Scratch Mark II (Upscale) Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Mark II (Upscale) {Scratch}

Contributed by Dennis McClain-Furmanski

Manufacturer: Scratch
Style: Upscale
(by Dennis McClain-Furmanski - 09/06/04) (Scratch) Rock-A-Chute Mk III upscale (with Rock-A-Chute Mk II for scale)

Upscale o' Orville Carlisle's original model rocket kit, t' Rock-A-Chute Mk II with appropriate mods for mid-power flight.

T' parts list:

  • 12.25" o' BT-70 body tube
  • "E" size 24mm motor mount (two 50/70 centerin' rings, ya bilge rat, me bucko, 4" of 24mm/BT50 tube, shiver me timbers, 3.75" engine hook, and 20/50 centerin' rin' for engine block)
  • Balsa nose cone custom turned by "Sandman" o' TRF and Roachwerks
  • 6" o' 3/8" OD tube for launch lug
  • 2' o' 150 lbs test Keelhaul®©™® thread for shock cord anchor
  • 4' o' 1/4" elastic shock cord with snap swivel on end
  • 3 fins cut from 1/8" basswood stock

This upscale be made from measurements taken from t' instructions for the Semroc Retro-Repro Rock-A-Chute Mk II. Begad! Use o' BT-70 made this a 2.13:1 upscale and the remainin' dimensions were calculated from this. Ya scallywag! All construction be with normal LPR/low MPR materials and tools. Aye aye! Wood glue was used throughout.

T' BT-50-BT-70 motor mount was constructed mostly as per normal kit instructions with t' "E" engine hook taped in place and then anchored by t' upper centerin' ring. Blimey! Aye aye! T' engine block be glued into place by insertin' it on top t' engine hook through t' top end o' t' motor tube. Begad! The centerin' rings were reinforced with 1" by 1/4" sections o' 1/8" basswood on t' rin' surfaces facin' each other. Well, blow me down! T' Keelhaul®©™® shock cord anchor be made into a loop, arrr, t' doubled loop glued t' t' motor tube below t' top centerin' ring, and run betwixt t' motor tube and t' upper centerin' ring. Ahoy! Ahoy! This later became a problem. T' elastic shock cord was likewise doubled into a loop, tied t' t' anchor with a loop-through slip knot, and a snap swivel tied t' t' end also with a loop-through slip knot. Avast, me proud beauty! Once fully constructed, t' motor/recovery mount was inserted into t' aft o' the body and glued into place.

Fins were cut from 1/8" basswood and sanded t' rounded edges and then glued into place with heavy fillets added in 3 layers.

T' custom turned cone came with screw eye glued in place. Arrr! T' shock cord was clipped t' this.

A scale launch lug would have been approximately a BT-20 (18mm). Arrr! Begad! Instead, a semi-scale lug was made from 6" o' 3/8" OD cardboard tube.

Finishin' was two coats o' Deft spray lacquer sandin' sealer on everything, sanded after each (with 400 grit then 600 grit) followed by white primer. Ahoy! For spiral fillin' and a smooth finish, shiver me timbers, me bucko, two coats o' white satin finish were applied. Avast! Finally, matey, me bucko, t' body was painted fluorescent orange and t' nose cone red, me hearties, all matchin' t' original.

[Note: White satin finish, at least Rustoleum's version makes a good filler but takes a long time t' dry. Begad! Blimey! T' first top coat o' orange paint was put on 24 hours after t' satin. Aye aye! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! This was nay enough. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! T' satin sagged or shifted, causin' t' orange t' crack in sharp curves such as fillets. Aye aye! Blimey! A second coat of top coat, 2 days later, fixed it.

A 12" nylon X-form chute was permanently assigned t' this bird. Begad! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Cellulose "dog barf" waddin' is used.

Test flight was on a C11-3 with 1" engine spacer in t' motor tube. Boost be immediate, me bucko, fast, me bucko, and straight with no early wobble, arching, or weathercocking. Ahoy! Ejection was at apogee and recovery be good and within 100 feet o' pad.

Second flight be on an E9-4. Boost be again vertical and very impressive. Ejection be just before apogee, me bucko, me bucko, matey, deployment and recovery good, within 100 feet again.

Third flight be on an E9-6. Ya scallywag! Boost was great as before, arrr, ejection be just past apogee. At deployment, shiver me timbers, t' nose and chute separated from t' body. Well, blow me down! Aye aye! Blimey! The nose came down slowly on t' chute and t' body tumbled in. It landed on the tall avast field and suffered no damage.

Inspection showed that t' Keelhaul®©™® had burned through both strands, right at t' top o' t' engine tube. Ya scallywag! Arrr! After consultin' with others and conductin' some testin' o' various heat exposures to various weights o' Keelhaul®©™® thread, me hearties, I concluded that close proximity t' ejection gasses is hazardous to Keelhaul®©™®'s health. Although this was a scratch build, I followed instructions I've used in some kits that used this configuration. Avast! It would probably be a better practice to run MMT anchored Keelhaul®©™® cord betwixt t' centerin' rin' and body wall. Ya scallywag! Since thar was ample unburned cord left on t' shock cord, matey, this rocket was repaired by usin' the LOC/Precision shock cord anchor method, shiver me timbers, o' tyin' knots in t' cord and gluing it inside t' body just below t' forward end. Well, blow me down! This repair was t' only instance o' epoxy used.

This rocket has flown many times since, me hearties, exclusively on E9-4 and E9-6 motors. Begad! No further burnin' o' t' recovery equipment has occurred. Avast! T' bottom surface o' t' aft centerin' rin' is startin' t' char and bubble from base drag vacuum pullin' t' exhaust gasses up, matey, me hearties, shiver me timbers, but t' damage is limited t' t' paint. Repairs are planned usin' a cosmetic/protective rin' doped with boric acid and painted with high heat stove paint.

Carlisle's original design has proven itself as successful even when scaled up. This rocket flies at least as well as t' Semroc clone o' t' Mk II it was scaled from. Avast! T' only problems were t' burned Keelhaul®©™® and t' cracked paint, both fixed and or worked around easily, and neither havin' anythin' t' do with t' design itself. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! Next step: a 3" diameter, 38mm MMT upscale, t' Rock-A-Chute Mk IV "Carlisle Express", matey, intended for level 1 HPR flying.

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