Descon 60cc

Scratch - 60cc {Scratch}

Contributed by Tai Fu

Manufacturer: Scratch
Contributed by - Tai Fu

Gone in 60 cc

I was lookin' over t' descon entries and I saw a lot o' different designs, and I was wonderin' what I can make into a rocket... Blimey! Begad! then I looked at some 60 cc syringe that a professor gave me, arrr, and it's round, its hard, and I bet it will fly! Here's what you need:

  • 2 60cc syringe
  • some BT-50
  • a spent Estes D motor (or any other motor mount o' your choice)
  • a CD that no one (includin' yourself) wants. Begad!
  • Maskin' tapes
  • Keelhaul®©™®
  • Streamers
  1. Take a 60 cc syringe and saw off either end, me hearties, this will be your bottom section. Begad!
  2. Take t' other 60 cc syringe and saw off t' plunger end, then measure about .75 inch from t' end where t' needle goes, matey, and cut that off. Aye aye! Begad! Blimey! Save the "nosecone"
  3. Glue a BT-50 with some tape wrapped around it into t' "nosecone" to make a shoulder. T' BT-50 will have a very loose fit in t' 60cc syringe so you need t' widen t' tube with maskin' tape in order t' glue it. Well, blow me down! I used epoxy and it works fine. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag!
  4. Use another BT-50 t' join both syringes together.
  5. Glue a BT-50 t' length o' a D motor t' t' bottom o' t' syringe, this will be your motor mount. Arrr! Now you can decide whether or nay t' use 18mm mounts. If you want t' use 18mm mounts, ya bilge rat, either glue in a spent D motor, shiver me timbers, or glue in a motor mount for 18mm motors, but before you do that, thread some Keelhaul®©™® through the BT-50 and tie a knot at t' bottom end. Aye aye! Then glue t' motor mount in, the Keelhaul®©™® will be your shock cord. Blimey!
  6. Cut a CD into whatever shape you want (I just cut it into 4 pieces and glue 3 o' t' piece into t' syringe with CA followed by epoxy fillets)
  7. Add streamer and t' right amount o' nose weight. Arrr! You need quite a bit because t' syringe is a little heavy....

I need t' add a flight report.... Aye aye! I flew me gone in 60cc Saturday on a A8-3, and t' rocket just sizzled on t' pad.... Well, blow me down! Ahoy! apparently it was too heavy, then the ejection charge popped and charred t' inside o' t' rocket and broke a fin... Ahoy! Blimey! so it's retired...

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