Scratch Thunder'ceptor Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Thunder'ceptor {Scratch}

Contributed by March Briner

Manufacturer: Scratch
(by March Briner)

Scratch Thunder'CeptorBrief:
Long and skinny, single stage, arrr, high-power rocket [though it appears t' be multi-stage]. Over 12 feet tall. Ahoy! Blimey! Recovers under 44" chute.

This project started in me mind's eye in 1991, me hearties, though construction never started until late 1992. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! In all, thar be 80 inches o' 3.1" LOC airframe, 60 inches o' 2.26" LOC airframe [not countin' a 30 inch long 54mm motor tube], 16 fins, 2 transitions made from epoxy-glassed posterboard, matey, and about 24 feet o' 3/4" braided shock cord.

T' first pieces o' t' rocket came from a Caliber ISP kit. Arrr! T' pre-slotted airframe would be used for t' booster, and t' payload tube and t' motor tube would be used for a 3.1-2.26 transition about halfway up t' rocket. Ya scallywag! The centerin' rings were used t' anchor t' protrudin' 2.26 tube t' t' 3.1 tube. T' bulkhead assembly was put in t' other end o' t' 3.1 tube as per usual. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Blimey!

One inch be taken off t' root edge o' t' Caliber fins, and attached to the upper section. T' other pieces, more airframe, shock cord, arrr, plywood fin stock, shiver me timbers, etc., me hearties, shiver me timbers, came together. Avast! Blimey!

At t' time, ya bilge rat, I was in high school and was enrolled in a wood shop class, arrr, me bucko, me bucko, so I had easy access t' machinery t' cut and shape t' fins. Avast, me proud beauty! Cuttin' and shaping the fins took, in all, shiver me timbers, almost 25 hours. Blimey! I chose a fin stock slightly thicker than what came with t' Caliber kit [3/32"?]. Begad! Avast!

T' first set o' fins [from t' bottom] were rhomboid, shiver me timbers, 3 inches wide and 4 inches long. Begad! For added effect, ya bilge rat, I glued an 8 inch length o' Estes BT-5 t' the tip edge. In retrospect, shiver me timbers, I should have used solid wood dowels; t' thin-walled tubes were bent t' hell before I ever painted t' rocket. Well, blow me down! Avast! These fins were mounted through t' wall through t' existin' slots. Well, blow me down!

T' next set o' fins were 3 inch squares mounted through t' wall. Blimey! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! A new set o' slots were made for them. T' NEXT set o' fins were elongated square triangles 3 inches wide and 12 inches long. Ahoy! Blimey! They were surface mounted. Filletin' all o' these fins took nearly three sets o' 15 minute epoxy. Well, blow me down! Blimey!

Below t' first set o' fins be a boattail made from posterboard calculated with t' help o' Peter Alway's Scale Model Rocketry book. Well, blow me down! Aye aye! Two o' these were made; one for t' boattail, matey, ya bilge rat, and one for t' upper transition. Avast! Both were given a liberal epoxy glaze almost 1/8 inch thick.

T' motor mount tube was 30 inches long and be held in place with 3 centerin' rings. Arrr! T' shock cord be held in place via a cable anchored t' the top centerin' ring. Begad!

Given that thar were 12 thick plywood fins at t' back end, me bucko, I'd probably have t' put some ballast at t' front end. Blimey! I filled a 2.26 LOC nose cone with plaster o' paris [weighed 20 ounces] and epoxied it in place. Arrr! Doin' a swing test on a 12 foot rocket is nay as easy as it looks. It turned out that the plaster filled nose cone be makin' more problems than it solved. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! I later replaced it with an empty cone.


T' paint scheme was simple; white airframe, black nose and fins. Painting it took more cans o' Krylon than I anticipated. Ya scallywag! Blimey! But eventually, it was finished. Ya scallywag! Blimey! I called it Thunder'ceptor [combinin' t' words 'thunder' and 'interceptor', me hearties, but few people got it]. Begad! Blimey!

Scratch Thunder'CeptorFlight:
T' first flight was at a Connecticut Tripoli launch in Morris, CT on 28 February 1993. Ahoy! Blimey! T' motor o' choice was an AeroTech I210 [single use]. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! I packed the chutes with plenty o' baby powder, matey, shoved in some wadding, and prepped the motor with maskin' tape [friction fit and thrust ring]. Well, blow me down! Aye aye! Blimey! Settin' it up on the pad brought a few realities t' light. Arrr! Avast! Blimey! T' rocket be almost top-heavy even for a 1/2 inch rod [this be before I replaced t' plaster-filled nose cone]. Ya scallywag! It flew straight and true t' a little over 1000 feet.

Future flights were made at Battle Park launches in 1993 and 1994, me bucko, ya bilge rat, and at LDRS 1996, me bucko, all on full or nearly full impulse I motors. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! 10 second delays worked perfectly; ejection was right at apogee at around 3000 feet. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! After t' first two flights, it started corkscrewin' a bit. Avast! Arrr! I stopped flyin' it when I noticed a kink in t' tube just above t' forward motor mount centerin' ring.

T' rocket be definitely an attention-getter, ya bilge rat, matey, which was somethin' in t' back of me mind as I built it. Aye aye! Arrr! It has even appeared in HPR magazine a couple of times; look for launch reports from Battle Park 1993, matey, or t' April 1997 issue on p68. I enjoyed buildin' it; it gave me somethin' t' do durin' t' cold winter months. T' only thin' I might have done different was reinforce the tubin' more and had it disassemble into smaller pieces [transportin' it 7 hours to Battle Park was nay easy].

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