Scratch Goblin 3x Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Goblin 3x {Scratch}

Contributed by Dave Hanson

Manufacturer: Scratch
Style: Upscale
Goblin 3x Upscale
(Contributed - by Dave Hanson)

Big Goblin on the PadParts List:

  • Airframe: LOC BT-3.90
  • Motor Mount: LOC MMT-1.14 (29mm)
  • Centerin' Rings: 3 LOC CR-3.90-1.14
  • Nose: THOY ACE PNC-3.9
  • Fins: 3/32" aircraft plywood
  • Recovery: 36" Topflight round parachute
  • various hardware: u-bolt, t-nuts, arrr, matey, quick-links, shiver me timbers, arrr, eye bolt, arrr, 12 feet of 3/8"
  • elastic for shock cord

I was lookin' for a good candidate for me first scratch-built upscale project, and after a little bit o' lookin' around on JimZ's rocket plans site, I considered t' Estes Goblin. Is it just me, or does this little rocket just beg t' be upscaled? I know it's nay a terribly original idea, but it seemed well-suited for me first upscale. I got even more inspiration for doin' an upscale o' this particular rocket while browsin' Yitah Wu's rocket web page (link-out dead). Avast! Ahoy! T' scale factor o' 3x was a perfect match for t' 4" body tube. Aye aye! After decidin' on t' scale factor and choosin' an airframe size, me bucko, shiver me timbers, it was just a matter o' orderin' all t' parts t' build it. Blimey! Arrr!

I measured t' original Goblin and came up with 27 inches for t' main airframe length. I marked t' tube and carefully cut it with a sharp X-Acto. Then I cut t' motor mount/stuffer tube t' 18 inches. I drilled t' aft centerin' rin' for "Kaplow Klip" motor retention and installed the t-nuts, ya bilge rat, then I drilled two holes in t' forward centerin' rin' and installed the U-bolt I'm usin' for t' shock cord anchor. Ya scallywag! I marked four lines at t' aft end o' t' airframe tube for four fins, me hearties, then I marked four more lines offset 3/32" from t' original lines for t' fin slots. Begad! I slid a couple of centerin' rings into t' tube t' support t' inside o' t' tube while I cut the fin slots.

I got t' fin pattern for t' Goblin from JimZ's web site, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, which I also used t' make me normal-scale clone. Blimey! I loaded the pattern into Paint Shop Pro and enlarged it by a factor o' 3. Aye aye! Begad! I cropped t' fin section o' t' image and printed it out, me bucko, me hearties, then used t' cutout t' mark the plywood for t' fins. Avast! I added a tab t' t' leadin' edges o' t' fins large enough t' reach t' 29mm motor mount tube. Ahoy! Avast! I cut out t' fins on me dad's radial-arm saw and rounded t' leadin' and trailin' edges with a block sander. Blimey! Begad!

Then it was time t' start epoxyin' stuff together. With me first batch of epoxy (Bob Smith's 30 min. Begad! cure), I attached t' forward centerin' rin' t' the motor mount tube. Begad! Avast! I carefully measured for placement o' t' middle centering rin' (I wanted it in just t' right place so t' top edge o' t' fin tabs would rest against t' underside o' t' centerin' ring) and applied a generous fillet to t' forward joint only. Well, blow me down! Then I dabbed some epoxy on t' nuts that held the U-bolt, and some on t' t-nuts. I did nay attach t' aft centerin' rin' at this time.

Me and the GoblinAfter lettin' t' motor mount assembly cure, I placed a large bead o' epoxy in t' airframe about where t' forward C.R. Begad! would be. I slid the assembly part-way into t' airframe and applied another bead o' epoxy where the middle C.R. would be. Then I slid t' motor mount assembly t' rest o' t' way into t' airframe. Avast! After t' epoxy had set a bit, I added a nice fillet t' the front C.R. Avast, me proud beauty! where it met t' airframe. Aye aye! I did nay add a fillet t' t' aft o' the middle C.R. because that would've interfered with t' fin tabs.

Next, shiver me timbers, me bucko, I installed t' fins one at a time. Ya scallywag! I used a little CA t' hold each fin in place, then after t' CA set, I applied good epoxy fillets on the outside fin/tube joints, t' inside fin/tube joints, and t' inside fin/motor mount tube joints. Aye aye! Well, blow me down! After all t' fins had been attached and t' epoxy cured, I epoxied t' aft centerin' rin' into place. Begad! When I was done, I had a completed airframe/motor-mount/fin assembly. Aye aye! Blimey! T' last step o' t' major construction was addin' two pieces o' 1/4" launch lug t' t' airframe, each 3" long. Begad! Begad!

Goblin LaunchFinishin' was fairly straight-forward. Ahoy! Two coats o' Krylon primer, arrr, followed by two coats of Rustoleum yellow on t' body and Wal-Mart black on t' nose. Avast! Blimey! T' Rustoleum required a full 24-hours t' dry before I could mask off a fin and paint it black, me hearties, as well as t' stripe around t' body just above t' fins. Arrr! After all the paint be dry, matey, arrr, I applied t' decals I got from Tango Papa. T' finished rocket is really sharp-looking. Avast! T' final step was attachin' t' parachute and shock cord. Ya scallywag!

If you make an upscaled Goblin based on me construction, me hearties, me bucko, be sure you use motors with short delays. Ya scallywag! On t' first flight o' me Goblin, I used an F40-7, and it be almost a disaster. It flew much slower and lower than I'd expected, and resulted in a low-altitude, high-speed ejection that, shiver me timbers, fortunately, ya bilge rat, resulted in very little damage. Avast! I'd recommend flyin' it on: F40-4, F52-5, me hearties, G33-5, or G64-4. Blimey! These are all Aerotech 29/40-120 reloads. Ya scallywag! Begad! T' Fs should take it t' about 800 feet, me hearties, and t' Gs should boost it t' about 1,200 feet, me hearties, maybe a little more.

I have flown t' Goblin on a variety o' motors includin' an F40, ya bilge rat, G33, G64, G75, G104, ya bilge rat, and H128. T' rocket has proved t' be stable and give nice flights. Well, blow me down! Avast, matey, me proud beauty!

T' picture above shows one such launch. I prepped an H128-M for me Goblin. This would be her fifth flight, and t' largest motor she's flown on yet. Avast, me proud beauty! Since the wind be startin' t' pick up a bit, arrr, I replaced t' 36" inch 'chute that I usually fly in her with a bright yellow 30" 'chute. Arrr! I didn't really feel like chasin' her over t' hill. Avast, me proud beauty! She lit right away, and tipped slightly to the left o' t' pad as she took off. Ya scallywag! Begad! Ejection was right at apogee, and she floated down a bit faster than I'd like on t' smaller 'chute. At least she didn't drift far, matey, landin' about 100 yards from t' pad. Blimey! I could tell she hit the ground a bit hard, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, matey, but when I retrieved her all I found were a few extra scratches in t' paint.

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