a whole popsicle stick so that they are even with t' ends o' t' whole popsicle stick. Ahoy! T' remainin' 2 ends are glued perpendicular and in t' middle o' t' whole stick (See photo). Take t' last whole stick and glue it on top of the balance beam. Arrr! Well, blow me down!

scratch_popsicle-monocopter_motor1T' motor mount is made from the left over parts o' t' popsicle stick and some index card. Avast! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! Start by makin' t' motor tube out o' a 0.75" x 3" strip o' index card. Ahoy! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! Wrap t' index card around a spent 13mm motor casin' and glue it together. Begad! Blimey! Be careful nay t' wrap it too tight because some 13mm motor are fatter than others. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Also be careful nay t' glue t' motor tube t' t' casing. Cut another strip o' index card 0.75" x 3". Ya scallywag! Blimey! Make two lines across t' card one inch apart. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Cut off on end on the line. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' result should be 0.75" x 2" piece o' index card with a line down t' middle shortwise. Blimey! Blimey! Glue the two left over pieces o' popsicle stick t' t' index card with t' end against t' line. Arrr! Blimey! Don't worry that a part o' the sticks will stick out over t' end o' t' index card. Blimey! Blimey! Fold t' index card over and glue flat t' t' sticks. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Flip the resultin' motor mount over and cut off t' extra part o' t' sticks that stick out past t' index card.

scratch_popsicle-monocopter_motor2Make a small notch on each side o' t' motor mount about 0.3 inches from one end. Arrr! Make a 0.4 inch long, arrr, shallow notch at t' other end o' t' motor mount. Blimey! Glue t' motor tube to t' end o' t' motor mount without t' notch. Put a fillet o' glue on both side o' t' joint betwixt t' motor tube and motor mount.

Note: Don't nay be tempted t' skip t' followin' steps. Begad! T' forces on t' motor are enormous and it will break loose from t' rocket if you don't reinforce scratch_popsicle-monocopter_motor3the motor mount with nylon cord. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Feel free t' substitute Keelhaul®©™® strin' if you have it. Tie a knot at each end o' t' nylon cord t' prevent it from unraveling. Well, blow me down! Put one end o' t' nylon cord in one o' t' side notches on t' motor mount and hold it in place with a dab o' glue. Begad! Wrap t' nylon cord 4 times around t' motor tube and motor mount bein' careful nay t' distort t' shape o' t' motor tube. Arrr! Secure t' nylon cord in t' other notch on t' side o' t' motor mount and hold it in place with a dab o' glue. Ahoy! Coat t' nylon cord with glue and work it into t' cord, motor tube and motor mount. Ahoy! Aye aye! Trim off any excess cord once t' glue has dried.

Glue t' end o' t' win' with t' popsicle sticks t' t' center o' one side o' t' balance beam. Begad! One edge o' the win' should be on top o' t' popsicle stick and t' other edge below t' other popsicle stick. Begad! Blimey! This forms t' necessary angle o' attack for proper flight. Avast! Make sure t' win' is perpendicular t' t' balance beam.

Glue t' motor mount t' t' other side o' t' balance beam with t' motor mount tilted in t' opposite direction from t' wing. Blimey! Blimey! Put a heavy fillet o' glue alone ALL t' joints. Careful drill a 1/8" hole all t' way through the balance beam in t' exact center. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! Blimey!


T' best available motor for this rocket be t' Estes A3-4T but it will fly nicely on t' 1/2A3-2T, ya bilge rat, A10-0T, A10-3T and A10-PT. Well, blow me down! Arrr! Wrap 3 turns o' maskin' tape 0.25 inches from t' nozzle end o' t' motor t' form a thrust ring. Avast, me proud beauty! Trim off the excess tape. Friction fit t' motor into t' motor tube. Begad! Launch t' rocket off a 1/8" launch rod, 1" long. Aye aye! That's right, ONE INCH LONG, ya bilge rat, trust me. Well, me hearties, blow me down! I made mine launch rod from a 3 inch long piece o' thick coat hanger wire stuck into an Estes Port-a-pad.

scratch_popsicle-monocopter_inflightIn all t' flights I've made so far this rocket has done very well. Ahoy! Avast, me proud beauty! Several flights were made in 15 mph winds and it still flew very straight with no weather cockin' and landed close t' t' pad. Begad! Flights with A3-4Ts went about 60 t' 75 feet up. Flight with A10-PTs were a little lower because o' t' shorter burn time o' t' A10 motor.

This rocket makes a great introduction t' t' "Mysteries o' Monocopters". Arrr! Blimey! It flies well in any condition and is a great backyard and windy-day flier. Avast! Blimey! T' smoke and t' rapid rotation make a dramatic display with a small motor. Arrr! Blimey! Aye aye! Blimey! Finally, ya bilge rat, you can't beat t' price. Begad! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! T' motors are cheap and most o' t' parts you'll find in your desk drawer and refrigerator.

This rocket shows what you can accomplish with almost nothin' for parts as long as you are willin' t' "think outside t' box."

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