Scratch Der Red Max (KC-2) Clone

Scratch - Der Red Max (KC-2) {Scratch}

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Published: 2013-05-17
Manufacturer: Scratch


Clonin' be t' thin' that brought me back t' rocketry in 2001. Arrr! Blimey!  For weeks after t' discovery o' JimZs plan site, I pored over old plans, makin' a list o' clonin' projects I wanted t' tackle ASAP. Blimey!  T' Max be at t' top o' that list.  Nothin' difficult about t' project until it came t' t' decals, but I figured out a way t' sidestep t' problem o' me inkjet printer nay doin' white, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, so all be good.


  • PNC-60AH nose cone (from Mean Machine donor kit)
  • BT-60HE body tube (also from Mean Machine donor kit)
  • 2 CR-2060 centerin' rings (Estes Designer Special)
  • 18mm engine hook (Mean Machine donor kit)
  • BT-20G engine tube (Estes Designer Special)
  • Launch lug (Mean Machine donor kit)
  • 3/32" basswood fin stock (Johnny's Toys)
  • 18" length o' 1/4" sewin' elastic (Hancock Fabrics, me hearties, for which I got laughed at by t' sales lady)


Buildin' Der Red Max couldn't be simpler. Begad! Avast!  It's a 3fnc bird with oversized fins and very little finesse o' any kind was needed durin' construction.  Fins were attached and filleted and t' motor mount constructed and installed usin' Elmer's Wood glue. Begad!  T' Max be one o' t' first birds I used thinned Elmer's Fill & Finish on, me hearties, and after dryin' overnight I was able t' start with t' first o' two coats. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty!  Despite t' advances in me finishin' techniqueTongue Out, I be still usin' t' Estes tri-fold shock cord mount, but I'd long since learned me lesson as t' usin' too little shock cord.


This is one o' those kits whose inspired simplicity makes it a joy t' paint.  Red body.  Black nose cone.  You're pretty much down t' pickin' paint shades.  I went t' Fill & Finish route on this and was pleased with t' results that two rounds o' fillin' and sandin' made before priming.  Primer was Valspar white, body be Valspar Cherry Red gloss, shiver me timbers, and nose cone was Valspar gloss black.  In other words, me hearties, me bucko, shiver me timbers, I didn't sweat t' paint shades.  I built this kit in late 2001, matey, arrr, right around t' time that I discovered Bel Decal paper on Ebay.  I knew that me inkjet printer couldn't handle the crucial white sections behind t' iron crosses and skulls, but I had stumbled upon somethin' that I thought might offer a solution.  While followin' me wife around Wal-Mart one night, I found a pack o' vinyl shelf paper with a self adhesive backing.  T' paper was 8 1/2 x 11, and while it wouldn't allow t' inkjet t' print on it, it would allow me t' custom cut a white backin' for every individual decal.  I printed off t' decal in black on t' Bel paper, me bucko, then printed off t' decal on a separate piece o' plain paper.  I lined up t' paper with t' shelf paper, matey, taped t' edges together t' keep t' papers together, arrr, then cut each decal just inside t' actual design.  I then peeled off t' backin' paper (the toughest part o' t' project,) and placed t' white blank in t' appropriate spot on t' painted rocket body.  T' decals were then applied over t' white blanks, and dependin' on t' accuracy o' me cuts, me hearties, one would have been tough pressed t' tell that they were nay a regular set o' Der Red Max decals.  Some details were too small t' go through t' whole shelf paper process, which gave away me secret t' t' occasional sharp eye, but on t' whole t' results were great.  Over t' years t' decals have shrunk somewhat due t' age, ya bilge rat, me bucko, but ten plus years down t' line t' overall result still holds together.

Construction Score: 5


I've often found that t' first flight for a given rocket can give you a good idea what kind o' flight career it's goin' t' have.  T' first flight o' me Red Max clone was on a C6-5 at VOA Park with t' QUARKers.  After a great flight from t' big lawn t' Max found a "large puddle/small pond" t' cushion t' landing.  My nephew rescued it before any real damage could occur, me hearties, shiver me timbers, but t' engine casin' soaked up enough water that it swelled and would need t' be removed with a multi-tool.  It ended t' day, me hearties, but nay t' career for me clone.  Subsequent flights were made with engines rangin' from a B6-4 t' a C5-3, dependin' on t' size o' t' field.  T' C5-3 ejections were a bit abrupt, but never bad enough t' cause recovery problems.

Flight Rating: 5


Pros: Perhaps t' most iconic 3FNC bird in t' history o' Estes, me hearties, everyone loves t' see it show up on t' flightline.  Stable flights.  Plenty o' room for your recovery system.

Cons: At t' time it was difficult t' properly do t' white on t' decals unless you had an Alps printer.  Now thar are several decal sources, includin' Estes, who include a set in each new Der Red Max that they sell.  Long may it wave.

Overall Rating: 5
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