Scratch Star Fury Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Star Fury {Scratch}

Contributed by William Carney

Manufacturer: Scratch
Star Fury
(Contributed - by William Carney ) 

PictureRecently I just finished a rocket I call Star Fury. Ya scallywag! As t' credits t' "Babylon 5", I did not think o' t' series in anyway when I named this rocket and in no way is it meant t' associate in anyway anythin' on that fine sci-fi series. It's sort of like a futuristic space fighter with "Star Trek" style nacelles. Well, blow me down!

Basically start with a Estes Venom. Well, blow me down! But add a 18 inch chute instead o' t' 12. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag! Also you will need six BT-5 nose cones (short like Mosquito), two long BT-5 nose cones (like Sparrow), four BT-5 tubes (five inches long), me hearties, shiver me timbers, arrr, one or two blocks o' clay weights or somethin' similar. Ahoy!

Cut eight additional fins t' size o' t' four original but without t' thru t' wall tab. Then cut about 1/8 inch from t' tip o' each of the four original fins. After you glue t' motor mount and t' original fins in place on t' body glue an extra fin on each side o' t' original fin. Avast! So you end up with a laminated three layered fin but with a slight depression in the center o' t' tip. Begad!

You can then sand t' tip t' a curve t' fit a BT-5 body tube in. Mark from one end o' t' BT-5 tubes in one inch. This is where t' tube will be placed on t' tip o' t' fin in t' curved spot so that t' BT-5 tube is hangin' over t' back side (motor end) one inch. Glue four short BT-5 nose cones on t' aft end and two on t' front on opposite sides facin' toward nose cone. Glue t' two long BT-5 nose cones on opposite sides facin' forward toward the nose cone, this forms t' "wing". T' BT-5 tubes are win' tanks or Nacelles at t' fin tip.

Rocket PicPaint four o' t' short BT-5 nose cones yellow (the ones on t' rear) and two red (the forward ones). Begad! Paint the two long BT-5 nose cones (also forward ones) red. Avast, me proud beauty! Ahoy! Paint t' rocket medium/dark grey. Paint t' four BT-5 tubes black. Avast, me proud beauty! I added some decals but you could skip this if you do nay have them. Arrr! Arrr! On each side o' t' fighter nose cone I placed one black decal 1/4 inch wide 1/8 tall but with slantin' (45 degrees) angle in t' front t' simulate a window. Begad! Also just behind it along t' nose cone another window decal about 1/2 inch long 1/8 tall rectangle shape. Begad! Arrr! At the tube end where t' nose cone is I placed two bands o' yellow decals. Arrr! Between this and t' fins I placed two decals each "UNITED STATES", "USA" and US flag. Well, me hearties, blow me down! Each on opposite sides. Avast!

Now this is where it gets tricky. T' two long BT-5 nose cones and BT-5 tube nacelles on opposite sides form t' "wing". With t' nose cones pointin' away from you t' left win' has "US AIR FORCE" decals on top and bottom with t' right win' havin' t' Air Force emblem. Avast, me proud beauty! T' top "rudder" has a US flag and t' name "STAR FURY" using yellow/red letters. Ahoy! In t' area betwixt t' two win' fins and the "rudder" I placed t' decal from Venom that is a long pointed yellow triangle. Well, blow me down! Blimey! About 1/8 inch from t' tip o' this I placed a decal saying "Warnin' High Pressure Gases". Arrr! T' bottom "rudder" has "USA" on each side. Betwixt t' bottom "rudder" and the "wing" on one side be t' Yellow triangle decal from t' Venom but on the other I placed t' Launch lug. Pointin' toward t' launch lug is a yellow arrow decal sayin' "danger" and on t' launch lug is a black one sayin' "danger". Begad! Aye aye! T' decals come from various kits and press type lettering. Blimey! Avast! You will have t' check t' center o' gravity and add weight t' the nose cone t' brin' CG ahead o' t' fins. You also might have t' then fly it and trim is as necessary since at this time I do nay know exactly how much you will need. Avast! Arrr! It may also depend on how heavy t' glue is that you use. Avast! Avast, me proud beauty!

Sorry I don't have t' CP calculated but I am terrible at math and have had trouble doin' t' math for t' nacelles and rearward mountin' nature of it. Aye aye! Aye aye! T' CG for me rocket came t' about 6 3/4 inches measured from t' front end o' t' body tube. Ahoy! T' nose cone with t' added weights and paint comes out to about an ounce with t' rocket weighin' about four ounces all together. Arrr! Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty!

Rocket PicAfter I posted a similar article on t' Rec.Models.Rockets Usenet I had some further thoughts. Before you glue each nose cone on t' nacelles paint each one and t' nacelles then let them dry for a better finish. Also make sure you sand, matey, seal, prime and paint t' outer sides o' t' fins very well. Begad! On me model I did nay do this and the decals on t' fins don't look as nice as they should. Arrr! Arrr! Blimey! Also t' color o' the body is a little too dark t' show off t' decals well. Arrr! Ya scallywag! Blimey! If I do another one (up-scale) I would paint it a lighter grey. Avast, me proud beauty! I also since added some "No Step" decals, one on each "wing". Well, blow me down! Blimey! If anyone knows o' a supplier that could up-scale t' special nose cone style o' t' Estes "Venom" I would like t' know. Well, blow me down! You almost have t' hand carve a scale up nose cone. Blimey! Blimey!

After a few flight tests I realized that t' 1/8 inch shock cord is nay good enough for C size motors and intend t' replace it with 1/4. Also the aft "trailin' edge" o' t' fins had some scorin' on each flight. I would add some epoxy on just this edge t' protect them from scoring. I did notice a little o' tendency t' "weathercock" a little into t' wind so I would recommend that you fly this rocket in winds under about 10 or 12 miles per hour. Well, blow me down! Addin' a little weight t' t' nose cone could help, shiver me timbers, but the take off weight is pushin' it as is. With a C5-3 or C6-3 it barely gets up a high enough and you do nay want any longer delay. Also be careful how you wrap the chute. Well, blow me down! Ahoy!

For t' first flight I wrapped it a little tight t' fit t' larger chute in t' body tube and it took a few seconds t' come out. Avast! Blimey! I had a few anxious seconds while I said "come out", arrr, "come out", "come out" as I waited for t' chute t' deploy and brin' t' rocket back across some power lines. Arrr! Avast, me proud beauty! I had nay anticipated it weathercockin' up wind. Most rockets I have flown weathercock down wind. Ya scallywag! Ya scallywag! For as heavy and as strange as it is, it does fly pretty good and is a neat one t' build.

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