Estes Interceptor E

Estes - Interceptor E {Kit} (001350)

Contributed by Todd Mullin

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 2.00 inches
Length: 39.00 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 3
Style: Futuristic/Exotic

Many o' us have longed for t' re-release o' t' quintessential rocket from t' Golden Age o' Estes, matey, t' Interceptor. In late 2007, Estes nay only re-released that classic kit, shiver me timbers, me bucko, but gave it t' us upscaled for midpower! T' Interceptor-E is a 24mm, shiver me timbers, 1.5x upscale o' t' original Interceptor with some new additions. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! I had just finished buildin' me re-released, original sized Interceptor when I ordered t' Interceptor-E kit. Avast, me proud beauty! Ahoy! I knew it be goin' t' be bigger, but was pleasantly surprised at how much bigger it was!

T' Interceptor-E comes packaged in t' traditional Estes hangin' bag with t' front card actually formin' a half box t' protect t' parts. All o' t' kit's parts were present and in good condition, me hearties, with one exception which will be discussed later as it was nay readily obvious when I inspected t' parts. Aye aye! Avast! Included with t' kit are:

  • Plastic nose cone
  • HBT-2000 Body tube
  • HBT-2000 Slotted body tube
  • HJT-1935 Tube coupler
  • HBT-1000 Engine mount tube
  • Engine block ring
  • (2) Plastic centerin' rings
  • 3/8" x 30" Elastic shock cord
  • (2) Molded plastic conformal launch lugs
  • 24" Nylon parachute
  • (4) Laser cut balsa sheets
  • (2) Molded plastic antennas and two-piece win' pods
  • Molded plastic tail cone
  • (3) Large decal sheets
  • Paper shock cord mount.

There are 12 pages o' well written and illustrated instructions for t' Interceptor-E. There are however a couple o' gotchas. Blimey! Blimey! Most o' these were due t' me nay payin' enough attention t' what t' instructions actually were tellin' me.

T' construction starts out with t' engine mount. Ahoy! Blimey! T' large plastic centerin' rings require epoxy t' be bonded t' t' motor tube. Ya scallywag! After t' rings, arrr, motor block and engine hook are installed, t' body tube is marked with t' normal Estes body tube wrap with a twist. Aye aye! Ahoy! T' builder has t' align two marks on t' wrap with t' pre-cut fin slots.

Next, is one o' t' gotchas that nearly did in me body tubes. Avast, me proud beauty! T' instructions show t' tube coupler inserted into t' read tube after a rin' o' glue is shown bein' applied t' t' inside o' t' tube. Avast! Blimey! There is also a ghosted out tube with an arrow pointin' t' t' couple. Whereas, ya bilge rat, if I had stopped t' actually READ t' instructions instead o' just lookin' at t' pretty pictures, matey, me hearties, I would have know that t' front tube does NOT get glued on at this time as it seems t' appear in t' illustration! T' motor tube front centerin' rin' sits on t' front o' t' coupler tube, matey, so t' front tube cannot be added until t' centerin' rin' is on! Luckily I realized me error before t' yellow glue I had used t' join t' two sections had permanently set.

After t' motor mount is glue in place with epoxy, arrr, t' front tube is put in place. T' instructions say t' next put t' tailcone on, but as with me standard sized Interceptor, I left this until last so that it could be painted separately.

Next are t' fins. Well, blow me down! T' large fins and wings are all multiple pieces that must be joined flat. Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! In addition t' this construction, me hearties, extra "win' supports" have been added t' t' wings and "fin supports" t' t' top fins. Begad! Personally, I thought these looked clunky and out o' place so I left them off.

estes_interceptor-e_bellyfinsOnly t' belly fins are surface mounted on t' Interceptor-E. Arrr! T' wings and top fins are slot mounted which makes alignment much easier. Estes recommends usin' epoxy on t' fins throughout t' construction. Blimey! T' win' tanks and antennas are added on t' t' ends o' t' wings and top fins. Arrr! After t' plastic bits had been added, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, I applied epoxy fillets t' all t' fin joints.

HUGE GOTCHA WARNING! T' instructions next tell you t' glue t' launch lugs at 3" and 17" from t' aft o' t' model. If they are, shiver me timbers, they will interfere with t' layout o' t' decals! Turn t' page 10 o' t' instructions and look at t' bottom view o' t' model before gluin' t' lugs on. Well, blow me down! I did nay notice this and put them where t' directions said t' and had t' jockey t' decals around t' lugs. I be really nay pleased about this! I finished t' model next and then attached t' recovery system t' complete construction.

As t' Interceptor-E be waitin' in me buildin' queue, shiver me timbers, I happened upon a notice online that Excelsior Rocketry was releasin' a set o' British replacement decals for t' standard sized Interceptor. After inquirin' whether thar would be E-model sized versions release, matey, I be told that I could beta test a partial replacement set for t' larger model. Ya scallywag! Most o' t' USAF decals would be replaced with Royal Space Navy decals includin' Union Jack styled replacements for t' top fins.

After lookin' at WWII RAF planes, matey, me bucko, I decided t' paint me Interceptor-E model silver with British trainer yellow win' pods and belly fins t' complement t' replacement decals.

After fillin' t' balsa with Elmer's Fil 'N Finish®, me hearties, I sprayed it with a heavy coat o' Kilz spray primer and lots o' sandin' ensued. I painted t' win' pods and belly fins next. Avast! After t' paint had cured for a day, me bucko, I masked them off and painted t' model silver. Avast! Lastly, ya bilge rat, I painted t' tail cone gloss black before finally gluin' it in place. Begad! Blimey! Paintin' t' win' pods before t' rest o' t' rocket made it MUCH easier t' mask. Begad! Blimey! I did me standard Interceptor in t' other order and it was a huge pain t' mask t' curve on t' win' where t' pod joins on.

estes_interceptor-e_fintanksAfter t' paint had cured overnight, I got t' t' part that I had been lookin' forward t' since I had started t' build, puttin' on t' myriad o' decals that make this model pop! I had heard many complaints about t' decals for t' standard sized Interceptor, but I had had no problems with t' decals for it, matey, shiver me timbers, so I expected t' same for t' E-model. Ahoy! Boy, was I in for a surprise.

When I pulled t' decals sheets out their protective bag, I noticed that t' black on one o' t' sheets be somewhat smeared. Nay terrible, so I continued. Aye aye! After a LOT o' trimming, ya bilge rat, arrr, shiver me timbers, I had separated out t' decals from both t' original set and t' replacements that would be needed.

T' Estes decals were everythin' that had I had hoped they wouldn't be. On t' carrier sheet, they looked good with many clever little details, but that be t' only good thin' about them. While I didn't manage t' actually tear any o' them, they had a proclivity t' curlin' after t' backin' paper be removed. Begad! Blimey! Also, ya bilge rat, once off t' backin' and on t' model, they were DOWN and were extremely difficult t' shift, shiver me timbers, even t' just straighten wrinkles out. Well, blow me down! T' black decals again became an issue as t' black seemed t' crumble off at t' slightest application o' pressure.

T' Excelsior decals by comparison were a joy t' work with. They came off t' backin' paper cleanly and moved easily on t' model into position without foldin' or curling. Blimey! T' only minor problem I had with these was a slight beta test sizin' error (somebody's gotta try out t' first ones, right?) that has been now corrected.

After t' decals had set overnight, I applied a coat o' Future floor polish t' t' entire model t' seal t' decals on.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Apogee Rockets, me hearties, t' makers o' Rocksim, ya bilge rat, recently released a warnin' that t' Interceptor-E would nay be sufficiently stable comin' off a standard length launch rod when launchin' on t' Estes E9-4 recommended motor. Ya scallywag! They recommend t' followin' list o' motors instead: D12-3, E15-4, ya bilge rat, E30-4, arrr, E18-4W, E28-28T, F12-5J, F24-7W and F39-6T. Blimey! Arrr! I have read several accounts o' perfect flights on t' E9-4 on long launch rods as they allow t' rocket t' have enough speed t' be stable.

Since t' DART club 3/16" rods are only 36", I decided t' take their recommendation and launch me Interceptor-E on a E18-4W for it's first launch. Ahoy! Blimey! After buildin' t' motor, arrr, arrr, I inserted it into t' rocket and put a couple o' hand fulls o' dog barf waddin' into t' body. After challengin' another flier t' a Interceptor-E drag race, loadin' our rockets on t' 3/16" launch rods, me bucko, shiver me timbers, we walked back t' t' launch table and he hit t' button!

We both flew on t' same motor and t' rockets flew practically identically. Ya scallywag! Fast and high! Excellent boost on t' E18-4 with deployment at just about t' right time.

There are some online reports o' t' shock cord bein' too short that seem t' have some validity based on t' drag race flights. Avast, me proud beauty! I had used t' stock cord and me bucko has replaced his with some longer tubular nylon. Blimey! On me Interceptor-E, ya bilge rat, t' nosecone snapped back and damaged t' leadin' edge o' one o' t' win' strakes. Aye aye! Aye aye! On me opponent's, thar be no damage. Arrr! T' 24" nylon 'chute seems t' be sized just about perfectly for t' model.

On me flight, t' motor clip released and t' reload casin' spit out o' t' model, nearly hittin' a spectator. Aye aye! For future flights, I will be sure t' maskin' tape t' hook in place.

Flight Rating: 3 out o' 5

T' Estes Interceptor-E is a great upscale o' one o' t' most beloved kits in rocketry. Blimey! There have been some excellent improvements from t' original design, includin' t' pre-cut fin slots and t' extremely clean moldin' o' t' plastic parts. Aye aye! While I chose nay t' use t' fin reinforcements for sentimental reasons, I do appreciate t' attempt t' update t' look o' t' original model.

T' loads o' excellent lookin' decals for t' kit were a nightmare that could have easily ruined t' look o' t' finished model if I hadn't been extremely patient once things started t' go wrong with them. Avast, me proud beauty! T' add-on Excelsior Rocketry decals took this model t' t' next level o' fun. I love t' Union Jacks on t' tails!

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Estes Interceptor E By John R. Brandon III (April 4, 2008)

    Brief: Estes has done it again with this 150% upscale of the beloved K-50 Interceptor designed to fly on their black-powder "E" motors. The rocket kit was packed in Estes' traditional plastic bag with three-sided cardboard placard. It consisted of: two sections of 2" diameter white body tube (one of which is slotted) a big blow-molded plastic nosecone 24mm x 10" motor-mount tube ...



B.K.B (July 31, 2008)
Reviews of this kit are right on the mark. Estes seems to have half stepped this production. Balsa fins and probably the worst decals I have ever worked with make this kit second rate given its $50.00 price tag. Those wishing to have a good looking model are in for an exercise of frustration when it comes time to apply the decals. Clear coating sheet prior to application helps some, but doesn't eliminate problems of crumbling, wrinkles, breakage, and worst of all folding under. Contact Estes, as I did, and let them know--perhaps someone there will listen.
J.T.S. (May 11, 2009)
I can't offer much more than what has been given here. I didn't add the ribs to the wings and rudders, rather I used 1/4oz glass cloth and CA to laminate these surfaces. Three coats of Crystal Clear took care of the decal problem. My maiden (and to date only) flight was on a F24 reload.The flight was spectacular up to several hundred feet but an ejection failure brought it in ballistic. I expected a dust buster recovery and to my surprise the only real damage was to the nosecone and forward body tube, both of which can be replaced. This is one tough rocket.
C.H. (February 23, 2010)
I love this kit. It's the coolest looking one at our launches and flies well. I agree about the E-9 engines though: very under powered. It flies well on AeroTech E-15 or E-30 though. I finished this with the "Canadaceptor" decals from Excelsior over silver paint with blue wing pods. The decals were excellent but took me 8 hours to apply. Instead of using the chunky balsa wing reinforcing strips, I used 1/8" square basswood strips with a sanded profile. They turned out well and they look like weapon hard points on the wings. I first flew it on an E-9 (which is a pretty crappy engine IMHO), and it weathervaned seriously and basically went ballistic into some brush. No damage though. Before my next launch session, I used RockSim and it predicted the behavior on the E-9 pretty accurately. Since then I've used E-15s and E-30s, and it flies well. The E-30 really gives it a kick in the pants. I love this model so much that I've got a 200% upscale on my top 3 "next to build" list...

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