Scratch Raygun Gothic Birdhouse Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Raygun Gothic Birdhouse {Scratch}

Contributed by Dick Stafford

Manufacturer: Scratch
Style: Futuristic/Exotic

Scratch - Raygun Gothic BirdhouseBrief:
When I found these rocket-themed birdhouses at Michael's, shiver me timbers, arrr, I couldn't resist. Ahoy! In fact, shiver me timbers, me bucko, they were on sale so I couldn't resist three o' them. They are about 10" high, 4.25" in diameter that t' widest point, and t' base is about 3.125". Well, blow me down! This review is o' a sci-fi themed rocket inspired by, and named for, t' Raygun Gothic Rocketship that appeared at Burnin' Man 2009. Ahoy! Avast, matey, me proud beauty! This one flies on high impulse 24mm motors - t' E30 SU, F24 RMS, or F39 RMS.

1. Arrr! Preppin' t' raw birdhouse: Removed t' top (ie t' nose cone); drilled a hole in t' base for t' 24mm motor tube; and realigned 3 o' t' four fins.

2. Arrr! Avast! Body: Cut a piece o' 2.5" Giant Leap phenolic tubin' t' fit; mounted a short 24mm motor tube usin' one centerin' ring; slid this in from t' top; epoxied a Keelhaul®©™ leader in t' base next t' t' motor tube; and added a bolt through t' base t' provide positive motor retention..

3. Ahoy! Nose cone: Made a shoulder from a sectioned piece o' t' 2.5" tubing; cut two bulkheads usin' a hole saw; one bulkhead is abutted t' t' base o' t' cone; slipped t' shoulder over that; added an eye bolt t' t' second ring; and used it t' cap off t' shoulder.

4. Ya scallywag! Nose weight: I drilled a 1/2" hole through both bulkheads and t' cone's base. Avast, me proud beauty! After assembly was complete, matey, me hearties, I added nose weight (lead shot and fast dry Gorilla Glue) until t' desired static margin be achieved.

5. Ahoy! Begad! Fins: T' Lexan fins are screwed t' t' sides o' t' stock fins. Aye aye! They were hand cut with a Dremel diamond cut-off wheel, stacked and sanded t' match.

6. Ahoy! Launch lug: This is half o' a First Fire igniter tube mounted betwixt t' widest point in t' body and one fin.

Scratch - Raygun Gothic BirdhouseScratch - Raygun Gothic Birdhouse

I decided t' keep a rough look so I filled only a few deep dings and t' rough fin edges. Ya scallywag! I shot a coat o' primer, shiver me timbers, nay t' fill t' grain but t' provide a uniform color base. Avast! Begad! I then painted t' body silver. Arrr! Avast! T' rin' on t' cone and around t' open hole are gold. Ya scallywag! Aye aye! T' Raygun Gothic Birdhouse has a Creeple Peeple pilot behind a clear window held on with small nails. Blimey! T' only suitable plastic that I had isn't really that clear, but it is easy t' replace later.

I built t' rocket with t' 24/40 case in mind but had decided t' try t' F35 in t' 24/60 case for its maiden flight. Well, me hearties, thar isn't much room in t' body and I couldn't pack t' 2 chutes around t' longer case. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr! So, I prepped an F39-5. Ya scallywag! I used a car air bag chute protector and two 18" 'chutes so t' heavy nose and body can come down separately.

T' boost be fine with some weather cocking. Ejection was a little late and t' two shock cords tangled. Begad! However, both 'chutes opened and it recovered just fine.

I think these birdhouses are so cool and like how this rocket turned out. Well, blow me down! Avast, me proud beauty! Everyone who saw it took note and liked it too. Avast, me proud beauty! If I did it again, arrr, I'd make t' shoulder hollow t' provide more room for 'chute(s) and add a 29mm mount. Blimey! Ya scallywag! This thin' got heavy fast.

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