Scratch The Lord of the Rings Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - The Lord of the Rings {Scratch}

Contributed by Dave Rose

Manufacturer: Scratch
Style: Ring/Tube/Cone Fin, Upscale

Long before I was buildin' rockets, arrr, a very small, me bucko, tumble recovery rocket was introduced by Estes. Blimey! Well, blow me down! It be t' 1/2A powered Astron Sprite. Well, blow me down! T' those nay familiar with this rocket, arrr, I would like t' explain a very unique characteristic o' this design. Blimey! When scaled up enough t' be poweredSprite on the pad by a high impulse motor, me bucko, ya bilge rat, t' air flowin' past t' fin rin' creates a high-pitched whistle when launched. This is sometimes drowned out by t' initial noise o' t' motor, but is quite audible as t' motor burns out and continues durin' t' coast phase.

Back in 1999, durin' t' second launch o' me 4-inch airframe based Superscale Sprite, t' whistle was clearly heard by all those in attendance. Arrr! As t' rocket arced over, even before t' ooh’s and aah’s had subsided, it was obvious that I had a major deployment problem…there was none! T' Sprite raced back t' earth, and a fact that I be previously unaware of, ya bilge rat, became perfectly clear. Ya scallywag! This amazin' rocket whistled comin' down, me bucko, ya bilge rat, louder than when it be goin' up. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! In fact, it whistled right up until it impacted with t' rock-hard Pennsylvania soil at our Jones Farm launch site. Ahoy! Naturally, me bucko, me fellow rocketeers were quick t' offer their condolences, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, but I was more amused by t' memory o' it whistlin' back t' Earth. Blimey! Avast, matey, me proud beauty! I collected t' remains, me bucko, includin' diggin' t' nosecone out o' t' ground, arrr, me hearties, and went back t' me truck t' prep me next rocket.

My son, arrr, Chris, almost immediately began urgin' me t' build another one. Ahoy! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Due t' t' amount o' work that be involved in t' project, me bucko, I was unwillin' t' commit t' such an ambitious undertaking. Over t' Sprite parts layout next twelve months or so, I did acquire a piece o' 15-inch diameter cardboard drum, me hearties, which would make a fine fin ring, (my first one be 11.5-inch diameter) and a 24-inch long section o' 5.5-inch airframe. Blimey! This would amount t' a 7.3X version o' t' original Estes model. Begad! Begad! I also purchased a 3 x 6 x 36-inch block o' balsa wood, that I planned on usin' t' turn a scale nosecone. Ya scallywag! I cut t' block in two and laminated them together t' make a nice 6 x 6 x 18-inch blank, and then set it aside, where it would sit for almost another year. One weekend in February o' 2001, I was turnin' a couple wooden nosecone patternsSprite nosecone for a Tripoli Pittsburgh group project, t' Gloria Mundi III. Arrr! Blimey! Aye aye! Blimey! After completin' this task, I decided t' go ahead, shiver me timbers, and turn t' new Sprite nosecone from t' balsa block that had been collectin' dust. Begad! Blimey! After finishin' t' outside form, me bucko, it was necessary t' hollow out a large section o' t' cone so that I would be able t' add t' one-pound o' weight needed for stability. Ahoy! Blimey! I cut a bulkhead from .5-inch plywood t' seal t' openin' that be epoxied into place after fillin' t' cone with expandin' foam. Blimey! Blimey! Before I knew it, shiver me timbers, me hearties, t' nosecone was complete, and I be plannin' me next steps o' t' project, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, that would soon come t' be known as "T' Lord o' t' Rings."

Next, I carefully cut a 5.5-inch section o' t' cardboard drum, matey, me hearties, and prepared it t' be reinforced with a few layers o' fiberglass cloth. Ahoy! I opted for two wraps o' 6-ounce woven cloth and a finishin' wrap o' 1.5-ounce cloth.Glassing the ringGlassed airframe T' last layer was done solely t' make it easier t' get a smooth surface for painting. Blimey! Blimey! I used t' same process for t' airframe, which, although it was made o' flexible phenolic, shiver me timbers, was nay strong enough for a project o' this size. Begad! Blimey! I printed patterns for t' fins and fin-caps usin' RockSim 5.0 and cut them from .25-inch aircraft plywood. Begad! Blimey! Two centerin' rings were cut from t' same material, me hearties, also usin' patterns created from RockSim. Twelve inches o' 38mm motor mount tubin' be cut and I had all t' parts necessary t' complete t' project.

A large T-nut was installed in t' forward centerin' rin' for recovery system attachment, as well as twoSprite unfinished in t' aft rin' for motor retention. Blimey! T' forward rin' was epoxied t' t' motor tube, and this assembly was installed into t' slotted body tube. Ya scallywag! With t' rear-centerin' rin' temporarily put in place for alignment purposes, t' fins were epoxied into place. Begad! T' aft rin' be then removed, and internal fillets used at both t' motor tube and t' inside o' t' body tube. Avast! Aye aye! Since I be goin' t' be usin' rail guides instead o' launch lugs, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, t' guides were secured with nuts from t' inside o' t' airframe at this time. Before permanently installin' t' rear-centerin' ring, t' remainder o' t' cavity was filled usin' 2-part expandin' foam. Aye aye! Fillets were added t' t' fins at t' outside o' t' airframe for added strength, me bucko, usin' a combination o' epoxy and micro-balloons.

Sprite launch It be now time t' attach t' fin rin' and fin caps. Begad! Aye aye! Careful attention be paid t' t' alignment o' t' caps so that minimal fillin' o' gaps was necessary. When t' assembly was completely dried, matey, I once again used t' epoxy/micro-balloon mixture t' create fillets both inside and outside t' fin rin' at each fin and fin cap. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! I used grain filler on t' plywood fins, me hearties, and after some extensive sanding, was finally ready t' prime t' entire rocket. Arrr! More sanding, fillin' and primin' followed, shiver me timbers, o' course, until I be ready t' paint. Begad! After addin' an 18-foot, me bucko, 5/8-inch tubular nylon shock cord and a Sky-Angle 52-inch parachute with Nomex protector, t' total weight without motor is just over 8-pounds.

I launched t' completed project at our first Dragon's Fire launch o' t' season, April 7th, shiver me timbers, me hearties, 2001. Avast! Accordin' t' simulations done in both RockSim and wRASP, ya bilge rat, it reached a max altitude o' approximately 1900 feet on an Aerotech I284 reload. Begad! Unlike me first Sprite, t' whistlin' only occurred on t' way up.

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