Modified Excelsior Rocketry Gooneydent Modification

Scratch - Gooneydent {Modification}

Contributed by Matt Gillard

Published: 2010-12-07
Manufacturer: Scratch


Only a small amount o' modification be made t' t' original goodydent. Begad! T' vent tubes were situated higher on t' bottom bodytube. Ya scallywag! T' recovery system was changed slightly.


A steel fishin' leader be added t' t' middle nosecone as an anchor for t' shock cord. Begad! Well, me hearties, blow me down! T' shock cord was lengthened t' 4 foot and a snap swivel be added t' t' parachute attachment. Begad! Avast, me proud beauty! T' mosquito nosecones that would have been on t' aft o' t' ventin' tubes were replace with t' bases o' two part nosecones. Avast! T' ends were filled flat.


T' components were t' same as t' original goonydent, except that three mosquito nosecones were removed, a steel fishin' leader be added, matey, t' paint scheme was changed.


As this goonydent would nay be havin' t' decals added, I opted t' paint t' entire rocket one colour; a pink/purple.


There is little difference in t' flight performance betwixt t' original and t' modified rocket. Aye aye! Avast! Except o' course that this one did nay explode in mid air. Ahoy! It's been up in t' air on three occasions, me bucko, ya bilge rat, and with t' exception o' a motor failure, it has flown perfectly straight, arrr, and quite high on a D given how much drag thar be in t' design.


Despite t' ventin' o' t' gases which should prevent and scorchin' o' t' parachute, me bucko, I still add a few sheets o' wadding, just t' be on t' safe side. Avast! A 12 inch parachute brings her down at a quick pace, but I don't like t' walk long distances


Pros: it's a bit cheaper and t' recovery is a little better.

Cons: It was built smartly and t' finish is nowhere near as good as t' original.

Big Pro: T' original looked a bit too nice t' be throwin' around in t' sky, matey, arrr, this one is a bit rougher but will see more air time than t' original.



Steve Lindeman (January 25, 2014)

How about a picture of mods or is it to "rough" to photograph?

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