Screamin' Max Modification

Modification - Screamin' Max {Modification}

Contributed by J Stuart Powley

Manufacturer: Modification


(MODS) Screamin' Max (MODS) Screamin' MaxBrief:
When I was at t' local Hobby Lobby, matey, I saw that they were havin' a 1/2 price sale on all their Estes rockets. Aye aye! Blimey! I smartly snatched up a Screamin' Mimi and waited for inspiration. Ya scallywag! Well, blow me down! Blimey! A couple o' days later I be watchin' a show on German Stukas. Avast! Blimey! T' sirens on t' wings reminded me o' t' whistles on t' Mimi and then I had it! Blimey! Why nay combine t' Screamin' Mimi with one o' t' most classic fun-rocs Estes ever came out with: Der Red Max! Blimey! Suddenly, t' Screamin' Max be born!

I decided t' take t' best parts o' both rockets when combinin' them. Arrr! I liked t' Mimi's length, size, and engine mount. I liked t' Red Max's three fin configuration, shiver me timbers, fin size and shape, decals, and paint scheme. Therefore, me hearties, I left t' body tube, shiver me timbers, engine mount, me hearties, shiver me timbers, and whistle tubes t' same. I substituted 3/16 inch basswood for all t' balsa because t' Red Max fins are a little larger and a slightly different shape than t' Mimi's, so I figured if I was havin' t' cut new fins anyway I might as well make them more sturdy. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Blimey! By t' way, I got me Red Max plans and decals off o' JimZ's Rocket plans. Since t' Red Max was a three finned model, me hearties, I decided t' go that route on t' new rocket. Avast! Begad! Blimey! That meant that thar would be one less whistle, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, but I hoped that wouldn't matter much. Ya scallywag! I flipped t' whistle mountin' pylons around on t' new model, simply because I thought they looked better. I then downloaded t' decals for t' Red Max and modified them with Paint Shop so that t' Skulls were "screamin'" I made new decals for t' name logo and "SCREAMINVERKINS" labels for t' whistles. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' original decals were printed with a white background, but t' hobby shop where I got me decal paper was out, me hearties, ya bilge rat, so I painted a white band around t' top o' t' rocket and placed t' main wrap decal over it. Arrr! T' rest o' t' decals I just left regular.

(MODS) Screamin' MaxConstruction:
T' main components are t' same as in t' stock Screamin' Mimi. Begad! In t' Max though, I used 3/16 inch basswood instead o' t' balsa provided. Begad! Ahoy! Also, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, t' Max only has three fins and whistles, me bucko, instead o' t' Mimi's four. T' trickiest part was creatin' t' custom decals, but that was more fun than difficult.

All in all, construction be very easy. Well, blow me down! I didn't really use any printed instructions, matey, I just went with what I saw in me mind as t' finished product (along with pictures from me 1977 Estes catalog o' t' Red Max).

I used Krylon red and black and Testors Decal Sealer over t' decals. T' decal placement be left pretty much up t' t' modeler on t' original Red Max, me hearties, matey, me bucko, so I went with that idea on t' Screamin' Max. Begad! Well, ya bilge rat, blow me down! I was very pleased with t' overall effect. Aye aye! It has a "new nostalgic" look that I really like!

(MODS) Screamin' MaxFlight:
Fly this baby with a D12-5. It's all I've used but it was perfect. Begad! Preppin' t' model is very easy because t' body tube is large enough t' comfortably hold t' chute (I used t' stock Mimi chute). Begad! Ya scallywag! It does require waddin' and don't skimp! T' motor is retained with t' stock Mimi engine hook. Avast, me proud beauty! T' flight was straight and true with ejection right after apogee! I didn't need t' worry about t' one missin' whistle as t' other three were heard well after engine burnout. Avast! Avast, me proud beauty! (I had t' fourth in me pocket t' use in case you couldn't hear t' other three. Ya scallywag! "See, it DID whistle...No, arrr, that wasn't me!") All in all, ya bilge rat, a great flight and recovery!

(MODS) Screamin' MaxSummary:
This was a fun project that resulted in a strikin' model. Ahoy! I haven't flown it around a large group yet, shiver me timbers, but a local launch is comin' up. Aye aye! Blimey! I'm interested t' see what t' reaction will be. Arrr! Blimey! Nay that it really matters, ya bilge rat, I really like it!

T' most fun part o' this project was modifyin' and creatin' t' decals. Avast! Computers rock!



Bill Eichelberger (July 15, 2024)

I have no idea how many Screamin' Mimi kits I bought from Hobby Lobby for various projects, but I finally felt guilty and built the last one as a Mimi. Turned out to be a pretty cool kit, and you CAN hear the whistles/buzzers if there's enough power.

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