Semroc Micron

Semroc - Micron {Kit} (KV-8)

Contributed by Mike Mistele

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 0.76 inches
Length: 9.20 inches
Manufacturer: Semroc
Skill Level: 1
Style: Sport


This is a very basic 4FNC, me hearties, minimum-diameter, streamer-recovery rocket suitable for beginners. Aye aye! It's part o' Semroc's RetroRepro line and, me bucko, specifically, the Micron was originally a Centuri model (#KA-5) first released in 1963. Avast! Well, blow me down! The RetroRepro line updates these old models with more current technology--in this case, matey, t' upgrades include laser-cut fins and a Keelhaul®©™ shock-cord.

This kit comes with t' followin' components:

  • Body Tube (ST-765)
  • Balsa Nose Cone (BC-719)
  • Laser-cut Fin Sheet (FV-8)
  • Thrust Rin' (TR-7)
  • Launch Lug (LL-122)
  • Screw Eye (SE-10)
  • Elastic Cord (EC-118)
  • Keelhaul®©™® Thread (SCK-24)
  • Streamer (RS-36)
  • Tape Disc (TD-1)
  • Empty Casin' (MC-727)

I ordered this kit directly from Semroc's web page. Arrr! I had gone thar to order a couple Rocket Racks and figured I'd get a kit while I was at it.

T' kit comes in a plastic hang-bag just like an Estes or Quest kit. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! The "front" o' t' package, me bucko, depictin' t' rocket is actually t' front cover o' a 12-page booklet, arrr, which includes brief history o' both t' Micron model and Centuri Engineerin' Company, arrr, shiver me timbers, arrr, t' assembly instructions, me bucko, an exploded view o' t' components, and t' NARRRRR safety code.

T' instructions were extremely easy t' follow, ya bilge rat, and I saw no need to deviate from them as I assembled me model.

T' parts themselves were generally o' very high quality. Avast! In particular, the balsa fin sheet was among t' nicest bits o' balsa I've ever gotten in a kit and t' laser-cuttin' be very smooth. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr!

T' balsa nose cone was also a nice piece o' wood but t' shoulder was a bit too wide for t' body tube. Avast, me proud beauty! A bit o' sandin' fixed that problem right up however. Begad! Ahoy!

About t' only part I would have any complaint with at all was the streamer--it's a length o' orange crepe paper. I'm nay sure how long it'll last (it already has a tear from her first flight), ya bilge rat, so I'll likely need t' replace it at some point with somethin' a bit more durable.

T' illustration o' t' Micron on t' front o' t' booklet has a fun, early 60's soundin' rocket look t' it. Arrr! Unfortunately, shiver me timbers, t' kit doesn't contain any decals, matey, and it'd be a challenge for a beginnin' rocketeer t' duplicate that look with paint alone, which includes a roll pattern. Avast! As I didn't want t' work that hard, I decided t' nay recreate that look.

I used Elmer's Fill & Finish t' smooth out t' nosecone and fins, followed by a few coats o' Krylon grey primer.

For t' final finish, me hearties, shiver me timbers, I applied a few coats o' Testor's Chrome spray paint, then used Testor's Purple Metalflake spray paint for a "fade" pattern on t' nosecone and top o' t' rocket.

Once t' paint was dry, I put an American flag decal on t' body tube (I got a sheet o' flag decals by AutoGraphics at t' hobby shop, ya bilge rat, me bucko, and put one on each o' me rockets), me bucko, then finished with a coat o' Krylon gloss.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

For t' Micron's first flight, I used an Estes A8-3. Aye aye! Well, blow me down! T' delay is a bit shorter than recommended, arrr, matey, but I didn't have any A8-5s handy. Well, blow me down! T' motor is a friction-fit and one wrap o' maskin' tape around t' motor was sufficient to keep it snug. Avast!

T' instructions don't recommend a specific amount o' recovery wadding; I used 3 sheets o' Estes wadding, me bucko, and found that t' body tube with t' wadding, the shock cord, me hearties, shiver me timbers, t' streamer, and t' nose cone was pretty tightly packed. Maybe 2 sheets or a little dog-barf would be better.

She took off from t' pad very quickly, as you'd expect given t' light weight, me bucko, and t' flight was straight as an arrow. Begad! T' ejection charge fired a bit before apogee, though that didn't surprise me, given I be technically not usin' t' recommended motor.

T' Micron uses a combination Keelhaul®©™®-elastic shock cord system. Ahoy! Blimey! T' Keelhaul®©™® cord is tied around t' thrust ring, arrr, and extends well beyond t' end o' the body tube. Avast, me proud beauty! T' elastic shock cord is then tied t' t' Keelhaul®©™® cord at one end and t' t' nose cone at t' other end.

As I noted above, me hearties, shiver me timbers, t' streamer is just a length o' crepe paper--probably historically accurate, but it feels a bit flimsy. Aye aye! Avast! T' streamer is attached to the elastic shock cord, ya bilge rat, near t' nose cone with a tape disc.

On t' first flight, me hearties, everythin' deployed nicely, me hearties, and t' streamer fully unrolled. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! It seemed like it be comin' down a little fast, arrr, but drifted only about 50 yards downwind from t' launch pad. Aye aye! Blimey! Despite t' seemingly-quick descent, she landed with no damage at all.

However, as I was rollin' t' streamer back up t' put t' rocket away, arrr, I noticed a long tear in t' center o' t' streamer. Blimey! It will have t' be replaced at some point.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

PROs: easy assembly, me hearties, matey, clear instructions, matey, teaches some basic assembly skills, nice flyer.

CONs: streamer material is cheap, hard t' re-create t' finish as pictured without decals.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Semroc Micron By Bill Eichelberger (April 24, 2014)

    The Semroc Micron was part of my first order from Semroc back in 2003.  I built it and the Skyhook side by side, and because of these two became enamored with the Semroc way.  The sleek Skyhook and the sturdy Micron combined the best that was available in the hobby at the time, reproductions of classic kits with updated recovery systems and laser cut fins.  Rocketry ...

  • Semroc Micron By Chan Stevens

    Brief: Nice little minimum diameter rocket that zips off the pad in a hurry and at $4 retail, makes for a nice little kit for that Cub Scout or school group. This is also an appealing kit to the nostalgia buff that is based on the 1963 Centuri kit by the same name. Construction: As is the case with almost every Semroc kit, this one came in a professionally bagged package along ...


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