Pemberton Technologies Little Bucky Jones

Pemberton Technologies - Little Bucky Jones {Kit}

Contributed by Jonah Dahncke

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Pemberton Technologies
Pemberton Technologies Little Bucky Jones Space Cadet

This rocket is a downscale o' t' Bucky Jones by Pemberton Technologies and is a great kit through and through. Begad! Blimey! The humorous "destructions" alone are reason t' get this kit. Begad! Blimey! It is also a great flier and is always impressive. Arrr! Blimey!

T' parts o' this kit are packaged very well and this is a builder's rocket. 1 BT-60 sized tube is supplied and needs to be specifically cut for looks. Well, blow me down! A 24mm motor mount is supplied and 3\16" launch lugs for t' exhaust pipes at the aft o' t' rocket. Arrr! Also 4 launch lugs (two 1\4" and two 1\8") are supplied for your chose o' rod size. Screw eye and lots o' ballast weight are supplied for t' pre-drilled nosecone. Aye aye! Recovery is a basic 18" parachute with a Keelhaul®©™® anchor and elastic attached. Well, blow me down! Plywood fin stock and patterns are also supplied.

Like all other Pemtech kits (or so I am told), t' instructions are clear and very funny. Begad! There are pictures and these are quite helpful. Avast, me proud beauty! I did deviate from t' instructions and built certain parts o' t' rocket at different time just t' save time. Begad! I first started by cuttin' t' angle on t' main body tube and it came out pretty well. Ahoy! Avast, me proud beauty! Then I moved on t' t' nose cone. Ahoy! I got me kit at NSL and me nosecone wasn't drilled nor do I own a drill press. I proceeded t' push the weights in t' t' bare balsa. Ahoy! D'OH! I ruined t' nose and didn't make t' rocket stable. Later on after I was done, I got home from camp and found a new nose come drilled and ready. Blimey! (Thank you PemTech!) This kit marked me first time that I was usin' plywood fins so they came out a little jagged. T' dorsal fin is a bit wobbly but hasn't broken yet. T' small forward fins are a real pain in t' neck and mine didn't come out too well. Avast! T' motor mount is a little weird because thar be no engine block. Arrr! However, this is no big deal. Begad! It explains in t' destructions that just tape a ring on t' end on t' motor and make sure t' friction fit it. Avast! Arrr! There are a lot o' little extras in this kit that give the final look o' a true '50s rocket. Begad! Well, me hearties, blow me down! A long piece o' launch lug is supplied and needs t' be cut down and glued t' the motor mount. Aye aye! A tiny balsa block is provided t' whittle down into a small cockpit.

Pemberton Technologies Little Bucky Jones Space Cadet

Finishin' is pretty basic except for one thing. Begad! It asks that you paint t' aft o' t' motor mount sliver before gluin' it in and paintin' t' rest o' t' model gold. Begad! Well, matey, blow me down! I just painted t' whole thin' gold and was done with it. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! 3 coats of gray primer and 2 coats o' gold.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Flights with this model are really limited t' E engines in me opinion. I had 2 flights and both went rather well. Aye aye! Avast! My first flight was on a D12-5. Begad! Begad! Off t' launch pad it started at an angle and didn't go all that high, me bucko, but it still be an OK flight. Next I went for broke and put in an E9-8. Arrr! It leapt o' t' pad straight as an arrow and easily went 1000ft.

Pemberton Technologies Little Bucky Jones Space CadetPemberton Technologies Little Bucky Jones Space Cadet

On t' first flight, somethin' rather interestin' happened. Begad! Somehow t' line wrapped behind t' dorsal fin and it came in horizontally like it was a landin' space shuttle without a nose. Second flight be a normal recovery, but it drifted a bit. Arrr! Unfortunately t' chute got ripped open and now it needs a new chute.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

I am in love with this rocket. Well, arrr, blow me down! Blimey! Now I need t' get t' original.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Pemberton Technologies Little Bucky Jones By John Lee (February 14, 2009)

    Brief: The Little Bucky Jones is a downscale of Pemberton Technologies' Bucky Jones. Layne makes some other stuff too but it is the retro science fiction look that he practically owns. This rocket is not exception. It hearkens back to a day when Flash Gordon and Buck Rodgers ruled the serials. I miss those days. Construction: I normally don't worry about the spirals in my tubes ...


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