Apogee Components Blue Streak

Apogee Components - Blue Streak {Kit}

Contributed by Moira Jean Whitlock

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Published: 2010-11-13
Manufacturer: Apogee Components

[Rocket Pic]Brief: Single staged, arrr, lightweight model with three swept back fins, comin' with choice o' 10.5, me bucko, 13, shiver me timbers, me bucko, and 18mm motor mounts. Begad! Begad! Meant t' demonstrate performance differences betwixt these three motor types. My guess is that it is meant t' show observers that t' 10.5mm motors boot models higher.

Construction: Apogee gives great service. I ordered this rocket online along with others and it arrived in less than five days. All t' parts were there, matey, and were t' correct ones, me hearties, and were undamaged and non-defective.

You get three die cut balsa fins, a spiral wound paper body tube that can take up t' 18mm engines, spiral wound paper motor tubes for 10.5 and 13mm motors with appropriate paper centerin' rings for them. T' nose cone is very lightweight hollow plastic with a built in loop at t' bottom for t' shock cord t' be tied. Arrr! This shock cord is three feet o' thin Keelhaul®©™/nylon threadin' which is mounted t' t' inside o' t' body tube via a folded paper mounting. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag! T' streamer is thin orange/red nylon one inch wide and one foot long.

Overall, matey, t' model is easy t' build, ya bilge rat, and t' instructions are clear and illustrated. Begad! Aye aye! A kid could build it, matey, as t' instructions are suitable t' be understood by beginners too.

Finishing: There weren't any decals, so I played with me airbrush a bit, arrr, me hearties, variegatin' cream color into green. Arrr! Yes, ya bilge rat, t' model is called Blue Streak, arrr, so mine is more o' a Green Streak. Ya scallywag! T' fins were sealed ahead o' paintin' usin' airplane dope and sanded smooth. A cream colored primer coat was then laid down. Ya scallywag! then came t' variegated layer. Begad! It looks rather nice. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr! I probably won't change it t' blue after all.

Construction Rating: 4

Flight: As mentioned, shiver me timbers, you get motor mounts t' allow choices o' engines. Begad! You can use: 1/4A2-2, A2-3, arrr, and B2-5 for 10.5mm flights, arrr, 1/2A3-2T, A3-4T, matey, A10-3T, and B7-6 for 13mm flights, matey, and 1/2A6-2, matey, A8-3, A6-4, me hearties, B4-4, B4-6, B6-4,B6-6, C6-5, C6-7, C4-7, C10-7, and D3-7 for 18mm shots. Well, blow me down! I've so far used t' A8-3, A10-3T,B2-5, and C6-5. Arrr! All make nice straight performances. Blimey! Arrr! I nearly lost it on t' B2-5 shot. Avast! Better carry binoculars.

Recovery: T' shock cord, me hearties, me bucko, arrr, as mentioned, is Keelhaul®©™ and nay stretchy. Ahoy! Blimey! Well, blow me down! Blimey! I'd prefer somethin' stretchy, arrr, but this system worked fine. Recovery was just about right, shiver me timbers, only I'd perhaps make t' model a small chute like other Apogee kits have, t' help with sighting. Arrr! Blimey! Aye aye! Blimey! Assembly was easy, and two small sheets o' recovery waddin' was all that be needed. Arrr! Blimey! T' model is unburnt and still flying.

Flight Rating: 4

Summary: Easy t' build, me bucko, me hearties, fun t' choose engines and experiment. No glarin' cons. Any mods I'd make are for me taste only, as t' model works fine as is. Avast! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! Good price, ya bilge rat, too. Maybe you teachers out thar would consider this one for classes? I might consider it for birthday parties.

Overall Rating: 3



M.E.R (January 22, 2008)
Easy build to anyone that's built a model rocket before, or a perfect first rocket. Despite it's name, I would not recommend a blue color that would blend with the sky at all--this rocket hauls quickly. I painted mine dark blue, and it goes completely out of sight on a B6-4. Recommend a fluorescent or high visibility color instead. Be careful flying this rocket on a C6-7--bring a telescope!

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