Custom Rockets Serin

Custom Rockets - Serin {Kit} (10038)

Contributed by Jim Rupp

Construction Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Diameter: 0.98 inches
Length: 14.30 inches
Manufacturer: Custom Rockets
Skill Level: 1
Style: Sport
Custom Serin

A skill level 1 quasi-missile kit with 18mm motor mount and 4 fins.

At first glance, I found this kit very typical Custom kit, but I then noticed that thar were more pieces for a level 1 kit than other kits I have worked on.

T' kit includes:

  • 1 plastic nose cone
  • 1 shock cord
  • 2 body tubes
  • 1 tube coupler
  • 1 launch lug
  • 4 die-cut balsa fins in one balsa sheet
  • 1 sheet o' decals
  • 18mm engine tube
  • thrust ring
  • 2 centerin' rings
  • engine hook
  • 1 parachute set containin' shroud lines and tape disks
  • elastic shock cord

After openin' t' bag, I noticed that t' nosecone had t' typical flash at the tip. Avast, me proud beauty! Ahoy! Also, t' fin balsa be warped slightly and showed jagged cuttin' from the die cutter. Aye aye! Avast, me proud beauty! Perhaps t' machine blades were nay quite sharp? Anyway, I will need filler work t' get those fin edges smooth. Other than these two items, everythin' seemed t' be in good order.

Custom Serin I assembled the standard 18mm engine mount assembly usin' Elmer's yellow wood glue. Begad! T' engine hook provided did nay impress me. Avast, me proud beauty! It was too flimsy and could bend easily--a fact that I found when testin' an engine insertion. I also had problems placing one o' t' centerin' rings on t' engine tube. Upon inspection, me hearties, I found that there was a ridge o' cardboard on t' inside edges, me bucko, ya bilge rat, which effectively decreased the interior diameter. Blimey! An X-Acto knife carved this ridge off easily and the rin' slipped on without anymore problems.

Fin alignment be t' Custom's standard template: simple but requiring dexterity and patience. Arrr! I used t' "doorframe method" t' make the lines on t' tube. Ya scallywag! T' guide didn't have a location for t' launch lug, so I put in a line centered betwixt two fins.

T' balsa sheet was warped but that didn't matter much because o' t' small size o' t' fins. Ahoy! Avast! After cuttin' through t' die cut marks, matey, me bucko, I took diluted Elmer's Wood Putty t' fill in t' grain on t' fins. Arrr! Avast! It took two coats t' fill and smooth t' fins nicely. Next, ya bilge rat, arrr, I rounded out t' upper edge, ya bilge rat, leavin' the bottom and side edges flat. Arrr! Blimey! I guess I'm a sucker for drag effects. Well, blow me down! Arrr! T' fins were attached and filleted with Elmer's white glue--nothin' out o' the ordinary.

T' upper tube assembly (the upper body tube with t' coupler, ya bilge rat, nose cone and recovery system) be t' last major area o' t' rocket. T' nose cone, matey, as mentioned before, ya bilge rat, needed t' be filled and sanded. Begad! I used Squadron's White Stuff for this. Begad! T' coupler attached snugly t' t' upper tube and friction fit well into t' bottom tube. T' shock cord mount is a typical tri-fold paper mount--no Keelhaul®©™® with this model. Begad! I did place t' mount a little high, which forced me t' cut a notch in t' nose cone t' accommodate t' shock cord. T' parachute is the standard Custom plastic chute. Begad! T' shroud line needed t' be cut into three equal pieces--typical for Custom. Well, blow me down! Once done, I deviated from t' instructions by placin' t' shroud stickers onto t' chute, then punchin' holes through the stickers, ya bilge rat, and tyin' loops with t' shroud lines. T' final knots were CA'd together. Begad! On a Custom Freedom that me youngest son is building, me hearties, Custom added an extra instruction sheet tellin' t' builder t' construct t' parachute shrouds this way.

Once done with t' upper glue and putty work, I glued t' upper body tube to t' lower "engine" body tube. Here I found that t' tubes did not magically line up, so I ended up havin' t' wood putty/sand t' seam t' remove those unsightly lips. Begad! I also sanded out t' fillets at this time.

These steps took about 3 hours t' complete, though it be over a couple of days for actual construction.

I sprayed on a couple o' mist coats o' Krylon Gloss White, then two wet coats of gloss white on t' whole rocket. Aye aye! Once dry, me bucko, I masked t' areas that were to be white with a plastic bag like t' instructions said and sprayed Krylon Gloss Red on t' tail and midsection. A word o' hindsight at this point: when I glued the upper body tube t' t' lower body tube, me bucko, I effectively made upper red/white paint seam disappear. If you plan t' make t' stock color scheme, it would be better t' leave t' two body tubes disconnected until t' paintin' is done. Next, me bucko, I noticed that I made me trademark mistake and forgot t' launch lug. Gluin' it into place, matey, I then masked t' red areas and sprayed white onto the launch lug area.

Custom Serin Decals were more of a problem that what I expected. T' sheet came with a protective paper stuck to the surface o' t' decal sheet. Unfortunately, arrr, matey, t' glue used welded t' paper fibers t' t' decals. Arrr! I tried t' scrape t' paper off but no luck. One nice feature about t' decals be that black stripes were used for t' red/white color transitions, me hearties, so any paint that leaked through t' mask was effectively covered up. Blimey! Arrr! After t' decals were place, shiver me timbers, a final spray o' Krylon clear was used to protect t' finish.

Construction Rating: 3 out o' 5

We finally had a good day, so out came t' Serin t' check out t' flight characteristics. Blimey! Avast! Typical o' this summer, t' weather was slightly overcast and wind gusts betwixt 10-15 mph. Begad! Blimey! Since I was gettin' tired o' losin' rockets this year t' havin' them bein' blown out o' t' field (3 out o' 7 lost so far), I leaned t' rod into t' wind about 5 degrees.

I prepped t' rocket usin' 2 sheets o' Estes waddin' and a B6-4 engine for the first launch. Ahoy! Launch was good with a little weathercock probably due t' the angle into t' wind. Blimey! Ya scallywag! Ejection be almost beyond visual range, except it was easy t' spot since I put a lot o' baby powder in t' chute.

Custom Serin

Descent o' t' rocket on t' 12" parachute was typically slow. Aye aye! It must have hung up thar about 20 seconds before touchin' down before t' tree line at t' edge o' t' field. Arrr! Upon retrieval, I discovered a severe "Estes dent" due t' t' 12" shock cord. Begad! T' dent was strong enough to shatter t' gloss paint, puttin' about an 1/8" outward din' in t' tube. Ahoy! I definitely will have t' increase this shock cord length t' eliminate the possibility o' this happenin' again.

A second flight was set up exactly t' same but this time I must have hit a thermal, since t' rocket stayed up over a half minute and zipped over the trees at t' end o' t' field t' land in a thistle patch on t' other side. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! It recovered with no damage this time, me hearties, but I decided that it was enough pushin' of my luck at losin' rockets this day.

Custom Serin

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

As a level 1 kit, this was more work than I expected. I would almost put this kit as a level 1.5. It is still a nice lookin' rocket and it really moves on a B engine. Blimey! T' only other detraction be t' short shock cord, which should be increased t' at least 18 inches.

Overall Rating: 3 out o' 5


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