West Coast Rocketry Screamer

West Coast Rocketry - Screamer {Kit}

Contributed by John Lee

Construction Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Manufacturer: West Coast Rocketry

West Coast Rocketry Screamer

Not too long ago, me bucko, I won several kits from West Coast Rocketry on eBay. Arrr! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! Nay long after, me hearties, I built me Screamer II, me hearties, affectionately known as John Deer. Aye aye! Blimey! Since me John Deere yellow and green paint cans have about one rocket left in them and I need t' shelf space, matey, I decided t' build t' Screamer which will be called t' Jane Doe and painted with t' contrastin' paint scheme o' t' other one.

T' Screamer is a basic 4FNC with a 29mm motor mount and a payload bay. Ya scallywag! Blimey! T' instructions are even more minimalist than those for t' Screamer II and are printed in such fine print that readin' them does nay seem t' be worth t' effort.

Construction began by markin' t' motor tube at 1/8" from one end and 3/4" from t' other. Well, blow me down! Well, blow me down! T' two centerin' rings were then epoxied in place. Ya scallywag! Both needed quite a bit o' sandin' t' fit around t' tube.

As I waited for t' epoxy on t' motor mount t' set up, I turned me attention t' t' nosecone. Avast, me proud beauty! It had a 3/4" diameter hole drilled t' a depth o' about 2". Ya scallywag! Into that hole, me bucko, I be instructed t' mount a lead fishin' weight that came with t' kit. I mixed some more epoxy, ya bilge rat, me hearties, me hearties, poured some in t' hole, set t' weight and then poured t' remainder over t' top.

T' fin lines were marked on t' BT with a butt template. Ahoy! They were then extended with an angle and 5" slots were cut out with a X-Acto knife.

With t' fin slots cut, I test fitted t' motor mount t' find that it be goin' t' need substantial sandin' t' fit either rin' into t' BT. Ya scallywag! Blimey! T' sandin' was done and t' mount was epoxied into place with t' motor tube bein' flush with t' aft end o' t' rocket. Aye aye! Blimey! Epoxy was then used t' fill space betwixt t' centerin' rin' and t' end o' t' BT.

After a long hiatus, me hearties, I managed t' put a little more work in on t' Screamer. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr! Usin' 5 minute epoxy, arrr, matey, I glued one pair o' fins in place. Avast! I filleted them with more epoxy usin' a gloved finger dipped into alcohol t' smooth t' fillets. Ahoy! These were allowed t' set up overnight.

West Coast Rocketry ScreamerWest Coast Rocketry Screamer

T' payload bay is joined t' t' lower part o' t' rocket with a tube coupler. Ahoy! Blimey! T' kit comes with a plywood bulkhead t' go on one end o' t' coupler and that is probably me biggest gripe about t' kit. Aye aye! Blimey! T' bulkhead is a surface mount. Blimey! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! I would much rather have had one that fits in t' coupler. Be that as it may, I epoxied t' bulkhead in place and tried t' ensure that it was even with t' edges.

West Coast Rocketry Screamer With t' epoxy on t' bulkhead coupler dry, me bucko, me bucko, I used some sandpaper t' trim down t' edges where they protruded past t' coupler. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! When it fit easily into t' body tube, I called it finished. I then took t' screw eye and screwed it into t' pre-drilled hole in t' coupler. Aye aye! Blimey! It seemed like a strong connection but I doused t' pointed end with some glue t' make sure.

T' coupler tube was marked at its halfway point and then a rin' o' glue be slathered into t' base o' t' payload section. T' coupler was then inserted t' t' mark and set aside t' dry.

T' balsa NC and plywood fins were sealed with Elmer's Wood Filler. Avast! Blimey! Well, blow me down! Blimey! It was sanded down smooth, ya bilge rat, matey, dusted off, arrr, me bucko, and t' Screamer was put in t' spray booth. Ya scallywag! Blimey! There it was primed with Kilz.

After t' priming, me bucko, t' rocket sat for a couple o' months before I could give it any more attention. Begad! Blimey! I then sanded down t' primer and began paintin' with John Deere Yellow. Begad! Blimey! Aye aye! Blimey! My target was t' BT. T' fins and NC would be covered up later.

West Coast Rocketry Screamer For t' John Deere green, I decided t' do t' nose cone, me bucko, arrr, a rin' just below t' nose cone, t' fins and a narrow strip around t' fins. Avast! Blimey! T' rocket was masked accordingly and sprayed. Ahoy! Blimey! When t' maskin' came off, I decided that I rather liked t' result.

While assemblin' t' rocket after painting, I realized that I had overlooked t' recovery system. Blimey! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! I would have like t' have attached directly t' t' motor mount but that was a moot point now. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I fashioned a LOC style mount with a loop o' heavy nylon cord and some maskin' tape. It be taped down below t' level o' t' NC shoulder and epoxy was slathered on t' keep it in place. Ya scallywag! Blimey! I then tied some heavy Keelhaul®©™® t' t' loop and attached a length o' 3/8" sewin' elastic.

One thin' I did save intentionally for after paintin' was t' installation o' a linear rail lug. Begad! I put it is place and started t' hole for t' upper screw only t' realize that I had placed it too high. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty! It interfered with t' payload bay coupler. Ya scallywag! I moved it down about an inch and found t' same problem! I finally got it placed right and tapped t' holes. Begad! T' lug be then epoxied on and t' screws inserted. Begad! T' backs o' t' screws took up t' remainin' epoxy and t' Jane Doe be ready t' go.

Construction Rating: 3 out o' 5

Flight and Recovery:
T' first flight o' this rocket took place long after construction had been completed. Begad! Ya scallywag! It was set up with an F25-4 and t' Copperhead igniter that came with it. Ya scallywag! T' Copperhead failed t' ignite t' motor and was replaced with a First Fire. Avast, me proud beauty! That did t' trick and t' rocket took off with as nice a flight profile as I have ever seen. Ya scallywag! A video o' t' flight can be seen here.

West Coast Rocketry Screamer Ejection and deployment were all textbook. Arrr! I expected t' fly t' rocket again but be mystified t' see that it had suffered some bucklin' in t' airframe. Arrr! I can fix it but wonder what caused it since t' thrust be nay all that heavy.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

This was a very basic kit with a minimal approach t' instructions, small print and illustrations that added little. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! That said, it went together fine and flew very well.

Overall Rating: 3 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • West Coast Rocketry Screamer By Nick Hills

    This is a single stage, Out-of-Production (OOP) mid and high power kit. This rocket is great for E-H motors. There are two (2) nicely finished 2.25" body tubes, same thickness as LOC's, a nicely turned solid balsa nose cone, four (4) 1/8" plywood fins, elastic for the shock cord (12 feet), a coupler, bulkhead, motor tube and two (2) centering rings along with a 1/4" launch lug. In my kit I ...

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