Squirrel Works Interstellar Probe

Squirrel Works - Interstellar Probe {Kit}

Contributed by James Gartrell

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Diameter: 0.98 inches
Length: 24.25 inches
Manufacturer: Squirrel Works
Squirrel Works Interstellar Probe

An exotic single stage rocket, me hearties, t' [Nick Adams'] Interstellar Probe is reminiscent o' the original Estes Mars Snooper, matey, looks fantastic, and flies great! I got me kit from Don as a beta test kit. Begad! Ya scallywag! T' rocket stands a little over 24" tall, flies on 18mm motors, me hearties, and recovers by parachute. Ahoy! Blimey! T' kit is probably fairly rated a Skill Level 3, shiver me timbers, but Don's instructions are very detailed with plenty of step by step illustrations that make buildin' t' kit very straightforward.

This kit has a ton o' parts: a BT-50 body tube, arrr, an extra long 18mm engine mount that also serves t' hold t' aft tail cone, matey, balsa nose cone, me bucko, matey, screw eye, 1/8" x 36" elastic shock cord, ya bilge rat, 15" Mylar parachute, 1/8" launch lug, 4 laser-cut fin/parts sheets, shroud templates, lots o' centering rings, 3 hardwood dowels and toothpicks, and some really nice multicolor decals. Avast! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! A "small parts" bag is also provided that is very useful for keepin' all t' little pieces in one place. Begad! Blimey! T' shock cord be long enough that I didn't have t' substitute it, me bucko, matey, although I did add an 8" length of Keelhaul®©™® at t' shock cord attachment point.

This is probably t' best set o' instructions I've ever seen. Blimey! Blimey! Don really went out o' his way t' make construction o' this kit a snap. Begad! Begad! T' instruction steps are numbered with tons o' helpful illustrations. Ahoy! Begad! Although construction begins with t' motor mount (install engine block and an engine hook for positive motor retention), ya bilge rat, me bucko, it isn't installed until later in t' build. Well, blow me down! Begad! While this initially seems weird, it makes perfect sense as you progress through the build. Avast, matey, me proud beauty! It is one o' those changes that shows how much thought Don put into makin' this build as easy as possible. He even provides a laser cut part that's used t' assist with installation o' t' launch lug! Next, usin' t' marking guide included in t' instructions, me hearties, about umpteen lines are drawn along and around t' main tube t' mark placement o' t' fins, shrouds, matey, ya bilge rat, exterior rings, etc. Aye aye! T' body tube didn't require any finishin' t' fill in t' seam lines, matey, and they were hardly noticeable after primer and paint. Probably t' hardest part about this kit be t' installation o' t' three shrouds. Aye aye! I don't typically have a lot o' problems with them, me hearties, arrr, matey, but for many, even one shroud is a challenge. Avast! This is another area though, ya bilge rat, me bucko, where Don has taken extra effort t' beef up the instructions t' make installation o' t' exterior rings and shrouds go smoothly. Aye aye! Makin' sure t' shrouds slide easily on t' body tube, minimizin' the amount o' glue used, and gettin' t' shrouds in place smartly is a must. Well, blow me down! After the exterior rings and shrouds are installed, arrr, arrr, t' fins, ya bilge rat, dowels and toothpicks are glued on. Ahoy! Ahoy! T' laser-cut fins were perfectly matched, shiver me timbers, me hearties, as well as all o' the small parts that attach on t' upper shroud. This is one o' those kits that will cause you t' appreciate laser cut parts! After removin' t' fins from the fin sheets and roundin' t' leadin' and trailin' edges, matey, ya bilge rat, t' three main, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, aft, and forward fins were glued on and t' dowels and toothpicks added. Well, blow me down! The instructions actually indicated installin' t' dowels and toothpicks onto the fins before gluin' them onto t' tubes, me hearties, but I decided it would be easier t' put the fins on first then add t' dowels and toothpicks. Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! That way, me hearties, I wouldn't have to worry about t' fins fallin' over due t' t' extra weight. Begad! Aye aye! At this point, arrr, I deviated again from t' instructions and finished t' rocket, me bucko, matey, except for decals, me bucko, t' keep from havin' t' mask everythin' off. Afterwards, I picked back up with t' instructions and installed t' twelve small balsa vanes onto the tail cone. Begad! This goes pretty smartly t' way Don instructs t' place them. Ahoy! The motor mount was also installed durin' this step, me bucko, shiver me timbers, and then t' twelve small balsa pieces were added onto t' upper shrouds. Blimey! Blimey! Whew! This isn't one o' those kits that you build in a couple o' hours. Well, blow me down! Avast! Nope, me bucko, me hearties, this is one o' those kits that you savor over an entire weekend. Begad! A tri-fold shock cord attachment be provided in t' instructions t' connect nose cone and body tube. Begad! As is usual on any rocket I build, I installed a length o' Keelhaul®©™® in t' shock cord attachment with a loop at t' end t' attach t' elastic shock cord. Ahoy! Begad! T' minimize abrasion from t' Keelhaul®©™® against t' body tube, me bucko, I soaked in CA around t' top 1/2" o' t' body tube and tied t' Keelhaul®©™® so t' knot in t' loop meets t' lip o' t' body tube. Finally, t' launch lug, me hearties, screw eye and shock cord were attached, arrr, and t' separately packaged parachute be assembled.

I used Elmer's Fill 'n' Finish for all t' balsa pieces, ya bilge rat, but any balsa filler will work fine. Well, blow me down! All o' t' balsa be finished before attachin' it t' the rocket, ya bilge rat, and t' aft vanes and small parts were painted before attachin' them. There's way too much on this rocket t' try and do either o' those afterwards. Just be careful so you don't have glue all over t' place. Begad! I also used FnF to fill in t' seams around t' shrouds before painting. Even cuttin' t' decals very close t' t' edges o' t' design, they laid down easily and were easy to work with. Arrr! Aye aye! Even me wife thought it was a great lookin' rocket, and she doesn't even like rockets!

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Squirrel Works Interstellar Probe

Preparation for flight requires standard wadding. Ahoy! I only doubled t' parachute, rather than tri-fold, ya bilge rat, for a looser fit in t' BT-50 tube. My only flight so far was on a B6-4 but it went a lot higher than I thought it would. Blimey! Wind was about 5 mph. It jumped off t' pad and flew perfectly straight with ejection right at the top. Begad! With a finished weight o' only about 2 ounces, matey, this rocket should achieve some serious altitude on a C motor and will likely get pretty good altitude even usin' an A.

I had already resigned myself t' expect at least one o' t' dowels t' break upon landing, me bucko, but t' 15" Mylar chute brought t' rocket down perfectly. Even though t' chute was a tight fit, I'm glad I didn't drop down t' a 12" chute.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

T' Interstellar Probe looks fantastic and provides t' builder with some definite satisfaction upon completion. Ya scallywag! Nick Adams deserves a big thank you for makin' such an excellent design available t' us all! It definitely turns heads as you approach t' launch pad. Avast, me proud beauty! Kudos t' Don for t' excellent instructions too, shiver me timbers, and t' Terri for another face card with awesome graphics!

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5


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