Art Applewhite Rockets Flying Saucer 29mm (10.25")

Art Applewhite Rockets - Flying Saucer 29mm (10.25") {Kit}

Contributed by Bob Goffena

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Art Applewhite Rockets

Won this Art Applewhite saucer kit as part o' t' 2009 EMRR Rocket Video Contest. offers numerous cool oddrocs in various styles (saucers, pyramids, shiver me timbers, monocopters, me bucko, me bucko, hourglass/spools, me hearties, etc) and sizes (i.e. Ya scallywag! 4" t' 18" diameter saucers). Avast, me proud beauty! I had been thinkin' about scratch buildin' a saucer for sometime, shiver me timbers, and am glad I got hold o' this kit first. Aye aye! T' finished kit is as strong as anythin' I would have scratch built and much more light weight.

Parts provided by kit:

  • Card stock for top and core assembly
  • One thick 10.25” plastic picnic plate for t' bottom
  • One thick walled 29mm motor tube
  • One 3/16” launch lug
  • 3” x 6” x 3/32” basswood fin stock
  • 4 pages cardstock printed with patterns ready for cut out
  • 6 pages o' instructions
  • 1 plate cuttin' guide

Tools and materials required:

  • Scissors and/or utility/exacto knife
  • Elmers white glue is recommended (I used Titebond II wood glue)
  • Devcon 2 ton Epoxy or clear, 30 minute epoxy
  • Clear enamel is recommended
  • 150 grit sandpaper

T' top half and core are constructed usin' cardstock and white glue (I used wood glue). Well, blow me down! As mentioned in a previous review, arrr, me hearties, plates and bowls are used t' keep things centered up and t' apply uniform pressure when gluin' the core t' t' top half. Simple, easily executed technique that I would have nay thought o' myself. Begad! Up t' this point everythin' was constructed out o' card stock and seemed fairly flimsy.

After usin' t' plate cuttin' guide t' cut out t' core hole from t' plastic picnic plate, t' plastic picnic plate is placed over/around t' core and glued together at t' core. Begad! At this point t' build be gettin' more sturdy. Arrr!

A fin can is created by cuttin' fins from t' basswood, ya bilge rat, me hearties, and gluin' t' t' provided motor mount. Aye aye! I glued the provided 3/16” launch lug t' t' fin can as instructed. Blimey! Avast! I also added a 1/4” launch lug t' t' fin can, as I prefer t' launch from a wider diameter rod. Blimey! T' fin can is then glued into t' core. Begad!

At this point, t' kit be complete except for finishing. Well, blow me down! With t' addition o' t' fin can, arrr, t' kit was surprisingly strong t' me. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! Blimey! I have no doubt, t' kit will hold up t' any g motors and likely many larger motors. Arrr!

T' original flyin' saucer kits are available in fluorescent green, matey, me bucko, fluorescent yellow, fluorescent orange, arrr, me bucko, white, smiley, and hot pink. Aye aye! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! I ordered t' white figurin' i would paint it a mixture o' colors. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! In t' end i decided t' paint it silver and apply silver monokote on t' top portion o' t' rocket.

My final weight came in at 2.5 oz, instead o' t' manufactured listed 1.5 oz. Begad! I think t' extra ounce was due to t' addition o' monokote, shiver me timbers, matey, t' extra launch lug, me bucko, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, and overapplication o' epoxy. Ya scallywag!

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

For t' initial launch, ya bilge rat, I loaded up an Aerotech G64W-4. T' instructions describe usin' friction fit for motor retention. Begad! Aye aye! In lieu o' friction fit, I opted t' loop 20 gauge steel write around t' nozzle o' t' motor and through the provided 3/16” launch lug. Avast! T' saucer was then placed on a 1/4” rod. Ya scallywag! Launch winds were 10 mph.

Everyone at t' launch was surprised by how smartly t' saucer leapt off t' pad, arrr, how high t' saucer went, me hearties, and how straight t' saucer flew. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' saucer quit ascendin' almost immediately upon motor burnout.

After reachin' apogee, t' saucer turned over and started flipping/flutterin' toward t' ground. Avast! I'm nay certain flippin' is normal behavior o' saucer recovery. If not, me hearties, I suspect t' flippin' had somethin' t' do with t' extra weight I added durin' construction. Begad! Regardless, t' saucer descended slowly and safely, and everythin' was recovered intact ready t' fly again.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

If you are lookin' t' build a saucer, arrr, definitely consider checkin' out Blimey! This kit produces a great saucer, arrr, and definitely teaches t' builder that light weight materials can be used t' create very strong rockets.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Art Applewhite Rockets Flying Saucer 29mm (10.25") By Dick Stafford

    ( Contributed - by Dick Stafford - 11/15/02) Brief: I don't know what Art is feeding his saucers, but they just seem to keep gettin' BIGGER. His latest offering is 10.25 inches in diameter and flies on 29mm motors. The construction is almost identical to his 7.5 and 9-inch saucers, with a few components beefed up a bit. This one is fluorescent orange, but he also offers a 'Texas ...


DAU (July 21, 2003)
The only thing I would improve would be to mark the center of the plate, and the center of the cut out template. If Art were to build a jig for the plate, that centered the plate and poked a center hole, it would be a lot easier to center the template. Other than this, the rocket was an easy built. From start to finish, about 2 hours (including waiting for glue to dry). Flights are fantastic. I've flown it on an F20 and an F23. The rocket rips of the pad, and then drag takes over. The recoveries have been slow and gentle. Since the F20 is one of the loudest little motors out there, this would be a spectacular school demo rocket: loud, colorful, interesting and easy to recover.
S.S. (October 25, 2003)
With this design, you can burn pounds of AP, one motor at a time! I just flew it today. Winds were steady at 15-20mph. Noone was flying. I put my 29x10.5 Saucer up on a G40 with the ejection charge removed. Despite the wind, she went straight up. It's awesome to see such a small rocket with such a big flame under it. The motors work so hard to achieve such little altitude. The recovery was the best. Mine always stops, turns over and falls gently to the ground! I can't wait to build my 38mm saucer.

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