Semroc Astrobee 350

Semroc - Astrobee 350 {Kit} (KV-13)

Contributed by Chan Stevens

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 1.04 inches
Length: 16.20 inches
Manufacturer: Semroc
Skill Level: 1
Style: Scale
Semroc Astrobee 350

Another Semroc retro-repro kit, t' Semroc Astrobee 350 is a modernized version of t' Centuri 1965 kit that also is a quick, easy scale project.

T' kit includes:

  • ST-1010 body tube
  • Balsa nose cone
  • 18mm x 2.75 motor tube pack
  • 4 Laser-cut balsa fins
  • 12" plastic chute
  • Waterslide decal

Parts are excellent quality, arrr, me hearties, and come in a sealed plastic bag complete with individual production number.

Semroc instructions are clear and easy t' follow. This kit begins with basic motor mount assembly consistin' o' 2 centerin' rings, an 18mm tube, ya bilge rat, motor block, arrr, and metal retainin' hook. A nice upgrade t' t' Centuri kit is the Keelhaul®©™® cord mounted t' t' motor mount with an elastic extension. T' instructions call for tyin' a loop and placin' t' metal hook through t' loop, matey, which struck me as a potential weakness, shiver me timbers, so I wrapped mine around t' tube instead and brought it out under t' centerin' ring.

Fin prep is very easy with these kits as they're pre-cut usin' a laser. Blimey! The fins are mounted on 90-degree angles around t' tube. T' instructions include a basic circle with hashmarks for a markin' guide, me hearties, shiver me timbers, which is quicker than cuttin' out a template but easier t' goof up on. Begad! I tacked on me fins with a medium CA, me hearties, then applied fillets usin' yellow glue.

This kit included a very nice balsa nose cone, which is secured via a good old-fashioned screw eye. My cone be a bit tight in t' tube and took just a little bit o' sandin' for proper fit.

Construction wraps up with makin' t' parachute, ya bilge rat, which is a basic plastic cutout with tape disks t' attach t' shroud lines.

I be in a bit o' a hurry on this one (buildin' a batch o' 7 different Semroc kits at once), so skipped me usual spiral fill/grain fill application of Elmer's Fill 'n' Finish. Well, me hearties, blow me down! This brought t' total construction time down t' about 30 minutes, me hearties, at which point it was ready for paint.

I applied a couple o' coats o' primer, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, arrr, which did a reasonable job o' filling the spirals once I sanded it back down a bit. Arrr! Aye aye! After that, I followed up with two coats o' Krylon gloss white. Avast! I then masked off t' white (after allowin' a couple o' days t' fully cure) and painted t' fins red and t' nose cone black per t' standard paint scheme.

This kit comes with a very nice waterslide decal for a striped roll pattern at t' top and a pair o' thin stripes t' trim t' bottom. Begad! Ahoy! I found t' decals very easy t' work with and they add a nice accent.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

First flight was on a beautiful day o' light winds. I went with a C6-7, which should have carried it t' an estimated 1250 feet. Aye aye! Blimey! Unfortunately, ya bilge rat, once it left the rod, shiver me timbers, it went into a bizarre loop then straightened out and took off at about a 40 degree angle. This clearly indicated that t' rocket was unstable with t' weight o' t' C6, me hearties, and as t' propelant burned down (and t' CG moved forward), it became more stable. Arrr! Blimey! With this flight path, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, ejection was 3-4 seconds late, arrr, though t' model landed gently, and I avoided any damage (not even a zipper).

Second flight be on a B6-6, which flew straight up without any problems, though I think it was only around 500 feet versus t' estimated 650 on t' kit header card.

T' Keelhaul®©™®/elastic recovery is an excellent combination, shiver me timbers, and this is exactly t' way modrocs should come. T' plastic chute worked fine though this rocket needs plenty of waddin' or dog barf t' hold up over repeated flights.

Flight Rating: 3 out o' 5

This is a fairly nice lookin' rocket that's very easy t' build usin' excellent components. Arrr! I would recommend a couple o' washers for nose weight though, to take care o' t' stability problem usin' C motors.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Semroc Astrobee 350 By Peter Davidson

    Brief: A Semroc retro-repro version (KV-13)of Centuri's 1965 Astrobee 350 (KC-5)and incorporating updated technology like laser-cut fins and Kevlar ® -mounted shock cord. Construction: The parts list is covered in Chan's review so I won't elaborate here. This being my first Semroc build, I found the Astrobee 350 to be a nice and easy skill level one kit to p ...



J.G. (October 22, 2004)
When I was examining the Astrobee 350 on the Semroc website, I was struck by the thought, "Those fins *don't* look big enough for that rocket!" I was intrigued to discover that it seemed to fly stably without any nose weight -- until a "C" motor was used. Even if this *is* an accurate "RetroRepro" of an original Centuri design, I can't seem to shake my initial impression regarding the apparently undersized fins.

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