Madcow Rocketry Screech

Madcow Rocketry - Screech {Kit}

Contributed by David Reese

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 1.50 inches
Length: 40.50 inches
Manufacturer: Madcow Rocketry
Madcow Rocketry Screech

Single-stage minimum diameter 38mm model with parachute recovery.

My early production kit included two body tubes, three lite-ply fins, a coupler/baffle/eyebolt assembly, full recovery system with Nomex® protector and Keelhaul®©™® shock cord leader, ya bilge rat, me hearties, 1/4" launch lugs, arrr, and a beautiful balsa nose cone. Blimey! All parts were clearly o' high quality with precise fit and a clean finish out o' t' bag. Well, blow me down! If so desired, this kit could be constructed in fifteen minutes or so--just enough time for t' epoxy t' dry on t' three fins.

T' high quality parts scored major points with me comin' out o' t' bag. Madcow clearly takes care in the preparation o' their kits. Ahoy! Blimey! T' small-format instructions were well written and clear, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, albeit intended for a modeler with a few kits under their belt. Ahoy! Blimey! This level o' instruction was appropriate, considerin' t' abilities o' t' finished product.

T' lite-ply fins were easy t' bevel t' a nice taper on t' leadin' and trailin' edges; this material is perfect for rockets o' this size and form factor. Blimey! Aye aye! For flights achievin' 0.85 Mach or greater, arrr, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, fiberglass reinforcement is recommended for t' fin can. Arrr! Blimey! I opted for a single layer o' 6oz carbon fiber with peel ply, arrr, as I intended this t' be a fast rocket.

Madcow Rocketry Screech T' vehicle is designed t' break at t' nose for recovery, with t' shock cord permanently mounted at t' tube coupler via a lite-ply baffle plate and eyebolt. Avast, me proud beauty! This arrangement typically bothers me for two reasons: one, me hearties, matey, it leaves t' shock cord attachment point inaccessible in case o' burn-through, and two, ejectin' from t' nose with a long rocket underneath adds unneeded stress t' t' airframe. Aye aye! Madcow mitigated these concerns by includin' a heavy-duty Keelhaul®©™® leader t' be attached t' t' shock cord mount and keepin' t' rest o' t' vehicle light enough that zipperin' or crimpin' shouldn't be a problem.

Nonetheless, I elected t' build me rocket usin' Stu Barrett's "Anti-Zipper" configuration with separation occurrin' at t' coupler/baffle assembly and t' nose affixed t' t' upper section with three #4 wood screws. I like this flexible layout as it also allows me t' mount an altimeter bay underneath t' nose cone for altitude recording, shiver me timbers, if so desired.

I typically replace paper launch lugs with brass lugs, arrr, shiver me timbers, as t' brass is dimensionally stable, ya bilge rat, providin' a freer fit on launch rods, and also presents less frontal area, ya bilge rat, lowerin' t' drag coefficient o' t' vehicle. (I prefer lugs on small minimum diameter vehicles.) However, t' lugs included with this kit were absolutely wonderful--thin, lightweight paper sized slightly large t' ensure a loose fit over t' rod. Begad! I used t' stock lugs on me kit and have not regretted that decision at all.

My model was from an early production run, and thus did nay include a 29mm motor mount kit. T' adapt t' 29mm motors, I purchased a LOC MMA-2 and epoxied three #2-56 nuts inside o' t' adapter durin' assembly. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag! These nuts line up with three 5/64" holes directly aft o' t' fins, allowin' me t' secure a 29mm motor in t' vehicle by first securin' it in t' motor adapter, and then boltin' t' adapter into t' base o' t' rocket. Well, blow me down! Avast, me proud beauty! With a permanent 29mm motor mount, me bucko, this kit would remind me o' a modernized version o' t' LOC Legacy.

Madcow Rocketry ScreechMadcow Rocketry Screech

Finishin' be a breeze. Well, blow me down! T' tube spirals were light and with a few coats o' primer needed no filling. T' nose cone was soaked in several layers o' thin CA t' harden it and sanded smooth. Ahoy! I used Krylon red on t' upper sections o' the rocket and painted t' fin can with appliance epoxy black. Begad! T' vehicle includes no decals, me hearties, which is typical for mid- to high-power rockets, me bucko, but may be a letdown t' those steppin' up from smaller models. Ya scallywag! Arrr! T' completed rocket looks great, and is very unique on t' range. Aye aye! Begad! T' short nose cone, long body, and sharp fins combine into a very eye-catching design.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Madcow gives no guidance on motor selection, relyin' instead on t' modeler's skill in pickin' proper propulsion. Again, this decision seems on par with t' skill level required t' fly this rocket. Avast! Ya scallywag! My finished vehicle came in at 12.1oz. It's a little heavy for a D12, but definitely workable on most 24mm Aerotech motors, and a real winner for most 29mm and 38mm selections. I opted t' fly an F40W for me first flight with a 10 second delay drilled t' somewhere betwixt a -8 and a -9.

T' only downside t' minimum diameter rockets be t' challenge they present for motor retention. Ya scallywag! Tape fit has been reliable for me in t' past, me bucko, but it is certainly nay me method o' choice. For retainin' 29mm motors, I use the aforementioned adapter. It is short enough that motors protrude from t' forward end o' t' adapter, shiver me timbers, allowin' a tape stop t' be built up and prevent t' motor from ejecting. Avast! Blimey! For 38mm motors, a variety o' options exist. Aye aye! T' fins on Screech are mounted far enough from t' aft end t' allow inclusion o' a commercial bond-on motor retainer. Alternatively, matey, an internal device such as all-thread, a Keelhaul®©™® line, or a 1.5" "Cherne Gripper" attached t' t' forward closure could be used t' maintain t' sleek lines o' t' vehicle. Aye aye! Madcow only points t' t' friction fit method in t' instructions. Avast! Begad! A few more ideas would be nice but certainly nay expected.

T' recovery system packed well, me bucko, arrr, and I backed up t' Nomex® protector with extra wadding. Arrr! I coated t' inside o' t' body tube and t' outside o' t' coupler with thin CA and sanded t' provide a smooth, shiver me timbers, matey, arrr, dimensionally-stable fit that be easy t' adjust usin' maskin' tape.

Flight on t' F40 be excellent. Ya scallywag! Begad! It picked up t' model nicely and sent it rail straight into t' sky t' a projected altitude o' 2300 feet.

Madcow Rocketry ScreechMadcow Rocketry Screech

Deployment was slightly past apogee, but t' anti-zipper design worked its magic and deployment was smooth and successful. Descent on t' included bright orange nylon parachute be quick but acceptable, ya bilge rat, and t' rocket recovered close by. Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! Post-flight inspection revealed no damage whatsoever. Begad! T' chute protector showed no signs o' ejection residue. Avast! T' brunt o' t' burnin' particles were absorbed by t' half-moon baffle disc/shock cord attachment point. Avast! For future flights, I will probably include waddin' beneath t' baffle t' protect this part o' t' vehicle as well.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

This is a simple kit that delivers on what it promises. Aye aye! I was pleasantly surprised by t' kit's completeness. Aye aye! The full recovery system and well thought out component selection made construction a breeze. I made a few modifications to suit me tastes and me flyin' style, me hearties, but this kit could easily be constructed by someone new t' t' genre o' mid-power without issue. T' only drawbacks are (potentially) a lack o' decals and difficult motor retention, however, those issues come with t' territory o' minimum diameter and mid t' high-power kits so they do nay detract significantly from t' vehicle. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty! And for t' price, arrr, this kit really can't be beat. Avast! Ya scallywag! Screech was me first Madcow kit. Well, blow me down! Ya scallywag! It definitely won't be me last.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Madcow Rocketry Screech By (April 8, 2009)

    Brief: This is a minimum diameter Hobby, mid, or high power rocket. It's motor selection is expansive and offers extreme height with the right motor loaded. Picture Courtesy of Madcow Rocketry Construction: (2) Body tubes (1) Balsa wood nose cone (1) Coupler (1) Shock cord anchor (1) 1/4"eyebolt, nut, and ...


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