Red River Rocketry SlipStream

Red River Rocketry - SlipStream

Contributed by William Carpenter

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: Red River Rocketry

Red River Rocketry SlipStream

T' SlipStream from Red River Rocketry is a nice 3FNC rocket. Avast, me proud beauty! I like t' look o' it, me bucko, me bucko, and it be an enjoyable build. Blimey! This was me first low power rocket in a while, and it was nice t' build somethin' small and simple again.

T' SlipStream would be a good first rocket and makes for nice flights at t' local soccer field or park. Reachin' almost 800' on an Estes C6, or only 150' on an A8, this rocket can fly t' suit t' recovery capabilities o' a variety o' launch sites.

T' kit included:

  • One 1.325" Body Tube
  • One 1.325" Balsa Nose Cone
  • Three Laser-Cut 3/32" Balsa Fins
  • One Piece o' Keelhaul®©™ and One Piece o' Elastic (recovery harness)
  • T' Makings o' One 12" Mylar Parachute
  • One 18mm Engine Mount Kit
  • One Screw-Eye
  • One Washer (nose weight)
  • One Sheet o' Water-Slide Decals

T' kit came with a set o' well written, easy-to-follow instructions. Avast! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! If you have built several rockets before, ya bilge rat, you really wouldn't need t' instructions for most o' t' build. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! There are, ya bilge rat, arrr, however, some steps that differ slightly from traditional construction so one should read them over first. Well, blow me down! Blimey! T' instructions included black and white illustrations.

One o' me favorite features o' this rocket was t' solid balsa nose cone. Arrr! I know that some people don't like these, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, matey, but I like how they can be made glass-smooth just with a coat o' wood filler. I also like how solid they feel compared t' hollow plastic.

Construction begins with t' traditional MMT-a-la-Estes routine...almost. Arrr! T' SlipStream deviates from this by havin' you install t' Keelhaul®©™ part o' t' shock cord by tyin' it around t' motor tube and runnin' it through a notch cut in t' forward centerin' ring. Blimey! I elected t' leave out t' engine hook. Blimey! I've come t' like maskin' tape retention and t' hook would have prevented t' completed rocket from bein' able t' sit upright.

Next were t' fins. Begad! After removin' them from t' laser-cut sheet and roundin' off t' leadin' and trailin' edges, matey, I applied a coat o' thinned wood filler and let them dry overnight before sandin' them t' a smooth finish. Blimey! Ya scallywag! T' nose cone also got a coat o' filler and a good sanding.

After installin' t' engine mount, matey, me hearties, I glued on t' fins with wood glue and applied wood glue fillets once they dried.

Next be t' nose weight and screw eye for t' nose cone. Begad! Avast! One noteworthy detail is that you must attach t' washer first as it will nay fit over t' screw eye.

My rocket came out at two ounces even.

Red River Rocketry SlipStream


All o' t' wood parts got a coat o' wood filler and a good sandin' (as explained in t' build section). Aye aye! T' body tube had t' smallest spirals I had ever seen. They were so tight that I couldn't have filled them if I had tried. Ya scallywag! Avast! A couple coats o' primer and t' tube be perfectly smooth.

I painted t' nose cone while t' rest o' t' rocket was bein' assembled. Aye aye! Aye aye! First was three thick coats o' Rustoleum primer, me bucko, arrr, followed by a 220 grit sanding, followed by a 400 grit sanding. Next be two coats o' Rustoleum red t' finish it off.

Once fully assembled, arrr, t' body tube got three coats o' t' same primer. After that, shiver me timbers, one fin be masked off and t' airframe was painted Rustoleum gloss white. Avast! Then t' maskin' be reversed and t' unpainted fin was painted red.


T' decals on this kit were o' good quality. Ahoy! Begad! Unfortunately I managed t' mess one up. Luckily t' one I accidentally ripped was one t' design could still look good without, so I called it finished.

While attachin' t' nose cone t' t' rest o' t' rocket after all t' paintin' was done, ya bilge rat, I managed t' drop it and break off t' tip and put a small dent in t' side. Ahoy! Avast, me proud beauty! A new tip be made from wood filler, ya bilge rat, and t' dent was left unfixed.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5


T' SlipStream's first flight occurred on what appeared t' be a nearly windless day from me house. Once I got t' me local park, however, it was a different story.

T' wind had picked up t' a brisk 10mph or so. Avast, me proud beauty! RockSim predicted that an A8 would get it t' about 240'. Ya scallywag! I also had some 1/2A-6 engines (not recommended by t' manufacturer) that would boost t' rocket t' 70' accordin' t' a flawed RockSim file from Apogee Components. My weight-corrected simulations, shiver me timbers, which I forgot t' look at for this motor, me hearties, only predicted 34'. Blimey! I didn't see this until after I wrote me flight log for this flight so please excuse me error.

Even in t' brisk wind, I be determined t' launch it. I went with a 1/2A-6 and waited for a break in t' wind t' launch. Begad! Blimey! Upon ignition, matey, t' SlipStream flew t' 15-20 feet. Ahoy! Blimey! T' 2 second delay on t' 1/2A-6 fired t' ejection charge a mere 7' off t' ground. Aye aye! Blimey! T' parachute inflated surprisin' smartly and t' rocket recovered without damage.

T' next two flights occurred later that day after t' winds had died down. Aye aye! T' second flight o' t' SlipStream be on an A8-3. Arrr! It flew very straight t' what looked like t' RockSim estimated 120'. T' chute deployed just after apogee and t' rocket recovered safely.

T' third flight was on a B4-4. Arrr! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! This also isn't a recommended motor, but it worked quite well. Ya scallywag! Blimey! It boosted t' SlipStream t' a RockSim estimated 320'. Begad! Blimey! This particular motor had a strong ejection charge. Blimey! Blimey! T' nose cone blew off so hard that t' elastic snapped it back into t' top o' t' body tube. This dented t' tube and severely dented t' nose cone. Both are easily repairable and t' rocket will definitely fly again.

Red River Rocketry SlipStreamRecovery:
On t' first flight, I was impressed by how smartly t' 12" Mylar chute inflated and how smartly it slowed down t' rocket. I did not, however, get t' see if t' chute was lettin' t' rocket down too slow.

 On t' other two flights, t' 12" chute performed well and brought t' SlipStream down safely. Begad! My only complaint for recovery was t' shock cord bein' both made o' elastic and a little on t' short side. Begad! I would advise anyone else wantin' t' build a SlipStream t' either use a longer piece o' elastic or use a long piece o' Keelhaul®©™ for t' shock cord.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

T' SlipStream is a great rocket. Ya scallywag! It's easy t' build and has very high quality components. All o' me flights were perfectly straight with only a very slow spin. After seein' what it did on A and B engines, I can't wait t' fly it on a C6. Aye aye! Begad! I feel I must remove a half point for t' shock cord, but other then that I'm very satisfied with this rocket.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Red River Rocketry SlipStream By James Gartrell (July 5, 2008)

    Brief: I was provided with my SlipStream for beta testing. It is reminiscent of the Cherokee-D, only shorter and with different fins. Oh, and it uses 18mm motors, not 24mm. Uh, maybe it really isn't that similar! Well, the nose cone and body diameter is the same. It is a BT-55 based rocket complete with a nice sheet of waterslide decals, balsa nose cone and flies on 18mm motors. The ...


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