Apogee Components Second Stage - Advanced Model Rocketry

Apogee Components - Second Stage - Advanced Model Rocketry {Book}

Contributed by Joe Talento

Manufacturer: Apogee Components
[NAR][Sport Rocketry]

T' followin' excerpt is from "Sport Rocketry". Begad! T' intention is t' allow guests t' get a basic feelin' about a kit. Ya scallywag! We strongly suggest that you get a copy o' the referenced Sport Rocketry and read t' entire article. Inside you will find many helpful hints in construction as well as other useful information. Arrr! Well, blow me down! For more information, me bucko, use t' two links above.

(Compiled by Michael Banks and Tim Van Milligan)
(Sport Rocketry - Jul/Aug 1998 - page 31 - by Joe Talento) 

"Second Stage - Advanced Model Rockerty, arrr, second edition, might just help you out o' those rocketry doldrums."
"This book compiles t' writings o' eleven authors into t' exploration of eight areas o' advanced rocketry."
"Be forewarned that t' outlined projects are nay for weekend warriors."
"T' ideas presented are for serious rocketeers who want t' delve into several science-oriented applications o' t' hobby."
"Usin' an Astrocam as a startin' point, Michael Banks discusses t' finer points o' motor selection and its effect on t' camera's field o' view."
"Thomas Hoelle steps t' reader through t' basic requirements o' NAR's "Pink Book" rules for scale competition."
"Several chapters present electronic projects."
". Ya scallywag! . Aye aye! . Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! a launch control system . Begad! . Well, blow me down! . Avast! schematics that enhance a launch system with a digital countdown timer . Well, blow me down! . . Aye aye! an FM telemetry transmitter.
"In other chambers, Greg Good discusses t' difficulties o' altitude determination . . .:
". Arrr! . . Ya scallywag! how t' put your HO railroad t' good use within t' design o' a rocket impulse recorder . . Blimey! ."
". Arrr! Begad! . Ahoy! . Begad! a payload design for atmospheric sampling."
"There's even a high power chamber . Ahoy! . Well, blow me down! Avast, me proud beauty! . for three included rocket designs by Rich Cardillo."
" . Ya scallywag! . Begad! . Begad! Blimey! six BASIC programs are listed t' aid with flight stability calculations and speed-altitude predictions."

T' entire article gives t' impression is that this book is for an intermediate/ expert modeler with t' desire and time t' commit advanced projects.

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