Estes Star Wars R2-D2

Estes - R2-D2 {Kit} (1301) [1978-1980]

Contributed by Ken Johnson

Construction Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Flight Rating: starstar_borderstar_borderstar_borderstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstar_borderstar_borderstar_border
Diameter: 3.74 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 2
Style: Odd-Roc

Rocket PicBrief:
A flyin' replica o' t' Star Wars R2D2.

T' instructions were easy t' follow, and t' order o' assembly seemed logical. Arrr! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! T' kit components were all thar and fit well, except for t' body wrap decal, me hearties, which was a bit too short, leavin' a 1/8" gap. Aye aye! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! Regular wood glue and styrene cement were all that was needed.

T' decal for t' body tube fit poorly, matey, me hearties, requirin' additional painting. T' little blue "eye" kept fallin' off as well, me hearties, me hearties, until Super Glue finally held it in place. Avast! Overall, me bucko, me bucko, t' rocket looked good, though details were a bit off. Definitely a skill level 3 t' finish correctly.

Construction Rating: 3 out o' 5

Recommended motor: C6-3. Avast! I used a C6-3 and normal recovery wadding. Ahoy! Blimey! It was difficult installin' t' motor into t' rocket due t' t' plastic tail housing, and even more difficult t' remove. Arrr! Aye aye! Flight be pathetic, matey, about a 1. Though it flew straight, ya bilge rat, it barely went over 30 feet, shiver me timbers, and t' parachute deployed just before impact, me bucko, shearin' off a leg. Begad! T' rocket was retired immediately. I had thought o' installin' an Aerotech D21-7W, me bucko, me bucko, shiver me timbers, but decided it would probably be best t' never fly it again.

T' shock cord mounted t' t' upper centerin' ring, me hearties, matey, me hearties, and t' parachute attached near thar also. Ahoy! A leg sheared off upon landing, though it be a simple fix. Ya scallywag! This rocket begs for D power!

Flight Rating: 1 out o' 5

Estes should have spent more time in development. Begad! Its components were well built but heavy, arrr, requirin' much more power. Begad! Increased altitude would allow `chute deployment, which didn't fully open.

Overall Rating: 2 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Estes Star Wars R2-D2 By Herb Estus

      This started as the Estes Fifteenth Anniversary R2D2 . Which was designed to fly off a C6-3. I have modified it to fly off 29mm motors because R2D2 just begged for more power to fly . Modifications: First step was making the fins bigger, I used the original plastic fins for the pattern, however I made them 2" longer with the 1/8" plywood. When I first did this I just glued the ...


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