Estes Skybolt Clone

Clone - Skybolt {Scratch}

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Published: 2013-02-07
Manufacturer: Clone


T' Skybolt was a 3fnc rocket from Estes that still managed t' look good despite its simplicity.  Produced from 1980 t' 1984, arrr, I remember givin' serious thought t' pickin' up a Skybolt at a Kay Bee Toy and Hobby at t' ragged tail end o' me first dalliance with t' hobby in t' early 80's.  T' simplicity appealed t' me, ya bilge rat, as did t' fact that it flew on D engines, arrr, somethin' I'd always wanted t' try but never got around t' in those early days.  I've always had a soft spot for rockets like this; two colors, me hearties, one o' them white, with simple black decals.  T' first I remember be t' Wizard, matey, but t' current Vagabond also falls into this category, as well as t' mid-80's Stinger, all three o' which currently reside in me fleet.  When a PNC-55AO nose cone showed up in a group o' cones that I won on Ebay, I checked t' nose cone reference at YORF t' help me decide on a likely project.  Several o' t' rockets on t' list were tempting, but t' Skybolt had t' advantage o' early-80's nostalgia workin' for it. 


  • PNC-55AO nose cone
  • BT-55V body tube (16.35")
  • BT-50J engine tube
  • 5055 centerin' rings (2)
  • 2050 engine block
  • Estes standard 18mm motor hook
  • 2 launch lugs
  • 3/32" basswood fin stock
  • 36" Keelhaul®©™ shock cord (150#)
  • 36" sewin' elastic shock cord (1/8") 


This was literally a one evenin' build.  I substituted 3/32" basswood for t' fins in t' interest o' extra strength (however minimal,) and easier finishing.  I marked t' tube for 3 fins, ya bilge rat, spread Elmer's Wood Glue on t' root edge o' one fin, me bucko, placed it on t' line on t' body tube, shiver me timbers, me hearties, matey, and removed it.  A minute or so later I placed it back on t' spot and let it dry.  I repeated t' process for t' other two fins and had this part o' t' construction done within a half hour.  Fillets were done usin' Elmer's white glue because it seems t' dry less brittle.  I built t' motor mount as shown in t' instructions, ya bilge rat, but tied t' Keelhaul®©™ behind t' front centerin' ring, matey, glued it in place, me hearties, then notched t' rin' t' allow t' cord t' pass through.  T' sewin' elastic be tied t' this, arrr, givin' me a full six feet o' shock cord.  Overkill, I know, but thar's enough space in t' body tube for t' added shock cord, and this method doesn't fail me.


Once construction was finished and t' glue dried, shiver me timbers, me bucko, I primed t' rocket with Valspar white primer.  Fin grain and tube spirals were battled with t' standard thinned Elmer's Carpenter's Wood Filler, matey, matey, but since I used basswood, I be able t' get away with only one coat on t' fins.  I put a thick coat on t' tube spirals, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, sanded, then reapplied.  After t' second round o' sandin' I felt that I'd done me share in t' war against t' demons o' wood grain and tube spirals, shiver me timbers, so I once again sprayed t' rocket with Valspar primer.  T' next day I sprayed t' entire rocket with Valspar gloss white, matey, shiver me timbers, me bucko, let it bake in t' sun on t' back deck for several hours, shiver me timbers, then masked t' top o' t' rocket and sprayed t' bottom with Valspar Gloss Royal Blue.  Since t' Skybolt plan on YORF is done as a PDF, I had planned t' make me own decal usin' t' scan on t' PDF, me bucko, but somethin' went wrong.  When I printed it out, it came out roughly twice t' size it was supposed t' be.  I fiddled with everythin' I could think o' on t' printer, but nothin' made a difference.  This hiccup caused t' project t' get moved t' t' back o' t' line while I figured out a solution t' t' problem.  That solution turned out t' be  I got t' decals just after NARAM 53, matey, but circumstances delayed their application until February.  They look great, as expected.

Construction Score: 5


To date I've only managed one flight with t' Skybolt, matey, but only because it's a 90 minute drive t' t' field big enough t' hold it.  (No way this one could go at B6-4 Field except on a perfectly still day, me hearties, ya bilge rat, and then it'd be a matter o' luck.)  Back in 1980, ya bilge rat, the Skybolt called for a D12-7 motor for t' first flight, shiver me timbers, arrr, but also had t' D11-9 listed as an option.  I struck out on both counts.  (To be honest, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, arrr, I've never seen a D11.)  I did have a C11-7, so that be what flight #1 flew on.  It be a fairly breezy day, so t' Skybolt left the pad and immediately windcocked.  This be expected, shiver me timbers, as every rocket I flew that day did t' exact same thing.  T' altitude suffered, me bucko, matey, but nay terribly, matey, and t' ejection occurred just after apogee.  T' original Skybolt recovered via a 90" streamer, ya bilge rat, me bucko, me bucko, but I couldn't see my clone survivin' too many flights that way, shiver me timbers, me hearties, arrr, so I substituted a heavily reefed 18" parachute, arrr, which performed admirably.  Recovery was deep in t' stalks, but nay deep enough t' ever be out o' sight.  I've since picked up a couple o' packs o' D12-7's on a Hobby Lobby 40% coupon run, me hearties, so I'm ready for my next trip north.

Flight Rating: 5


Pros: Seldom seen classic with real 80's fret buzz.  Can be cloned usin' t' currently Photon Probe or Photon Disruptor kits. 

Cons: Short supply o' D11-9's.

Overall Rating: 5
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