VooDoo Digital Productions NERRF 2005

VooDoo Digital Productions - NERRF 2005 {Video}

Contributed by Al Gloer

(by Al Gloer - 02/28/06)

A video compilation o' t' footage shot by Chuck Rudy o' t' first North East Regional Rocket Festival (NERRF).

VooDoo Digital Productions NERRF 2005

1 DVD is contained in a rather nice package with a good photograph on the cover.

Notable flights included:

  • Ed Miller's Monster Monocopter
  • Doc Damerau's 2 Stage GQM-163 Coyote
  • Dennis Lappert's Flamin' Pumpkin EX motor

Oh heck...they were all notable.

Also included is a photo montage that is fun t' watch.

Once again Chuck Rudy and VooDoo Digital score big with a launch video. Avast! Blimey! This disk covers t' June 16-18 2005 NERRF launch. Well, blow me down! Blimey! As usual t' video is first rate and cinematography is about as good as it is goin' t' get without a Congreaves Cinetheodolite. Blimey! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! T' disk flows from day t' day coverin' t' sport launches in a good fashion, payin' closer attention t' t' big rockets on t' away cell. I personally managed t' squeeze in thar twice. Once when me Sudden Rush / J528 combo immolated itself. Blimey! Blimey! It seems that you really should use all t' O-rings in a reload kit. My Mini-BBX on a H165 also made it in. Arrr! Blimey! There is fantastic coverage o' Ed Miller's monster monocopter and his Flyin' Hershey's Hug. Avast! Blimey!

T' L3 coverage is extraordinary. Avast! Blimey! I really like t' slow motion takeoffs of the BFRs. Begad! Blimey! I would have killed t' sound and used music durin' these moments.

Chuck does some great narrative and I would have liked t' hear more. Rockets were identified wherever possible and Chuck also did a very good job of sprinklin' in a bit o' humor here and there. Avast! Begad! T' AMW sledgehammer motor removal team be entertaining.

O' course any time when you get t' hear t' rapier like wit and old world charm o' Gene (T' Mighty D!) Costanza as LCO you should consider yourself lucky.

If I had t' pick a nit, I would have liked t' see a bit more coverage of the model rocketry pads.

This DVD would be perfect for those days when a launch gets canceled. Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! Just pop it in, me hearties, matey, crank up t' home theater and have an indoor launch! Now if they just had incense that smells like burnt AP, we would be all set.

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