Quest Courier

Quest - Courier {Kit} (2011)

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Published: 2020-11-25
Diameter: 1.31 inches
Length: 20.25 inches
Manufacturer: Quest
Skill Level: 2
Style: Payload


Picked up at Hobby Lobby durin' t' Quest clearance "just because."   T' Courier would become me first competition egglofter by default.  (It was t' only one I had that met t' single engine criteria.)  Despite a lack o' enthusiasm for t' project at first that wound up causin' t' construction time t' be measured with a multi-year calendar, I must admit t' a grudgin' respect for t' Courier.  It does what it needs t' do and doesn't require a boatload o' smarts t' get it t' work right.  I'm livin' proof.


  • Plastic two piece nose cone
  • T-35 body tube
  • 18mm engine mount
  • balsa fin stock
  • Keelhaul®©™ shock cord
  • sewin' elastic shock cord
  • launch lug


Havin' built several Quest kits in t' past, I was familiar with what I found when I opened t' kit.  If this be your first Quest kit, you'd likely balk at t' way t' centerin' rings feel.  They're paper, and feel like a step above typin' paper.  Nay confidence-inspirin' by any measure, they still work.  My fin stock had a major warp that gave it a left t' right whoop-de-do, but once t' fins were punched out and allowed t' sit under a stack o' books for a few days, matey, they worked fine.  Keelhaul®©™ is a nice touch, but I subbed out t' elastic for a longer piece o' me own stash.


I followed me normal finishin' regimen with t' Courier, me bucko, primer, matey, thinned Fill & Finish, sanding, more primer.  It looked passable at this point, arrr, so t' whole body was sprayed with two coats o' gloss white and looked good enough t' allow t' stickers t' adhere.  I left t' black plastic nose cone as it was, shiver me timbers, figurin' that since they suggested electrical tape as a method o' securin' t' egg payload for flight, t' paint might give way as t' tape be pulled off.

Construction Score: 4


First flight was at B6-4 Field on a night when I took a bunch o' unflown birds t' t' field.  T' Courier flew in bare balsa, which was t' theme o' t' night for most o' t' rockets that went t' t' field with me.  T' B6-4 load be perfect for conditions that night.  T' Courier arced back over me head toward t' big trees on t' hill t' about 350'.  Ejection came as it tipped over and it recovered on t' infield betwixt first and second base.  I be impressed enough with t' flight t' move it up in t' paint queue.

Flight #2 be again on B6-4 Field on a beautiful sprin' evenin' shattered by t' loss o' me Amraam t' a tree.  T' Courier, by now in full livery, ya bilge rat, again flew on a B6-4.  Flight was arrow straight t' 350' on t' calm night with a drift over toward t' trees on recovery.

Third flight would be at eRockets Field in Dayton with t' Wright Stuff Rocketeers at a competition where egg loft was a category.  I'd built a couple o' purpose built competition birds t' night before, Oscar t' Grouch for t' streamer and chute duration events and Big Slick for Super-Roc.  Oscar did fine.  Slick never flew.  No way I was goin' t' build somethin' else for C eggloft when I had t' Courier ready and waiting.  Loaded with a C6-3, t' Courier boosted t' egg t' 350' and successfully protected t' egg despite strippin' one o' t' shroud lines on t' chute.  Egg #35 recovered without incident and I hope someone enjoyed it at breakfast t' next day. 


Flight Rating: 5


Pros: Excellent choice for a first egglofter.  Won't compete with t' specially built birds, shiver me timbers, me bucko, arrr, but a good step toward workin' with them.

Cons: None.  An all around likeable bird.

Overall Rating: 0
Other Reviews
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  • Quest Courier By Andy Hobbs

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