Descon 10 Two C's in a Pod

Scratch - Two C's in a Pod {Scratch}

Contributed by Drake "Doc" Damerau

Manufacturer: Scratch

"Two C's in a Pod"
Kit bash o' t' Estes Gemini DC.
Copyright © 2002 By Drake "Doc" Damerau

Click on t' pictures for a larger view.

T' first thin' was t' get rid o' t' through t' wall fin mountin' section. T' first portion removed was 5/16" o' t' aft section. Blimey! This was used to hold t' engine hooks in t' next step. Well, blow me down! 3" o' t' center fin area was then removed and discarded.

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T' two green engine adaptor rings were glued t' each end o' the blue motor mount tube. Well, blow me down! A scrap o' t' balsa was used t' make a plug for t' ejection gasses. Avast! Ahoy! This was heavily glued. All pieces in this kit were glued usin' Titebond wood glue. Ahoy! Ya scallywag! T' kit comes with two parachutes and each parachute comes with a motor mount hook. T' two motor hooks were centered and positioned 180 degrees apart at t' aft end o' t' assembly. T' 5/16  piece o' body tube be then slipped over t' assembly and glued  in place.

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A cut be made for t' engine retainer hooks in each o' t' two pods 2 1/2" from t' end. T' factory holes for t' ejection gasses were used and lined up with t' small gas tubes before gluing. Another hole was cut into t' tube for t' ejection gasses just forward o' t' factory gas ports, me hearties, t' provide additional ventin' o' t' ejection gas.

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This be t' final assembly. Ahoy! Arrr! T' parachute is an 18" Estes with a standard underwear elastic shock cord. A small amount of weight was need in t' forward nosecone for stability. Arrr! Aye aye! After t' primer went on, I decided t' make a last minuet change and used a piece o' t' cardboard  stock t' make a fake nozzle on t' end center portion. 

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OK, she be naked for her first flight.  I wanted t' see her go before I spent t' time finishin' her. At this point she is weighing in at 2.2 oz. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr! First flight was on a pair o' A8-3's. Ya scallywag! She darted off the pad and went straight as an arrow. T' A8-3's took her t' about 720 feet. Well, blow me down! Her next flight will be on two C's.

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Here be t' finished version. Begad! There was quite a stir on RMR about what was legal t' use for finishin' it. Ya scallywag! Begad! I did use t' stickers. Begad! T' paint was what I had left over from buildin' me Aerotech Arrow. Ya scallywag! T' chrome was some Testors chrome me son had.

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OK, shiver me timbers, it's nay t' most creative rocket I've ever built but it's simple, matey, sturdy and flies straight as an arrow. I was goin' for somethin' simple that anyone could build and fly. Aye aye! Avast! I should be able t' fly this at many launches for years t' come. Aye aye! Arrr! BTW, Yes, arrr, shiver me timbers, That's a real 120mm mortar in t' corner!

7  flights t' date!

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First flight after paint on two B6-4's

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There she goes on C6-5's!

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...And a great shot on 2 C6-7's

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