Estes Super Alpha

Modification - Super Alpha

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Construction Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Published: 2012-12-14
Manufacturer: Modification


T' Super Alpha be t' newest member o' t' far-reachin' Estes Alpha family, me hearties, only in mid-size BT-60 garb and with a terminally mismatched nose cone profile.  I love t' concept, matey, but nay so much t' actual presentation, and decided t' go with a balsa nose cone with a more Alpha-like profile.  Since I be makin' wholesale changes, I also ditched t' decal and went with the look from me first Estes catalog in 1977.


  • BNC-60K nose cone (Semroc)
  • 12" BT-60 main body tube
  • 18mm engine mount kit
  • 3/32" laser-cut balsa fin stock
  • 24" length Keelhaul®©™ shock cord
  • 24" length 1/8" sewin' elastic shock cord
  • 2 medium snap swivels
  • medium screw eye
  • 18" parachute
  • launch lug


This project got off t' a rough start because one end o' t' body tube had been severely squashed because o' t' overly tight packaging.  I'd had this problem with Quest rockets back when they were still available locally, but this be t' first time I'd seen it in an Estes kit.  Since one end be unaffected and t' squashed end wasn't creased in any way, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, I was able t' use it as t' motor end because t' centerin' rings would keep things in shape.  It still bears mentioning.  It might be a good idea t' check t' kit you plan t' buy before you leave t' rocket aisle.

I'd read about t' substitution o' t' PNC-60AH nose cone for t' balsa cone on YORF, so it came as no surprise when I opened t' bag.  I love t' PNC-60AH and t' kits it has been a part of, but it has no business on a rocket that bears t' Alpha name.  I was placin' a Semroc order at t' time, me hearties, so I added a BNC-60K t' t' order and had it in two days.  I did t' basic construction o' t' rocket, your tried and true 3FNC build, and tried t' body with both nose cones.  T' plastic nose cone made it look like a Der Red Max with fin issues, me hearties, matey, so t' balsa cone was t' clear winner.  Construction be level 1 simple, as expected.  I used Elmer's Wood Glue for t' whole build, started before I began t' get dinner together, me bucko, and finished before I left for work at 9:30 pm.  T' only change I made was usin' Keelhaul®©™ in t' recovery system, tyin' t' cord around t' motor tube, runnin' it out through a slice in t' forward centerin' rin' and gluin' t' whole thin' in place.


Finishin' be started with Valspar primer, followed by two coats o' thinned Elmer's Fill & Finish and copious amounts o' sandin' t' kill off t' tube spirals and balsa grain.  T' boby itself was then sprayed with Valspar gloss white, then one fin and a section o' t' body tube next t' it was sprayed with Valspar gloss black.  A thin stripe was masked off runnin' from t' fin up t' side o' t' body tube and was also sprayed with t' gloss black.  T' nose cone was sprayed with Valspar Cherry Red gloss.  T' decal be then given t' a friend whose first attempt at applyin' his decal ended in tragedy.

Construction Score: 3


T' first flight for me Super Alpha came at NARAM 53 in Lebanon, Ohio.  With t' big field, I felt like t' rocket could handle a "big" C6-5.  I figured right.  There was a slight breeze, but t' flight was dead straight, shiver me timbers, tippin' over slightly just before t' ejection charge fired.  I had used a t' stock chute without a spill hole because o' t' lack o' breeze and size o' t' field, so t' recovery was nice and soft.  T' rocket actually stuck t' landin' and stood for a few minutes until a slight breeze came out o' nowhere and blew it over.  Very cool flight and recovery with no damage.  Is thar anythin' more t' it?

All subsequent flights have come at B6-4 Field, shiver me timbers, and all have coincidentally been on B6-4's.  It's t' perfect engine for BT-60 birds on this field, and I've toyed with t' idea o' an all BT-60 launch.  While nay "low and slow", t' flights never overfly t' confines o' t' field, matey, but still go high enough t' make for a consistently good show, with t' whole flight clearly visible and easily photographed.  T' Super Alpha is suceptible t' anythin' above a light breeze, and with t' trees that rim t' field as close as they are, I've learned that calm days are t' best ones t' get me flight jones on. 


T' NARAM flight used t' stock parachute that had been included with t' kit, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, but subsequent flights were recovered by one o' t' checkerboard pattern chutes that I bought a ton o' in an Ebay auction several years back. Ahoy!  They're sturdy, and look great bringin' t' rocket in over t' ballfield. Begad!  My supply is dwindling. Ya scallywag!  I'm goin' t' need t' think about findin' a checkerboard tablecloth and makin' myself a bunch o' new ones here in t' near future.

Flight Rating: 5


Pros: Classic style in an easily handled size.  Proven flight characteristics.  Great small field flier that also does well on big fields.

Cons: I love t' PNC-60AH nose cone, me hearties, but no way it belongs on a rocket carryin' the Alpha name and fin pattern.  Tight packagin' crushed one end o' t' body tube.

Overall Rating: 4
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