Quest Super Eagle

Quest - Super Eagle {Kit}

Contributed by Douglas Gardei

Manufacturer: Quest
(Contributed - by Douglas Gardei)

Quest Super EagleBrief:
T' Super Eagle Kit is designed t' take t' higher impulse 18mm D size motors by Aerotech.

This be t' second Quest Quick Kit I have built. Aye aye! Blimey! From t' first one I know that the motor mount construction is a bit flimsy. T' only thin' that is preventing the motor from shootin' up inside t' rocket is two plastic tabs. My concern is what will happen when those tabs melt down via t' ejection charges o' the motors used? If that happens, nothin' will prevent t' motor from launching, leavin' t' rocket behind. Ya scallywag! Due t' this concern, I decided t' beef up t' motor mount. Begad! Blimey!

T' supplies needed for me modification:

  • 4 BT20-50 Centerin' Rings
  • 1 BT5-10 Centerin' Rin' (Thrust Ring)

Quest Super Eagle T' motor mount is mounted inside t' two plastic halves o' t' rocket. In order for t' centering rings t' fit, arrr, arrr, t' plastic tabs used t' support t' motor tube have t' be removed. Begad! I did this with a sharp hobby knife. Arrr! I noticed that t' 18mm tube was too wide for t' centerin' rings t' fit over them, me hearties, so I replaced t' Quest motor tube with an Estes tube (which t' rings were designed for anyway). Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag! I glued t' thrust rin' into t' forward end o' t' motor tube. Avast! After checking the alignment, me bucko, I glued t' centerin' rings t' both ends o' t' motor tube, givin' enough space betwixt t' rings t' clear t' plastic centerin' rings on the fin can halfs. Avast! (See photo).

T' fin can be then finished usin' plastic cement accordin' t' the instructions. Avast! Aye aye! Blimey! Since paper centerin' rings are now used, t' plastic motor retainer can nay be used. Avast! Blimey! Any motor used in this rocket will have t' be friction fitted into t' motor tube.

Quest Super EagleConstruction:
T' Super Eagle comes with three lengths o' red tubing, shiver me timbers, one shorter than the other two. Ahoy! Avast! T' majority o' plastic parts in this kit are red. Avast! These parts include t' fin can halves, four fins, nosecone, me bucko, me hearties, ya bilge rat, two tube couplers, shock cord anchor, and t' black support rin' and motor retainer. Begad! Also included is a blue 18mm motor tube, Keelhaul®©™ ® and elastic cords, two 14" parachutes with pre-cut shroud lines and tape disks.

T' rest o' t' rocket assembly was straight forward. Aye aye! Avast, me proud beauty! T' fit o' t' plastic tube counplers in t' body tube is a bit loose, shiver me timbers, so alignment is an issue when gluin' t' tubes together. Begad! Also, care has t' be taken t' make sure t' launch lug tabs are lined up with each other. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! T' nose cone section also had a loose fit, me hearties, but a couple wraps o' maskin' tape fixed this.

T' rocket does nay require painting, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, and t' decals were easy t' apply.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

March 1st, shiver me timbers, while helpin' out with t' Team America Rocketry Challenge, I got the opportunity t' try out me Super Eagle. Arrr! I loaded t' model with a Quest C6-3 and Estes wadding, packed both chutes, shiver me timbers, and placed t' rocket onto t' launch pad. Ahoy! T' flight with t' C6-3 was wobbly. Begad! Avast! It went about 200-300 ft, and both chutes deployed. Arrr! Begad! T' rocket be recovered without any damage. I thought about tryin' t' rocket with a D13 on or D24, shiver me timbers, but I decided against it due t' the small field size we were using. Begad! Aye aye! T' D motor flight will take place at t' April CMASS launch.

Flight Rating: 3 out o' 5

I believe me two improvements t' t' kit: upgradin' t' motor mount and tying the payload section t' t' booster is a good idea. T' rocket is underpowered with t' C6 motor, arrr, matey, and leavin' t' two sections seperated is an invitation for loosin' something. If I build another Super Eagle, I would probabily opt for a 24mm or a 29mm motor mount. Avast, me proud beauty! With some reinforcements t' t' fins, shiver me timbers, I can see this rocket flyin' great with an G40-10W.

Overall Rating: 3 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Quest Super Eagle By John Lee (January 11, 2010)

    Brief: QuickKit, 4FNC, 18mm motors, Parachute Recovery While being bummed out about having various projects under construction or repair and still being unable to work on anything in my available time due to drying glue, paint, etc, I decided that one more wouldn't hurt and looked for an easy one near the top of the stack. The Quest Super Eagle was the "winner". The Super Eagle is a Quick ...



H.A.F. (July 14, 2005)
Flew for the first time yesterday with C6-3. Great boost and recovery on one chute. I tied the nose section to the booster shock cord to keep from losing it, and went with one chute to bring it down faster. May switch to a 15 incher as it comes down fine, just a tad fast on one stock chute. I will try lengthening the shock cord as the front of the booster tube got pretty bunged up in just a couple of launches, maybe because of the short ejection charge.
D.P. (May 9, 2007)
I think Quest has changed this model slightly. It now comes with two body tubes instead of three, and no payload section. It is 41 inches long. Anyone else buy the kit recently to confirm or refute this observation?

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