Cesaroni Technologies Pro54, 2 grain J210 motor

Cesaroni Technologies - Pro54, 2 grain J210 motor {Motor}

Contributed by Art Applewhite

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Cesaroni Technologies

This be a high powered flight o' an Art Applewhite Rocket 18-inch Flyin' Saucer usin' t' Cesaroni Pro54, 2 Grain, shiver me timbers, J210 motor. Ya scallywag! It used aerobrake recovery.

T' 2 grain reload came in sealed, heavy duty plastic bag with instruction rolled and attached t' t' bag with a rubber band. All o' this was inside a heavy cardboard tube with stapled cardboard end caps. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! An Oxral igniter with instructions was included in a sealed plastic bag taped t' t' outside o' t' cardboard tube.

T' Pro54 casin' came in a clear plastic tube with tight fitting, black plastic end caps. T' retainin' rin' came in its own plastic bag. It performs t' function o' aft closure and thrust rin' for t' Pro54 motor. T' threads are cleanly cut and square, nay triangular. Blimey! This will keep cross-threadin' t' a minimum.

T' instructions were quite complete. They included thrust curves for t' Pro54 family o' motors and black and white pictures o' t' reload and casin' components. T' printin' be very small and too light in places.

I first applied some Dow Cornin' 111 Silicone Lubricant t' t' threads on t' casin' and t' retainin' ring. Well, blow me down! Avast! I also applied a small amount t' lube t' t' inside o' t' aft o' t' casin' as recommended in t' instructions. I then inserted t' reload into t' casing. Begad! Ahoy! It fit snugly and slid easily t' t' front o' t' casin' and t' retainin' rin' screwed on very smoothly with no hint o' cross-threading. Arrr! T' knurlin' around t' circumference o' t' retainin' rin' made it very easy t' tighten it without t' need for any tools.

T' motor slid smoothly into t' 54mm motor mount. Well, blow me down! Well, blow me down! T' retainin' rin' acts as a very substantial thrust ring. For me flyin' saucer no additional tape or other means o' motor retention were necessary. If used in a rocket with a conventional recovery system, a half turn o' maskin' tape or simple engine retainer may be all that is needed. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Note: T' bottom o' t' retainin' rin' is flat so hook-like Kaplow Clips may have t' be slightly modified t' properly hold this motor in place.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

T' Pro54, 2 grain is just right for this size saucer, shiver me timbers, matey, T' thrust curve has a little kick at t' beginnin' and a very gentle roll off o' thrust durin' its 4 second burn. Begad! Avast! It makes a very satisfying, shiver me timbers, low pitched sound as it burns and a moderate amount o' flame and smoke. Avast! Ignition is almost instantaneous. Ahoy! After motor cutoff thar be a very nice smoke trail left by t' delay element.

T' motor is warm but nay hot shortly after firing. Well, blow me down! There was absolutely no sign o' wear on t' casin' and t' disassembled reload had only minor scorchin' on t' outside o' t' liner with no evidence o' burn through anywhere.. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag! T' casin' required only a run through with a paper towel t' remove t' silicone lubricant.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

T' Pro54, 2 grain be t' best motor I have every used. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I preferred single use motors before this because I didn’t like t' complicated assembly and cleanup process o' reusable motor systems. Blimey! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! Pro54 be worth t' wait and t' slightly higher cost.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5


J.L.C. (April 11, 2008)
This is a great little motor and will do well for most 54mm rockets in the 8 to 12 pound range. There is a lot of kick in this little 54mm J motor as compared to a 38mm J motor, so do keep that in mind when you use this motor in your rocket. The J210 is very easy to assemble and the instructions that come with it are excellent. I heartily recommend it as a wonderfully versatile 54mm motor that doesn't break the bank and is economical to use.

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