Scratch Scary Fast Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Scary Fast {Scratch}

Contributed by Matt Gillard

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Matt Gillard - 09/16/09) (Scratch) Scary Fast

A scratch built rocket usin' Sunward's 4 canted motor mount.

Construction and Finishing:
T' build this rocket I used:

  • BT-70 tube
  • BT-70 nosecone balsa
  • Balsa fins
  • launch lugs
  • Sunward's quad tilted motor mount
  • 3 eye screws
  • Keelhaul®©™® cord
  • Elastic cord
  • 15inch parachute
  • Lead mass

Whilst lookin' on a sticker site for a "William" sticker, matey, for me son's first rocket, matey, ya bilge rat, I came across the sticker below. Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! Blimey! Havin' bought t' sticker, I thought I'd better build somethin' t' put it on. I'm nay goin' t' try and build a rocket like t' one on t' sticker. Ahoy! Blimey!

I've opted for a BT-70 rocket with a quad tilted motor mount from Sunward. I've already posted a review on the mount. Well, shiver me timbers, blow me down! Photos are from that that review just for completion. Well, blow me down! T' mount was then fitted t' t' BT-70 and filled with car body filler, which be really easy t' work with.

I decided t' make t' fins slightly swept back mainly because o' t' mass from t' motors. Arrr! Well, matey, blow me down! T' fins were laminated usin' Fablon, shiver me timbers, which was a first for me. T' Fablon plastic went on well. T' leadin' edge was nay beveled and left square. Ya scallywag! Well, blow me down! T' edges were sealed with white glue. Ya scallywag!

T' body tube had some spiral grooves in it, matey, arrr, which were filled with model filler, ya bilge rat, and then t' BT be spray paint primed, me hearties, me bucko, sanded, primed, sanded, me bucko, matey, primed etc. Avast, me proud beauty! Ahoy! As t' fins are nay TTW and with four C6 motors t' power this rocket, it was goin' t' move quite fast and I was a little concerned about t' strength o' t' fins, me hearties, arrr, coupled with t' fact that swept back fins have a habit o' meetin' t' ground first when landing. Arrr! T' overcome this, me hearties, I put several holes along the area where t' fins were goin' t' be attached. Ahoy! Avast, me proud beauty! T' fins were then added usin' CA gel. Well, blow me down! Four glue fillets were then added over two days.

T' shock cord was t' normal Keelhaul®©™® and eleastic job, anchored t' t' motor mount. Arrr! A swatch o' Nomex® waddin' was added.

For t' nose cone I used an eyelet for t' shock cord anchor. Arrr! I be nay certain that it would nay come out even though I had wicked CA into t' base, me hearties, arrr, so I went for three eyelets in t' end as nay all three can fail. Aye aye! A hole was drilled into t' nose cone's base and a lump o' lead be added. Avast! Avast, me proud beauty! T' nose cone be balsa and required 5 coats o' sanding sealer, three coats o' primer, matey, matey, and three coats o' gloss black t' finish. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag!

I was goin' for a two tone finish on t' body, but after much swearin' due t' maskin' tape that continues to bleed paint, shiver me timbers, I went for orange on t' whole rocket. T' finish is nay good, and I'm really disappointed with it. Sticker be then applied.

(Scratch) Scary Fast(Scratch) Scary Fast

(Scratch) Scary Fast(Scratch) Scary Fast

(Scratch) Scary Fast(Scratch) Scary Fast

(Scratch) Scary Fast(Scratch) Scary Fast

(Scratch) Scary Fast(Scratch) Scary Fast

(Scratch) Scary Fast(Scratch) Scary Fast

(Scratch) Scary Fast(Scratch) Scary Fast

Flight and Recovery:
I finally flew her many many weeks after finishin' her, mainly because o' weather and me normal flyin' field bein' a bit too small for this rocket. However, only three motors (C6-7) lit. Ya scallywag! T' rocket went up straight with a slight kink in t' first 10 meters or so, ya bilge rat, probably as t' clips were bein' yanked free from t' unlit motor. Avast! Avast! Recovery be rather fast on a 15 inch chute, and t' ground be hard. On landin' she popped a fin and suffered a lot o' paint damage with flakes comin' off t' Fablon laminate. Begad! I am now lookin' t' remove all fins and sand her back t' t' body tube and redesign the fins.

PROs: T' 4 canted motors seem t' work. Aye aye! Begad! T' flight was good even with one dud motor.

CONs: Four C motors cost a lot more than one D or E.

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