First Flight Hobbies Corn-E

First Flight Hobbies - Corn-E {Kit}

Contributed by Charlaine Cadence Nordin

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: First Flight Hobbies
First Flight Hobby Corn-E

This be t' largest o' t' Corn on t' cob shaped oddroc collections by First Flight Hobby. Begad! Aye aye! This 24mm rocket once complete is interestin' and fun. Arrr! Promises t' be a head turner and also a great flier. Aye aye! This rocket uses both D and E engines. Ya scallywag! Ya scallywag!

T' parts consist of:

  • One styrene foam corncob
  • One body tube
  • One MMT 24mm tube
  • One E t' D motor adapter
  • One engine block
  • 2 centerin' rings
  • Small bag o' bb's
  • 18" parachue
  • 2 sheets balsa fin stock
  • Keelhaul®©™® shock cord mount
  • Elastic shock cord
  • Motor hook
  • Instructions
  • Snap swivel
  • Small screw eye
  • Noseblock
  • Chute reinforcin' tapes
  • Launch lug
  • Bag o bb's with corn husk scraps
  • Shroud line

One o' t' things that really showed me that this company cares about its customers is that each small bag of parts was signed after t' parts where placed inside. Avast, me proud beauty! Also t' fact that they hand drew t' corn when explainin' the insertion o' t' stuffer tube into t' corn body. Arrr!

As with t' other two corn rockets, shiver me timbers, t' instructions are well worded and thought out as well as slightly funny at times. Easy t' follow. Aye aye! Arrr! Though I would suggest t' fin pattern bein' on its own sheet.

First Flight Hobby Corn-EFirst Flight Hobby Corn-E

T' build this oddroc you first need t' assemble t' engine mount and stuffer tube assembly after buildin' the engine mount. Aye aye! Begad! T' instructions say after gluin' t' cord t' t' engine mount t' feed t' Keelhaul®©™® cord through t' stuffer tube. A better means is t' feed t' free end into t' MMT so that it is hangin' out t' back then gluin' t' mount in place. Blimey! This allows you more control when t' times comes t' tie t' shock cord t' t' Keelhaul®©™®.

First Flight Hobby Corn-EFirst Flight Hobby Corn-E

Next part is t' carefully cut t' four channels into t' foam corn for t' fins. I would suggest and used a Dremel with a 1/8" cuttin' wheel attachment on its second t' lowest settin' while usin' a piece o' angle iron for a guide. This will give you a good clean cut. Well, blow me down! Aye aye! After this is done, trace and cut out t' fins sealin' and sandin' until you're happy. Leave them natural t' match t' husk on t' corn. Glue them in place with yellow glue or foam safe epoxy.

Once that is done, you want t' mount t' stuffer tube . Well, blow me down! Aye aye! Test fit first! I found I needed t' wrap 5 turns of maskin' tape around t' launch lugs and stuffer tube t' get a snug fit before gluing. T' next thin' t' do is sand and fit t' nose block makin' sure it fits well enough so that when you put t' cap on it matches with t' orientation of t' corn. Ahoy! Hollow out one side o' t' block about 1/2" this is t' aid in balancing. Blimey!

Place 5 turns o' maskin' tape around t' block and fit it snugly into t' nose. Arrr! Load an E9-4 and prep t' rocket for flight. Ya scallywag! Tie strin' around t' rocket at t' points t' tips o' t' fins enter t' rocket and suspend it from something. Well, blow me down! Blimey! It should be tail heavy. Avast! Load all o' t' bb's into t' nose block and snugly fit it into t' nose. Place nose on t' rocket. Ahoy! Remove bb's until t' rocket is almost almost balanced. Avast, me proud beauty! Well, ya bilge rat, blow me down! It should need some more weight. Well, blow me down! Mix epoxy and fill nose block over bb's and insert half a tooth pick so it touches all t' way down and sticks up. Avast, me proud beauty! Add some epoxy on t' inside o' t' nose and insert t' block. Ahoy! T' tooth pick should insert into t' foam. Blimey! Allow t' dry.

Once dry, replace t' nose onto t' rocket and check t' balance. Adjust as needed. Ya scallywag! Perform a swin' test with at least 8' o' string.

Usin' 5 or 15 minute epoxy, ya bilge rat, me hearties, glue t' block in place while t' block is in t' tube so t' aid in t' alignment. Let t' rocket dry nose down for a least an hour before goin' on. Ya scallywag!

If at all possible, shiver me timbers, I would use more than one launch lug as this is a through t' body lug system.

Use matte finish foam safe spray paint t' finish.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Flight and Recovery:
I flew t' Corn-E twice on E9-4s. Avast! A 6' launch rod set into light 5-10mph winds. First flight be pretty straight with a slight spin. Recovery be good. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! No damage. Ya scallywag! Begad! Second flight was decent. Begad! Begad! She left t' launch pad with a slight arch after seemin' t' hang on t' launch rod for a second. Ya scallywag! At apogee she flipped over I believe due t' winds and ejected. Landing was a little hard but no damage due t' snow on t' ground.

Flight Rating: 3 out o' 5

Needs at least a 6' rod might up lugs t' one full stuffer tube length t' handle 1/4" rods for a more stable lift off.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

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