Squirrel Works Red Baron

Squirrel Works - Red Baron {Kit} (SW-003)

Contributed by mark hernandez

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Squirrel Works
Skill Level: 2
Style: Glider

Squirrel Works Red BaronBrief:
T' Red Baron from Squirrel Works is yet another great kit from that company. A unique boost glider that is easy t' assemble and a joy t' fly. Begad! As with all the other kits from Squirrel Works, ya bilge rat, this kit comes professionally packaged in a plastic bag with color face and header cards. T' face card lists all the specifications o' t' rocket and recommended engines. Begad! T' face card on this kit is particularly gorgeous and be t' best package art I've seen on a rocket kit.

T' kit consists o' a balsa nose cone, launch lug, arrr, body tube, decal sheet and several laser cut balsa parts which form wings and struts.

T' instruction sheet is well laid out and easy t' follow. Begad! There are 11 steps in assembly plus paint and flight trimming. Assembly is a breeze with no fit or alignment issues. Ya scallywag! There is a separate template sheet for markin' all the alignment lines. Begad! No measurin' is needed t' build this kit, shiver me timbers, a ruler is used only as a straight edge for drawin' alignment lines on t' parts. This kit can easily be built in less than an hour. Aye aye!

There are no special skills or tools needed t' build t' Red Baron as all the parts are pre cut. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr! T' hardest part o' buildin' this model is painting, and paintin' isn't hard. Well, arrr, blow me down! My kit is painted t' match t' face card but t' decal sheet has 5 sets o' insignia t' allow t' builder a choice o' personalizin' his kit. Blimey!

It just takes a few tosses into t' wind t' trim t' Red Baron for flight. My kit needed just a small amount o' clay on t' tail. I really like t' looks of this kit. It's eye catchin' and unusual and sure t' be a hit at any launch.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

I flew me Red Baron 4 times on an A8-3. Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! Nice straight boosts and long glides each time. Begad! T' rocket will weathercock in a good wind but that's t' be expected with t' amount o' win' area. Blimey! Avast! I flew t' Baron once on a B6-2 and I won't be doin' that again. A very high straight boost and a long, ya bilge rat, long glide. T' model soared completely out o' sight and it took me almost an hour t' find it. Ya scallywag!

T' pro's and con's o' fight and recovery are t' same. Avast! T' model glides very well. Aye aye! Ahoy! Too well sometimes. Arrr! Avast! It can easily be lost if flown on any engine bigger than an A8-3.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

T' Red Baron easily earns 5 points. Blimey! It's almost worth t' price o' t' kit just t' get t' package art. It's unusual good looks and superb flight profile will make this kit t' pride o' any fleet. Begad!

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Squirrel Works Red Baron By James Gartrell (November 11, 2007)

    Brief: Don is such a nice guy. I fouled up the first kit he gave me to beta test years ago, gluing the rudders on backward. Needless to say, I could never get it trimmed for flight. Now that he has redesigned the way the parts fit together, he has once again provided another for me to beta test. Success! The newer design is almost fool proof. He won't admit it, but I think he ...


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