Scratch - FSW-RCRG {Scratch}

Contributed by Chris Taylor Jr.

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Chris Taylor)
Forward Swept Win' Radio Controlled Rocket Glider

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This is a relatively Accurate Sketch o' My Current Project, arrr, As usual t' Not so special but Blunt Name for it :-)

I used a 4.5 Foot Styrofoam Glider from Toys-R-Us for Parts t' chop up to make this model

This Model Proved t' "Finicky" in that it was Very Touchy to controls It would make a Fine Glider and VERY aerobatic at that :-) but under boost I doubt I or anyone else would have t' reflexes t' keep it goin' up :-)

My next plan is t' lenghten it t' put some distance betwixt t' Canard and the Wing. Blimey! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! I was hopin' it would be docile enough short for it looks VERY Cool this way But me Experience told me before I tossed it for t' first time it would be Touchy and it was. Well, blow me down! Blimey!

I plan t' still use t' Foam Win' and Canard and Stabilizer. In t' Finished Model I will use a Built up Balsa Fuselage With t' Gear inside.

T' Gear Consists o' 2 Mini Hitec 101 Servos and a 2 channel narrow band reciever on 72mhz

For Power Right now I am usin' a 4AAA pack but for Real Flyin' I will use a Tiny 6v Lithium Cell from Radio Shack nay much bigger than an "N" battery

This would only last maybe for a Day or 2 o' Flyin' but Would be EXTREMLY Light and Small It would be so Light that it would have NO noticeable effect on CG Since with t' 4AAA t' Batteries are t' heaviest component in t' entire Aircraft.!!

I will Fly this Plane on Estes D11-P's and Hopefully if I reinforce t' Foam Wings E-15P's from Aerotech

T' Apogee E6 would also be a Very Good Motor, F10's would be Cool but I don't think t' Plane could handle that. Aye aye! Ya scallywag!

Flight Report

First flight be VERY VERY Squirly (I left t' canard on) but I kept it in one peice and got a good flight recovery from it

I figure I got maybe 100-150 feet at most on t' D11-P I am nay willin' to try larger engines just yet :-)

I flew it again with a Lot more nose weight and got a MUCH better boost still skitish but easily controllable

Except I had t' glide with full up trim and then some t' level out BUT it was worth it t' make that boost a little less excitin' :-)

I flew it ONE more time This time on an F10 :-) Bad Idea By some miracle I managed t' keep it goin' UP all over t' place but t' power was t' much and I sheared a win'

No damage otherwise (it is light) it just fluttered Flat Spin t' t' ground

I will have t' build another one with Balsa sheet covered wings t' make it stronger
I will have a Picture (to replace that measily drawin' soon)

I wont't have me usual boost pics in time since I flew alone and it is WAY to skitish t' boost with a camera in me hands :-)

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