Modification Der Max Squared Modification

Modification - Der Max Squared {Modification}

Contributed by Jim Bassham

Published: 2010-08-24
Manufacturer: Modification

Mod - Estes - Der Twin Red MaxBrief:
This is me twin-engine modification o' Estes' Der Red Max kit for t' EMRR "Twice t' Thrust" Challenge

Construction started with t' two motor tubes. I cut a slit 1/4" from one end o' t' tubes for t' hook, me hearties, held it in place with maskin' tape and glued t' engine block in place above t' clip. Ya scallywag! Begad! With t' clips on opposite sides, I glued t' tubes t' each other usin' epoxy. Ya scallywag! While they were drying, ya bilge rat, I placed a length o' Keelhaul®©™ into t' joint as a shock-cord anchor.

Once dried, me bucko, I fitted t' two tubes into t' coupler. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! A couple strips o' paper were required t' get a tight fit that did nay distort t' coupler. Begad! Blimey! I glued this assembly together usin' yellow glue. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! As this dried I stuffed paper towels, me bucko, arrr, dipped in a 50/50 solution o' yellow glue and water and then rung out into t' cavity betwixt t' coupler and t' motor tubes t' block t' ejection charge from blowin' out t' back.

I let this assembly dry over night and filled and sanded t' body tube, arrr, nose cone and fins o' t' rocket. Well, blow me down! I used three coats o' Elmer's Carpenter's wood filler on t' fins thinned with water, and t' same t' fill t' grooves on t' tube. Blimey! T' nose cone required a few dabs o' Squadron green putty t' fill grooves.

I glued t' modified motor mount with shock cord into t' body with yellow glue. Well, blow me down! I placed t' motor tubes flush with t' back o' t' rocket.

T' rest o' t' assembly followed t' instructions from t' Red Max kit.

I finished this Max yellow and applied t' decals as usual. Arrr! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! After everythin' had dried, me hearties, ya bilge rat, I used a Sharpie t' cross out t' "Red" in Red Max and ink in a "2" above t' "Max" t' make t' "Max Squared"

With t' engines in place, me bucko, I compared t' balance point with t' SpaceCad file I had created for this rocket, and felt t' balance point was a bit too far aft, so i added plasticine clay t' t' nosecone (About a 1" by 1" by 1/2" piece) until t' balance was about 1 caliber (body tube diameter) forward o' o' t' CP.

(1) Der Red Max Kit

(2) 18mm motor tubes from Balsa Machinin' Service (BT-20 2 3/4" long)

(2) Motor hooks from Balsa Machining

(2) Thrust blocks

(1) Estes BT-60 coupler 1 1/2" long

(2 ft.) Keelhaul®©™ shock cord (Balsa Machinin' KC-200)

I love t' Red Max kit. Ahoy! It is an easy build and looks great. Aye aye! Avast! This is an easy mod if you want t' double your pleasure and get t' "Max" out o' this kit. It is a quick way t' try somethin' different without goin' too far out on a limb. Arrr! T' best part is you can fly this off your regular estes launch equipment if you have fresh batteries. Arrr! Anythin' more than two won't work, though (believe me, I've tried).

I tried this on three motor combinations A8-3's B6-4's and C6-5's. Aye aye! This was where SpaceCad came in t' most handy. Ya scallywag! Blimey! I thought t' extra thrust might require longer delays, but SpaceCad indicated otherwise. Begad! It is a good thing, because t' A8-3 was almost too long, ya bilge rat, I actually thought one engine had nay lit, it was such a low flight, me hearties, but everythin' was safe, matey, and it worked well on all three motor combinations.

T' B6-4 be t' best flight. Begad! Nice and powerful, ya bilge rat, me bucko, but stayed in sight. Ya scallywag! T' C6-5's went almost out o' sight, and I only caught sight o' it when it ejected. Very spectacular.

I flew this rocket on a windy (10mph +) day, and thar be no sign o' weather-vaning. Arrr! It flew very straight every time and only showed t' affect o' t' wind when it deployed and that pirate chute opened up - then it be off t' t' races!

I can't say enough good things about t' Der Red Max kit. Well, blow me down! It is one o' me favorites, matey, and t' decals can't be beat. It is a great kit t' modify. Begad! I have build a "D" version, a three-engine version, arrr, matey, and now a two-engine version. Begad! Arrr! It is a very stable design that adapts well t' modification. Avast, me proud beauty! I now want t' try a multi-stage max...

T' only tip I can think o' is in t' decals for this kit. Avast! Avast! I have always had trouble with decals, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, and have struggled with t' body-wrap decals like t' skulls on black that go at t' top o' t' tube o' t' Max. One trick I have found is t' first paint t' entire decal sheet with Micro-Sol liquid decal film. this thickens t' decals and makes them easier t' handle. Begad! Avast! This has helped me nay tear t' decals when tryin' t' pull them into position. Arrr! Also, a coat o' this on t' finished model helps seal t' decals and reduce that "tackiness" that can sometimes make them pull off when handled.

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