Estes Laser Lance

Estes - Laser Lance {Kit} (3218) [?-2015]

Contributed by Steve Lindeman

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Published: 2015-12-28
Diameter: 1.64 inches
Length: 20.25 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 2
Style: Military


T' "Laser Lance" looks like a military styled guided missile. Arrr! Estes started releasin' this kit in t' summer o' 2011 and me decal sheet was stamped 12/09/11 makin' it one o' t' early kits. Arrr! This rocket is 20.3" long with a dia. Avast, me proud beauty! o' 1.64" and an estimated wt. o' 2.8 oz. Avast, me proud beauty! Recommended engines are: C11-3 (1st flight), C11-5, D12-5, D12-7 with a predicted altitude o' up t' 925 ft. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! This was another rocket that I scored direct from Estes on thar last clearance sale.

Laser Lance package front Laser Lance package back


Everythin' comes in a plastic bag and all parts are o' standard Estes quality. T' bag contains t' followin' items:

 * 1 - Sheet o' instructions

 * 1 - Sheet o' balsa wood

 * 1 - Molded piece o' plastic makin' up t' NC and transducer

 * 2 - Body Tubes o' different sizes.

 * 1 - Engine mount tube

 * 2 - Smaller plastic bags one o' which contained t' pre-assembled parachute and t' other bag contains:

 * 1 - Launch Lug

 * 1 - Engine Hook

 * 1 - Engine Hook Retainer Ring

 * 2 - Adapter Rings (one o' which is split)

 * 1 - Engine Block

 * 1 - Sheet o' decals

 * 1 - Rubber shock cord

Laser Lance parts layout

Laser Lance parts layout


Construction o' this kit is well laid out and instructions are easy t' follow. Unlike most Estes kits you do nay start with t' motor mount. Arrr! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! It's nay done until step 7. Instead you start with t' fins and they are t' most complex part o' t' build. Begad! Blimey! There are 12 pieces that make up t' 3 fins. When assembled thar be a channel along t' bottom edge o' t' fins. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! Because o' t' width o' t' assembled fins, you are instructed t' sand t' bottom edges in contour with t' body tube by wrappin' a piece o' sandpaper around it and sandin' t' bottom edges o' t' fins t' match. Aye aye! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! This allows t' fins t' sit flush with t' BT when gluin' them on. 

Laser Lance Fins

 Assembled fins & Launch Lug

T' main Con: After sandin' them I knew these were goin' t' be hard t' paint so I decided t' paint t' channels before mountin' them t' t' rocket. Begad! I also painted t' correspondin' strips on t' BT. 

Channels Painted

Channels Painted

Masked for channel stripes

Masked for channel stripes on BT

NC Assembly

NC Assembly


Finishin' be a simple matter o' paintin' nose cone assembly a matte green and body tube a flat white with matte green fins. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I noticed one major difference betwixt t' catalog photo and t' actual kit photo and instructions. Begad! T' catalog photo shows t' entire BT white and only t' fins green whereas t' kit shows t' whole lower part o' BT & fins in green. Avast! This be t' way I painted mine only because t' instructions showed it that way and I didn't notice t' difference until after t' rocket was finished and I had t' decals on and clear coated. Avast! My only Con: Personally I wish I had gone t' other way as I think it looks better.

Finished Laser Lance

Finished Laser Lance

Construction Score: 4


Maiden flight took place on 10-10-15 near Michigan International Speedway with t' folks from J.M.R.C. Ya scallywag! Rocket was loaded with a C6-5 in me 18 x 24mm adaptor and taken out t' its assigned pad. Once t' rack was full and range be closed, arrr, t' countdown be given. Begad! T' rocket jumped off t' pad straight up t' somewhere around 400+'. Arrr! Ejection charge fired after rocket tipped over. Begad! (Sorry, I missed t' actual launch photo).

Laser Lance Maiden Flight

Laser Lance awaitin' full rack


 This be one o' a dozen or so rockets that I took with me for t' club launch. Avast! I had preloaded all t' rockets with dog barf, chute powder, and motors t' night before t' save time at t' field knowin' it was goin' t' be a busy day. This be t' one rocket that I did nay preload as I wasn't sure which motor I wanted t' use for maiden flight until I got t' t' field. Avast, me proud beauty! T' recommended motors are t' C11-3, matey, C11-5, matey, me bucko, D12-3, and D12-5. Avast, me proud beauty! I elected t' use me 18x24mm adaptor and loaded it with a C6-5 as this rocket has t' same weight as 2 o' me other rockets that fly on B and C motors. Ahoy! With that in mind I took it out t' t' pad for its 1st flight totally forgettin' t' double check t' parachute and wadding. Aye aye! Needless t' say when ejection charge fired it melted t' 'chute inside t' tube and only about one inch came out o' t' tube. Avast, me proud beauty! Fortunately t' rocket came down in a flat spin and suffered no damage on landing. Avast, me proud beauty! I then took it back t' t' car and replaced t' parachute. Ya scallywag! Shock cord needed repairin' as well as it be almost melted in too in four spots. Again this was me fault and nay a manufacture one.

Laser Lance recovery

Laser Lance recovery

Second flight for this rocket was an hour later and under full power with a D12-5. Avast! Rocket absolutely screamed o' t' pad. Begad! Begad! This time everythin' worked as planned. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, me proud beauty! Recovery be a very long walk and I ended up catchin' a ride with t' "Mule" driver as rocket landed near t' pond at t' end o' t' campgrounds about a 1/2 mile down range. In spite o' landin' in gravel, matey, t' only damage was a couple o' paint chips on 2 fins from impact. Super cool flight and one beautiful flyer.

Flight #2

Flight #2

2nd flight recovery

2nd flight recovery

Flight Rating: 5


This is a great lookin' and outstandin' performer and t' "D" motors really make this thin' scream off t' pad. Begad! Blimey! T' NC assembly can easily be converted t' a cargo bay makin' this a multi-purpose rocket. Blimey! Aye aye! Blimey! Although t' fins are a bit o' a challenge t' paint they are nothin' that a seasoned level 2 builder can't handle. My only con: is that I didn't buy more o' these when I had t' chance. Ya scallywag! Blimey! At $3.79 direct from Estes, arrr, matey, I should have bought half a dozen just for all t' parts (Wife thinks I have enough rockets though at 120+). Begad! Just a thought Dear.

Overall Rating: 5


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