American Alliance Rocketry F2 Avenger

American Alliance Rocketry - F2 Avenger {Kit}

Contributed by John Lee

Construction Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border

This is a longneck, shiver me timbers, futuristic fighter that flies on 24mm motors.

American Alliance Rocketry Avenger

While lookin' over t' AA site, I decided that thar were several rockets I liked t' looks o' and t' Avenger was one o' them. Blimey! Blimey! I ordered it along with a few others and soon had a box o' rockets beggin' for me attention. Well, blow me down! Blimey! There was also a note sayin' that a part for t' Avenger be out o' stock and that it would be shipped separately as soon as it came in. I promptly forgot all about at that point and did nay remember it until me wife confronted me with one o' t' "I thought you weren't goin' t' order any more for a while" conversations. I be at a loss because I really be tryin' t' be good. Avast! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! After I opened it, me hearties, arrr, I remembered what it was for.

T' first thin' I noticed be that t' main body tube be severely damaged. It had been doubled over at some point and was severely dented. Begad! Blimey! I contacted AA Rocketry and without any fuss, ya bilge rat, was sent a replacement. Arrr! Ya scallywag! Blimey! I had a harder time explainin' this one t' t' wife.

When t' replacement arrived, it was in a priority mail tube. On openin' it, shiver me timbers, matey, t' tube be stuffed with Styrofoam peanuts and t' body tube be exertin' pressure on t' forward closure. Begad! Arrr! When I examined t' tube, it had a dent that looks like it originated from compression. Ya scallywag! Classic Euler buckling. Aye aye! It be nowhere near as bad as t' first time but enough t' be suspect when intended as an airframe.

I contacted AA again and again, they were very reasonable. We jointly decided that I would be sent a tube coupler and cut out t' bad section. Blimey! T' resultin' joint should be stronger than t' original. Well, blow me down! A few days later, shiver me timbers, a boxed arrived with t' coupler. Then everythin' sat around unopened for a few months until, finally, shiver me timbers, I was ready t' begin t' build.

Upon lookin' at t' instructions, t' first item t' work on be t' BT so I decided I had better start splicing. I used a razor knife t' cut t' tube in two and then test fit t' coupler. Well, arrr, blow me down! Blimey! It would nay fit. Aye aye! Ahoy! Blimey! A bit o' judicious sandin' fixed that and I glued it into place with yellow glue.

I tested t' other piece and, me bucko, as expected, matey, found that it was too tight as well. Begad! I sanded some more and then, stupidly, me hearties, spread t' glue without checking. Begad! Avast! T' tube did slide on but froze up before I could get it all t' way down. Well, blow me down! It left about an 1/8" gap. Avast! Arrr! I figured that I would incorporate this flaw somehow in t' final paint scheme.

T' next step be t' mark t' BT for t' fins. Avast, me hearties, me proud beauty! This kit has a printed end alignment guide where you set t' rocket on a circle and transfer marks. I prefer t' wraparound type but realize that others prefer this type so it's just a matter o' taste. Aye aye! I made t' marks and used a door t' lengthen them. Aye aye! Then I went t' transfer t' marks t' t' side body tubes and ran into a problem. Ahoy! I only had a single BT and I needed 2. Aye aye! Begad! I had nay done an inventory before starting.

Checkin' t' parts list, me bucko, I found that I was indeed supposed t' have 2. Ahoy! I checked t' instructions again just in case I was supposed t' cut t' one I had but, me hearties, me hearties, no, me hearties, I need two. Blimey! There, everythin' came t' a screechin' halt as I tried t' contact AA Rocketry once more.

AA Rocketry sent out t' replacement and, matey, while I be at it, I ordered an extra decal sheet. Avast! Begad! T' reasons will be apparent later.

T' long awaited tubes for t' side pods were marked and then I was instructed t' use t' template in t' directions t' cut out 4 parts. Two o' these were for fins and two more were t' assemble a tool t' aid in t' makin' o' t' motor mount.

I taped t' pattern t' t' provided sheet o' balsa and used a straightedge t' cut t' pieces out. I found that me template was just a touch narrower than t' balsa but that was nay a problem. Arrr! I cut as if t' lines for t' fins extended all t' way t' t' edges and then compared t' resultant pieces. Begad! Sure enough, shiver me timbers, one was just a hair wider than t' other. Ahoy! T' razor fixed that.

T' two jigs that were cut out were supposed t' be put together without glue t' use as a tool t' place t' thrust ring. Begad! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! I tried t' get t' two pieces together but t' slots were too narrow. I fixed that with a razor and they went together. Begad! Blimey! When I used it t' test fit t' rin' though, t' X passed right through it.

I pressed on and marked t' motor tube where indicated and then used a spacer tube from another kit t' glue in t' thrust ring. A slit was then made for t' engine hook and I placed it and secured it with some tape. Ya scallywag! T' centerin' rings were then placed with glue, matey, filleted, matey, allowed t' dry, arrr, and then filleted on t' other side. Begad! T' instructions were adequate at this point, me bucko, but I feel they could have been made clearer with a diagram or slightly different prose.

T' side pods were up next. T' instructions indicated that t' 4 plastic nosecones were t' be placed with either plastic cement or epoxy. I had some 20 minute epoxy handy so I used that.

American Alliance Rocketry Avenger I need t' point out that t' kit has two pairs o' fins. Arrr! One, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, t' larger set made from plywood, shiver me timbers, came already cut. Blimey! T' ones cut from balsa in a previous step are nay exactly small either but they are smaller than t' plywood ones. T' instructions talk about t' "main" fins. Well, blow me down! I was nay sure which set this reference indicated. Well, blow me down! I thought it was probably t' plywood ones but was unsure. Begad! Aye aye! Then I thought it would probably be t' fins attached t' t' side pods and later t' instruction make clear that this is indeed t' case, but that still left unresolved t' question o' whether it be t' balsa or t' plywood fins that were t' be used with t' side pods. Ahoy! I finally thought t' check t' illustration on t' first page and it turns out that me intuition was correct. Ya scallywag! T' main fins are t' plywood ones.

After both main fins had set up for a while, I installed t' secondary fins. These were t' balsa ones. Blimey! I decided t' use yellow glue for these since they would nay be under as much stress, nay havin' t' side pods. Begad! I used a double glue joint and carefully checked for alignment.

After lettin' t' secondary fins dry for a while, me hearties, I attached t' side pods. Arrr! I again used 5 minute epoxy for this step and, when they were in place, I could finally see t' "cool" factor comin' into play.

T' kit comes with a 1/4" launch lug that has already been bevel cut. Blimey! I placed it accordin' t' t' instructions at t' top o' one o' t' main fins usin' yellow glue.

I used sandpaper t' bevel t' leadin' and trailin' edges o' both sets o' fins after makin' sure that each pair was identically sized. T' plywood fins were already identical but t' balsa ones needed a touch o' extra sandin' t' brin' them into conformity.

I used 5 minute epoxy t' glue t' main (plywood) fins t' t' BT. Ahoy! I did so in order that t' adhesive would set up smartly while I be still checkin' for straightness. Aye aye! After I was fairly sure things were set up right on t' first fin, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, I let it dry for a while more before tacklin' t' second one. Well, ya bilge rat, blow me down! It be then put on in t' same manner. Ahoy! Both were applied with their aft ends flush with t' end o' t' BT.

T' "kit" recovery system involves an Estes style tri-fold mount. Aye aye! I detest these things and avoid them wherever possible. Begad! Arrr! I decided t' do so in this case as well and tied a Keelhaul®©™ harness just abaft o' t' forward centerin' rin' on t' motor mount. Arrr! I then cut a small notch in t' outer edge o' t' rin' t' pass t' Keelhaul®©™ and filleted t' Keelhaul®©™ in with yellow glue.

When t' harness was dry, I fed t' Keelhaul®©™ through t' BT and applied a rin' o' yellow in t' aft end. Then, keepin' tension on t' Keelhaul®©™, shiver me timbers, I inserted t' motor mount and seated it flush with t' aft end.

American Alliance Rocketry Avenger

To me, me hearties, me bucko, t' terms "balsa fillercoat" and "sandin' sealer" were pretty much interchangeable. All I really knew about t' difference is that me local hobby shop always had sandin' sealer and that t' rack marked "balsa fillercoat" was always empty. Begad! This time around, me hearties, I ordered over t' internet and got t' fillercoat. Begad! When it came in, t' difference was readily apparent. Avast, me proud beauty! It has much more "gunk" suspended in it. Begad! Avast! Presumably, this makes it fill t' grain more effectively.

I gave t' fins, arrr, both plywood and balsa, 4 coats and sanded them down smooth. Begad! Well, blow me down! I be quite pleased with t' results and t' difference compared t' usin' sandin' sealer. I still had t' rin' from me botched use o' t' tube coupler t' worry about though. Avast, matey, me proud beauty! I filled that with Elmer's Wood Filler and then sanded it down smooth.

Primin' was done with Kilz. Well, blow me down! Avast! While usin' some Rit dye on another rocket (Edmonds Tinee), arrr, I had apparently splattered t' stuff and gotten drops o' it all over t' Avenger. Begad! I was worried about it bleedin' through but t' Kilz got 95% o' it in one coat and 100% after t' second.

American Alliance Rocketry Avenger T' Kilz was sanded down in preparation for painting. At this point I learned that, while I liked t' design o' this rocket, those pods on t' fins make sandin' a real pain. Avast! Begad! They are fairly delicate and seem t' get in t' way o' every possible motion I wanted t' make with me hands. Blimey! Eventually though, ya bilge rat, I had a white rocket. Aye aye! Begad! Since I was plannin' on usin' a metallic paint, I gave t' primed rocket a coat o' gloss white as well t' serve as an undercoat.

I wanted t' use a metallic aluminum for t' main finish. Begad! I was nay lookin' for anythin' too shiny, just silvery metallic. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! I sprayed on 2 coats.

I found myself somewhat at a loss at this point. Well, blow me down! Blimey! While rummagin' around on t' desktop and waitin' for t' aluminum paint t' dry, I found a small slab o' modelin' clay. Arrr! T' clay came from this kit and is presumably t' move t' CG forward. Begad! Arrr! Blimey! It's puzzlin' t' me because t' clay in mentioned in t' parts inventory but nowhere in t' instructions. Begad! Aye aye! Blimey! Also, matey, this kind o' clay is usually stuffed into t' nose cone but this plastic nose cone does nay lend itself t' such application.

After t' aluminum paint had dried, I masked off most o' t' rocket except for t' main nosecone, me bucko, me bucko, t' nosecones on t' side pods, and t' secondary fins. Well, blow me down! On these areas I wanted t' try a metallic red paint. Ahoy! My previous experience with colored metallics be a bad one but I was hopin' that I had learned somethin' since then. T' rocket had been primed and it had 2 layers o' metallic aluminum underneath. Accordin' t' t' instructions on t' can, shiver me timbers, it be meant t' be applied t' t' bare metal o' car engines. Ahoy! I hoped t' aluminum paint would suffice.

It looked pretty good when I be sprayin' it. Ahoy! Well, blow me down! T' color was bright. Blimey! Time would tell if it stayed that way as it dried. Fortunately, it did. Aye aye! It was a little darker than t' lid but still bright enough t' satisfy me.

This kit comes with a single set o' decals that make t' rocket look pretty good on one side but very plain on t' other. Arrr! Blimey! When I ordered t' replacement for t' damaged tube, shiver me timbers, I ordered an additional set o' decals and am glad I did.

T' decals were some o' t' highest quality I have ever worked with. Ya scallywag! Well, blow me down! They went on without any problem and greatly enhanced t' look o' t' kit.

Construction Rating: 3 out o' 5

Flight and Recovery:
T' Avenger had its maiden flight at an Amateur Rocketeers o' Texas Freedom launch. Avast, me proud beauty! T' initial motor selection be a C11-3. Ahoy! Avast! Some dog barf be stuffed into t' tube followed by t' chute and t' motor was put in place. Avast! This rocket had garnered some interest so all were watchin' as t' button be pushed.

American Alliance Rocketry AvengerAmerican Alliance Rocketry Avenger

T' take off was fine, but t' rocket began t' wobble back and forth, waggin' its tail nay too long after it cleared t' rod. Avast! It continued that way until it reached apogee and arced over. It ejected when horizontal and came down gently under its chute. I went t' get it and be all ready t' try a D when I turned it over. Avast! T' ejection charge had nay only deployed t' chute, it had ejected t' engine hook as well. Begad! This rocket would nay fly again this day.

T' rocket is repairable and I will repair it and fly it again. Avast! Avast, me proud beauty! I am provisionally givin' it a 3 for flight but think it can do better if I can rid it o' its gremlins.

American Alliance Rocketry Avenger

Flight Rating: 3 out o' 5

I had trouble with this one from t' outset, me hearties, but it seems t' be more o' a convergence o' bad luck than a bad kit.

Overall Rating: 3 out o' 5



E.T. (November 8, 2008)
After reading this review I re-proof read the instructions for this kit and indeed found the oversight mentioned regarding the lack of instructions for the clay weight. As John suggested, it was intended as a weight for the nose cone to correct the CG! This will be corrected on future shipments of this kit. Also, the engine tool he mentioned (mistakenly used from another AAR kit) had already been corrected, but somehow he managed to get an overlooked set of instructions. To comment on his first flight (which I discussed with him) the use of the "C" engine is NOT recommended! Between the use of this engine (lacking the NS thrust needed) and the missing nose cone weight was why he ended up with his "wobble" flight. PLEASE take note of his second flight comment of "perfect motor" as suggested, along with the CG being corrected he had a good flight! It's unfortunate he lost it, as well as unfortunate on my part for the instruction oversight that caused the original flight rating given to be a mere 3. My personal rocket (pictured on the kit) and others I have seen have had wonderful flights that I personally would rate at a very strong 4 slipping toward the perfect 5 rating, but, some would say I could be biased. Thanks for posting this, and hopefully John will add a comment in to strengthen what I have said.
J.A.L. (November 20, 2008)
E.T. is spot on with his observations. I corrected the balance with some BBs and the Avenger flew magnificently at its next time out. I also flew it again at the meet after that. (I managed to retrieve the rocket after it was lost behind the security fence.) The rocket flew straight and well after the mods. It is a good performer that looks impressive on the pad. Videos of the flights can be seen here and here. I also concur with the upgrading of the flight performance. It is easily a 4 and could well go higher. I want to try this one with an AT E15!

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