Quest Future Launch Vehicle Cluster

Modification - Future Launch Vehicle Cluster {Modification}

Contributed by Dale Marshall

Published: 2010-07-21
Manufacturer: Modification
Style: Cluster, Futuristic/Exotic
(Contributed - by Dale Marshall - 07/21/10)

This is Quest's highly detailed sport scale model o' NASA's next big-payload launch vehicle. The kit features beautifully detailed and pre-printed body wraps.

When buildin' t' first kit, me hearties, I was thinkin' o' ways t' modify it, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, and immediately wanted t' put engines in t' boosters and make them fall away and recover separately. Arrr! However, that was too hard since I didn't know anythin' about fall-away boosters so I decided t' put two engines in t' main body tube as well as engines in t' static boosters. Ya scallywag! Unfortunately, matey, I didn't have a two-engine cluster mount available, so I had t' build me own. Avast, me hearties, me proud beauty! It wasn't too difficult and soon I had a nice engine mount.

Followin' me own advice (see me FLV review), I built t' rest o' t' rocket before installin' t' mount.

First I cut everythin' out, arrr, and then dry-fit t' wraps, trimmin' as necessary t' ensure a good fit. Some spray adhesive and small amounts o' white glue later and it was done.

T' put engines in t' boosters I rounded up some BT-5 thrust rings and dry-fit them usin' a 13mm engine to determine depth. Avast, me proud beauty! Turns out t' booster tubes are a bit larger than t' trust rings, so I had t' put tape around them to get a better fit before gluin' them in. Begad! I left off t' booster nozzles completely.

T' dual engine mount when in nicely once everythin' else was in place.

I decided t' paint t' nosecone black on this version o' t' FLV so it is easily distinguishable from t' regular one.

Also I roughly doubled t' noseweight but it turns out that was likely nay enough as you'll see later.

When buildin' t' first kit, I was thinkin' o' ways t' modify it, arrr, and immediately wanted t' put engines in t' boosters. Arrr! Begad! Blimey! However, that be too easy so I decided t' put two engines in t' main body tube. Unfortunately, ya bilge rat, I didn't have a two-engine cluster

Finishin' was t' same as me first FLV except I decided t' paint t' main nosecone black. Also, arrr, thar be a gap betwixt t' main body wrap and t' one around t' nosecone, so I colored that black with a Sharpie.

For me first launch I used two B6-4s t' see how stable it was. Well, me hearties, blow me down! It launched quick and straight and landed with no problems other than a slightly bent fin. I repaired it with some Gorilla Glue and it was ready t' go again.

For t' second launch I installed two A8-3s in t' main tube and three 1/2As in t' boosters. Ya scallywag! I had to double-wrap tape around t' booster engines because t' tubes are a little larger than t' engines.

This launch wasn't so good. Ya scallywag! It went up about 100' and arced right over t' pad. Begad! At first I though one o' the booster engines might nay have lit, shiver me timbers, but after reviewin' t' video thar are at least four distinct "pops" as t' ejection charges go off. Aye aye! Blimey! I think it needs more noseweight.

For t' third launch o' me modified FLV, matey, I loaded up a C6-3 and a C6-0 (didn't feel t' need for two ejection charges). No engines in the boosters because I want t' get a bigger clip whip before tryin' 5 engines again. Ahoy! T' launch be spectacular t' say t' least. Blimey! T' rocket whipped off t' rod and immediately went end-over-end, crashin' t' the ground about 40 feet from t' pad where it sat until t' ejection charge went off. Avast! Upon inspection, thar was a large hole in t' side o' the rocket, matey, me hearties, and t' parachute was completely melted. Begad! T' insides o' t' FLV were still on fire five minutes later. Arrr! Blimey! RIP.

Unfortunately, matey, one o' t' shroud lines ripped out and a couple o' fins broke so I couldn't get me third launch in. I'll repair it and try again later.

This be a fun project and I'm lookin' forward t' launchin' it again with more noseweight. Avast, me proud beauty! I'd really like t' cluster t' work correctly.

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