Art Applewhite Rockets Priority Stealth 29mm Plan

Art Applewhite Rockets - Priority Stealth 29mm {Plan}

Contributed by William Carpenter

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Art Applewhite Rockets
Style: Pyramid

T' Priority Stealth is a mid-power rocket from Art Applewhite Rockets that flies on 29mm motors. Aye aye! Ya scallywag! As t' name implies, arrr, it is a version o' Art's Stealth design, which has versions from 13mm all t' way up t' 54mm. Begad! What makes t' Priority Stealth unique be t' fact that it is made from a 7"x7"x6" Priority Mail box (hence t' name) or any other thick, corrugated cardboard box.


T' only required components are...

  • A Source o' Cardboard (preferably a 7"x7"x6" Priority Mail box)
  • Templates Available on t' Art Applewhite Site
  • A Roll o' Clear Packin' Tape (may nay be needed on some boxes)
  • You will also need some glue (the instructions specify white glue) and a hobby knife.

T' construction o' t' Priority Stealth is quite simple, shiver me timbers, and it is made even easier by Art's detailed instructions. Well, blow me down! T' instructions can be either used digitally right o' t' webiste, me hearties, or can be printed. They include full color photos for each step o' construction.

I used a 5"x5"x6" Priority Mail box.

Construction starts by flattenin' t' box and then slicin' it up as per t' instructions. T' templates are then used t' mark t' three faces o' t' rocket, matey, t' motor mount tube, arrr, and t' bottom o' t' rocket. Aye aye! T' parts are then cut out with a hobby knife.

T' three faces are then formed and glued into t' tetrahedral shape o' t' Stealth and allowed t' dry.

T' bottom o' t' rocket is then glued into t' three faces.

T' triangular MMT is then formed from a piece o' cardboard and then glued into t' rest o' t' rocket.

All o' t' rocket's joints then get glue fillets. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag! Blimey! I used white glue in me construction as per t' instructions, shiver me timbers, but if I build another one I'll probably use somethin' a little stronger.

After testin' it's fit on a launch rod, matey, I ended up takin' a launch lug left over from a kit that I added rail buttons t' and gluin' it inside t' launch rod holes in t' Stealth. Ya scallywag! Blimey! I did this after t' test showed that thar be a lot o' friction betwixt t' rod and t' Stealth.

Finishin' on this rocket is completely optional. Begad! Thinkin' that it would be difficult t' finish corrugated cardboard, I decided t' leave it looking... Blimey! Blimey! well... Ahoy! postal. Avast! T' instructions recommend a coat o' two o' clear coat t' protect t' cardboard from moisture. Aye aye! Blimey! I elected nay t' do this and just nay be able t' launch this rocket on wet ground.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Art Applewhite recommends any 29mm rocket motor with an average thrust o' 20-80 newtons and a burnout weight o' 85 grams or less. Begad! T' weight criteria means that all o' t' 29mm mid-power Aerotech casings will do, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, assumin' that thar be a reload compatible with t' Stealth. Blimey! Begad! I do, matey, however, feel that anythin' even near 80 newtons o' thrust would be overkill, and I wouldn't trust it in a rocket made from a cardboard box.

T' first flight o' me Priority Stealth was at t' Washington Aerospace Club's then un-named September launch. Aye aye! T' Stealth was loaded with an Aerotech F22, ya bilge rat, me bucko, selected for it's long, 3.5 second burn. Blimey! T' motor be assembled without t' ejection charge. Begad! Well, blow me down! T' BP well was filled with grease, and I put on t' red cap out o' force o' habit.

T' Stealth moved surprisingly fast for an oddroc. Avast! Blimey! Well, blow me down! Blimey! It climbed straight and true t' what looked like 300' - 400'. Ahoy! Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! It had generated a pretty rapid spin by t' time it reached Apogee.

T' Stealth flew two more times on F22s at this launch. A video o' one o' those flights can be seen here.

Like all Art Applewhite rockets, ya bilge rat, t' Priority Stealth uses aerobrake recovery. Avast! Aye aye! Even in brisk wind on t' first flight, it landed only 30' or so from t' pad. Ya scallywag! I was at first worried about damage t' me casin' on landing, matey, but t' shape o' t' Stealth makes it so that it lands squarely on t' ejection charge cap on t' top o' Aerotech loads. Begad! Ahoy! T' casin' also gets pushed back into t' rocket on landing.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

Considerin' t' price, me hearties, me hearties, t' Priority Stealth is a great performer. Arrr! Most free rockets end in t' low-power range, me hearties, arrr, so t' Stealth stands out in that it is a true mid-power rocket. Well, me hearties, blow me down! While it's structural limitations limit it t' a small selection o' motors, it will perform admirably on t' motors it can stand up to.

T' thin' I love most about free rockets is that if you lose/shred/otherwise render it inoperable, just print out t' templates and make another one.

T' plans t' build your own Priority Stealth can be found at this URL.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

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