Descon Fantasy Jet

Scratch - Fantasy Jet {Scratch}

Contributed by Chris Taylor Jr.

Manufacturer: Scratch
Fantasy Jet
(Contributed - by Chris Taylor) 

Rocket Pic
This Design be inspired by t' Movie t' Fifth Element
This model is a Kit Bashers Delight for Under $15

Rocket PicThis model is made up o' two Estes kits and some balsa wood. Aye aye! I use one Estes Stingray kit for t' main white body tube. Everythin' was used except the fins. For t' other two small tubes and "Engines" I used t' top halves o' two Rattler kits. Avast! Avast! T' rest is balsa wood shaped t' desire (3mm stock).

[Rocket Pic]Here you see a detail o' t' body tubes and engine mountin' and you will note that t' win' is BELOW t' mean center o' t' rocket. Avast, me proud beauty! I attached the two body tubes as if they were 2 o' a three-fin rocket and attached the wings t' these. Ahoy! This should counter t' fact that thar are no fins pointing down!

I was considerin' makin' this rocket a glider, and still am, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, but it will likely come in HOT and maybe hot enough t' cause damage I will experiment with this further.

For now it recovers on a Parachute on two shock cords so it comes in LEVEL. I do this for looks and for t' fact that I tend t' use small chutes t' make sure I get t' Rocket back :-) and it will definitely break that tail off it it comes down tail first.

I painted it white.

Flight Report

Flight 01: On a B6-4

Nice. Slightly into t' wind. Flight did a 4-point roll before ejection while horizontal at about 250~ feet. Twin shock cords worked. Landed with no damage 15 feet from t' pad.

Flight 02: on a C6-3

Absolutely VERTICAL flight t' about I would guess 600~ feet and a LOT of drift on even thatFlight Pic small 12" chute ! Recovered about 300 meters away.

Flight 03: on a B6-4

This flight be near vertical with a little waggle but straight and stable. Nice recovery about 50 feet from pad. Blimey! Upon Inspection I discovered t' waggle was caused by a slight cracked vertical tail that wobbled in flight. Ya scallywag! Easy Fix !

I may make another build o' this rocket and attempt a glider Config!

I flew this rocket twice more at NARAM-40. Avast! Both flights were GREAT. Avast! Ya scallywag! Straight up and good recovery. Arrr! No damage. Well, blow me down! Here is a picture o' one o' t' flights (Sorry for t' poor picture quality)

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