Public Missiles Co-Pilot 2.0

Public Missiles - Co-Pilot 2.0

Contributed by Bob Morstadt

Manufacturer: Public Missiles


I had t' original PML Co-Pilot and flew it for several years until it went bad.  I thought that I would simply replace t' original Co-Pilot, but found that it had been superseded by t' Co-Pilot version 2.0.


One o' t' things that attracted me t' t' Co-Pilot version 2.0 is that t' attachment holes on t' electronics board are at t' same location as t' original.  I originally had t' CPR 3000 system, but had trouble with it.  I decided that I would build me own electronics bay.  

After lookin' at other designs for e-bays I would probably build a new one differently t' be more versatile today, but t' e-bay that I now have is durable, straightforward, me hearties, and easy t' use.  In operation it is necessary t' access both sides o' t' Co-Pilot.  On one side are t' battery and t' wire attachments and on t' other side are t' “select” and “enter” buttons, indicator lights, and t' barometric transducer.  If t' user employs t' PML Co-Pilot holders, shiver me timbers, both sides o' t' unit are accessible, ya bilge rat, arrr, however, matey, shiver me timbers, if t' user mounts t' Co-Pilot on his own plywood, matey, shiver me timbers, it is possible that t' backside may be inaccessible.  I cut holes in t' backside in order t' have access t' t' backside o' t' Co-Pilot.  I still use t' PML charge holders on me improvised e-bay.   

In some ways I liked t' original Co-Pilot better, because several Dipswitches established t' basic settings.  T' user could simply look at t' Dipswitches and know t' overall status o' t' dual deployment device.  Now, thar be only one Dipswitch for Profile 1 (main chute at 500’) or Profile 2 (main chute at 1000’).  There are many other possible settings, which are chosen by usin' t' “select” and “enter” button and watchin' t' indicator lights.  I think t' default settings are probably appropriate for t' average flight. 

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However, me bucko, if t' user inputs new settings, matey, he may want t' write down a note recordin' those settings.  Otherwise, t' user must step through t' manual watchin' t' lights t' know t' actual settings.  If one inadvertently pushes t' wrong t' button t' settings can be changed and will need t' be rechecked. 

In September 2008 when t' Co-pilot first came out I found an error in t' instructions.  Within a week t' PML service department sent me t' corrections.  Out o' curiosity I checked this week (Oct. Begad! 2009) and asked PML if new instructions were available and one day later they emailed me t' manual with t' right instructions.  (Their service department is always very prompt.)  I suspect that this problem be corrected about a year ago and most users are nay aware that thar ever be a problem. 

Last sprin' I set t' Co-pilot and didn’t use it t' this fall.  I wanted t' know if t' settings were in workin' order without goin' through t' entire manual.  I still had test lights and an on/off switch that I bought from Radio Shack from t' days when I used t' original Co-pilot.  These items still work for version 2 unit.  I attached t' test lights and t' on/off switch t' t' Co-pilot version 2.0 and used a 1/2 “ diameter plastic tube placed over t' barometric transducer.  By puttin' one end o' t' tube on t' transducer and suckin' in air through me mouth on t' other end, I was able t' simulate lift-off.  T' Co-Pilot light quickly  turned red indicatin' lift-off and shortly thereafter t' test light for t' drogue light came on followed almost immediately by t' main light.  This gave me confidence that t' Co-Pilot would work as expected. 

I launched me PML Eclipse with t' Co-Pilot version 2.0 last week on a Aertoech RMS J540 and had a successful light t' 4,828 feet.

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Other Reviews
  • Public Missiles Co-Pilot 2.0 By Don Bitz (March 26, 2009)

    ( Contributed - by Don Bitz - 03/26/09) Brief: I have been flying the Co-Pilot 2.0 for about six months now with no failures. I've been flying high-powered rockets for about the same length of time. Having also used several other brands of altimeters, some of which I have actually flown and others I have actually returned. For simple deployment (single or dual), I doubt there is a ...

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