Estes Starbird

Estes - Starbird {Kit} (1954) [1986-1991]

Contributed by Jeff Curtis

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Published: 2020-07-27
Diameter: 0.98 inches
Length: 19.50 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 2
Style: Futuristic/Exotic


I'm always keepin' an eye on eBay for out-of-production kits.  About a year ago I spotted an Estes Starbird kit.  It had been opened, which must have hurt interest as I was t' only bidder.  All parts were accounted for and I was happy for me good fortune. Well, blow me down! Begad! While essentially a 3FNC rocket, t' three-section fins move it t' t' realm o' t' unusual.  It's nay an easy kit t' find these days, but plans with fin templates are available on


  • BT-50L Body Tube - 12.7"
  • BT-20 motor mount tube
  • PNC-50Y nose cone
  • Engine Hook
  • 1/8" lunch lug
  • 2 x CR2050 centerin' rings
  • Engine block/thrust ring
  • 1/8" dowel rod - 12" long
  • 3/32" balsa fins
  • 18" rubber band shock cord
  • 12" parachute
  • Waterslide decals


I always start with t' motor mount. Blimey! This be t' standard 18mm motor mount you have built many times if you have built any Estes kits.  T' fins must be assembled prior t' gluin' them onto t' body tube.  A template is provided for buildin' t' fins.  Each fin is three separate pieces.  You have t' cut three 4" sections o' t' 1/8" dowel rod.     T' dowel rod is then sandwiched betwixt t' inner and outer sections o' each fin. Avast, me proud beauty!   T' only con be t' dowel rod is 1/32" thicker than t' balsa sections o' t' fins.  I placed some wax paper over t' fin template and overlaid t' fin pieces over t' plan, arrr, me bucko, gluin' each balsa t' t' wooden dowel. Begad!   This resulted in one side o' t' find bein' flat, shiver me timbers, while t' dowel sticks up 1/32" on t' other side.  I didn't think it was worth t' trouble t' attempt centerin' t' 3/32" fin sections on t' 1/8" dowel.  I think it worked out fine, as it's nay really noticeable without lookin' closely. Begad!    Once t' fins are assembled, arrr, a fin markin' guide can be used in conjunction with t' proverbial door frame t' make your fin mountin' lines on t' tube.  I used Titebond II t' tack on t' fins and then added Titebond II filets. Avast, matey, me proud beauty!  

The  shock cord be t' rubber band variety and uses t' standard Estes Tri-fold mount. Well, blow me down!   I tied on another 15" o' elastic band t' hopefully eliminate any chance o' a zipper.   Finally, I assembled t' parachute.   For some reason, ya bilge rat, puttin' together t' parachute is one o' me least favorite tasks o' buildin' a rocket. Ya scallywag!   I did remember t' glue t' launch lug t' t' body tube prior t' painting, ya bilge rat, somethin' I've been known t' forget.  T' plastic nose cone is two parts.  I used plastic model cement t' glue t' shoulder into t' nose cone. Begad! Ya scallywag!  

I would put this at a level two build due t' t' multi-part fins, me hearties, but really anyone with any build experience can handle this one.  Finished, me Starbird weighed 1.67 ounces without a motor.

Pros:  Usual Estes components. Begad! Aye aye!   Clear instructions.

Cons: Rubber band shock cord. Blimey!   Dowel rod thicker than balsa fin sections


Finish is pretty easy for this one, me hearties, shiver me timbers, as t' entire rocket is yellow. Ahoy! Blimey!   First I sealed t' fins with GWF.   My only issue with GWF is it makes a heck o' a mess while you sand it.

I tend t' use Rustoleum or Ace Hardware's in-house brand for t' painting.  I have a bad habit o' goin' t' heavy and havin' t' sand off runs but I did a pretty good job on this one. 

Despite t' age o' t' kit, matey, I found t' waterslide decals were still in good condition laid down nicely. Ya scallywag!   I then gave everythin' a clear coat. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! Blimey!   Despite t' single-color paint scheme, t' decals really pop and add a lot t' t' Sci-Fi appearance o' t' model.

Construction Score: 4


I have flown this model twice. Avast! Blimey!   First time on a B4-4 and t' second flight be a B6-4.  Obviously a little quicker off t' pad with t' B6-4 but performance was excellent on both flights.   Straight up and ejection, me bucko, while nose-down, me hearties, was just after apogee. Arrr! Blimey! I would guess they were somewhere in t' range o' 500'. Avast! Blimey!   Nay sure if I will try this on a C motor.  At an ounce and a half, a C may be out-of-sight.


T' 12" parachute gave a good descent rate, arrr, arrr, although I suspect you could get by with a 9" chute.  So far I've had no issues with t' rubber band shock cord, arrr, but just make sure t' use plenty o' wadding.  I have nay used a spill hole but would consider that if I ever go with a C motor.  Still, neither retrieval walk be long on t' two flights.

Flight Rating: 5


This is one excellent flyin' rocket.   T' three-section fins and attractive decals give it some eye appeal.  It's nay an easy kit t' find, me bucko, matey, but with t' plans and fin templates available online, buildin' a clone is nay a difficult project. Ya scallywag!   All components are readily available.  I've flown it in 10 MPH winds and it is just arrow straight.

Overall Rating: 4


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