Estes CC Express

Estes - CC Express {Kit} (1302)

Contributed by Jason Vennard

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 1.33 inches
Length: 28.40 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 2
Style: Multi-Stage

Rocket PicBrief:
This is a new 2002 kit by Estes. It's a four finned, ya bilge rat, two stage rocket designed and named for t' new 24mm Estes C motors. Aye aye! Avast! Flies on either t' C or D motors with a maximum altitude o' 1,700 feet.

T' kit consists o' two body tubes, one for t' sustainer section, and a shorter tube for t' booster section. Avast! Both o' these seem t' be o' better quality, ya bilge rat, and are stiffer than t' other 40 or so Estes kits I've built. Ya scallywag! Well, blow me down! 8 balsa wood fins, shiver me timbers, 4 for t' booster and again 4 for t' sustainer. Avast! Arrr! Nose cone be typical plastic, plastic parachute, paper centerin' rings, arrr, motor blocks, me hearties, me bucko, and shock chord mount.

T' motor mount be t' typical Estes friction design. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! Consistin' o' an engine block, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, and two centerin' rings for t' upper motor, arrr, and again an engine block and two centerin' rings for t' booster section. Avast, me proud beauty! Motors are then installed usin' maskin' tape for a friction fit. Each tube gets 4 balsa fins, a little care needs t' be taken when mountin' t' fins t' insure alignment throughout. T' nose cone was in good condition and required little work t' prepare it for finishing. I did deviate from t' directions on t' shock chord attachment. I installed a length o' Pratt Hobbies Keelhaul®©™ safety chord, wrapped around t' motor mount and underneath t' upper centerin' ring, ya bilge rat, long enough t' extend out t' top o' t' body tube, here I attached t' Estes shock chord. T' other end be attached t' t' nose cone, with a snap swivel installed a couple inches below t' nose cone for attachin' parachutes. (kit comes with an 18" chute, although I typically switch these out in favor o' nylon chutes) Assembly was fairly simple and I felt t' Skill level two designation be appropriate. Begad! Arrr! Overall t' directions and illustrations were excellent, me bucko, matey, on par with t' typical Estes directions.

I liked t' rockets stock paint scheme and decided t' duplicate it when finishin' mine. I applied 2 coats o' Krylon gray primer t' t' entire rocket, ya bilge rat, sandin' betwixt coats. This was enough t' fill in t' spirals on t' body tube. T' upper body tube be painted dark red, matey, matey, t' lower body tube black. Avast, me proud beauty! Upper body tube fins were then painted black, and t' lower body tube fins painted red. Begad! Well, blow me down! T' nose cone is finished in black. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! All paintin' be done with Krylon paints. Begad! With this stock paint scheme, maskin' off fins and other sections is fairly simple, yet gives a very nice lookin' finish. Decals are o' t' peel and stick variety so a little care needs t' be taken when applyin' them. Begad! I liked t' decals, shiver me timbers, me bucko, as thar weren't too many t' make it busy, but enough t' give it a little contrast. Blimey! Begad! After decals are applied you have a Red and Black rocket with Yellow highlights.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

T' recommended motors on this kit are t' C11-5 and D12-5 for single staged flights. Two stage flights take a C11-0 or D12-0 for t' booster, followed by a C11-5, C11-7, arrr, or D12-7 for t' sustainer. Begad! On our first flight we deviated from t' recommended, shiver me timbers, as I thought this bird just looked fast, shiver me timbers, we went with a little longer delay and loaded it up with a D12-7. Begad! Motor's are a friction fit, and require a wrap o' maskin' tape t' fit them into t' motor tube. Ahoy! This was easily accomplished on this rocket. Arrr! We launched t' rocket and got a very quick, me bucko, and straight liftoff, ya bilge rat, and t' rocket screamed up, me hearties, we lost sight o' it for a moment but regained sight when we heard t' parachute pop open. For t' maiden flight I did use t' stock plastic 18" chute. Begad! After waitin' what seemed like 5 minutes she finally touched down with no damage. Aye aye! Overall a great flight, me hearties, fortunately we had light winds or it could have been a long recovery. Aye aye! Begad! Some other option may need t' be explored for t' parachute. Aye aye! Our second flight, again single stage, D12-7 went t' same as t' first, me bucko, matey, only this time t' Estes 7 second delay occurred in about 1 second, after a violent deployment, matey, me hearties, t' rocket drifted down and we inspected it. A very, shiver me timbers, arrr, very slight 1/8" zipper in t' top o' t' body tube be t' only damage, I believe this be in part a result o' t' stiffer body tubes that came with this kit. Well, blow me down! We hope t' soon get it up under full power with two stages, but don't foresee any problems.

T' second flight, with a bad (short) delay did cause an 1/8" zipper in t' upper body tube, I did deviate from stock by usin' t' Keelhaul®©™ safety line and this did extend out t' top o' t' tube. With t' stock elastic shock chord I don't believe thar would have been any zipperin' at all.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

Pro's: Relatively easy construction, great lookin' finish, me hearties, and what seemed t' be better quality body tubes. Aye aye! Great flight, me bucko, ya bilge rat, and strong enough t' take a violent recovery system deployment. Con's: None.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5




L.S. (October 14, 2002)
My son built one of these and flew it for the first time at a recent club launch. He planned to fly this as both his dual stage and D engine flight for NARTEK bronze. After a great, straight test flight on a C11-5, he went for the dual stage flight on a C11-0 and a C11-5. This resulted in the best dual stage flight I've ever seen--straight off the pad with flawless separation straight up! I had volunteered to spot the booster and was surprised to see it actually in a steep glide--right into some briars. Anyone seen this behavior before in this kit? The rocket landed within 100ft of the pad and I retrieved the booster, about 150 feet away and at the expense of some painful scratches. The D12 flight was next on a D12-5. Another awesome straight liftoff, but this time it seemed like he'd load a D12-ininity... Lawndarted into a freshly sodded field. Only damage was the nosecone shoved 1/2 inch into the body tube. We think he got a little careless and packed the chute too tight. Time to teach the boy some repair techniques and his CC Express will fly again. Overall a great rocket--I may have to get one myself!
S.E.J. (April 23, 2003)
My CC Express busted a booster fin on its first flight. It managed to smack into the launch rack on the way down. While I repaired the booster, I decided to make a sturdier one, using through-the-wall basswood fins with edges reinforced with epoxy-soaked silk-span. I also made the booster shorter. The motor projects from the motor tube by 1/4" at each end. The rear of the motor tube projects from the rear of the booster by 1/4" as well. This will let me tape the booster motor to the booster airframe.
S.K. (November 7, 2003)
I built a CC-Express for a Science Day project I was doing for my kids' school. The other rockets I launched were all low-fliers, but their science teacher kept asking to see one go "Really High"! Since the field was small, I figured I'd lose anything that went "Really High", so inexpensive, and quick to build, was a must. Boy did this rocket fit the bill! The review is accurate. Very easy construction, straightforward directions, and the quality of the balsa on this kit was particularly nice. This is a very impressive looking rocket, which I covered with a wrap of pictures of the kids' principal and a logo for a fictional "Principal In Space" project. For the launch I used a D12-0 to D12-7 combination, added a tablespoon of white chalk-line chalk above the wadding for easier spotting (it really helped), and used a 48" rod for a little added safety. The launch was as impressive as I'd hoped. My kids' principal launched it (which he loved because he'd launched a lot of rockets as a kid) and the D-engine two stage flight was arrow straight to about 1800 feet. Ejection, with a nice white puff, was at apogee, and hang-time, in no wind was > 5 minutes. Although the total altitude is roughly the same as for a Sizzler or StarDart, the staged D-engines make for a way more impressive launch. The bigger rocket also made tracking much easier for the kids. My alternative had been the Mongoose (which I've also flown and lost) but I'm glad I chose this. As expected, we lost the rocket to the woods just beyond the school but I can't complain. This is an easy-to-build, beautiful looking, beautiful flying, priced-right, rocket. If you want to show people what $15 worth of parts and motor can do, with a little knowledge and effort, this is the ticket! As for teaching the kids (and their teachers) why I think science is cool, the CC-Express did all the talking necessary. As an unmentioned (by Estes) added bonus, RockSim suggests the CC-Express is still very stable with a D12-0 to E9 combination, which adds another 600' of altitude. Maximum speed only increases by about 30mph, so the fins shouldn't be a problem (I used Apogee's fillet-clay), and launch rod speed is still good even on a 36" rod. I've already bought another CC-Express for next year, and plan to "step it up a notch."

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