Estes Skywinder

Estes - Skywinder {Kit} (2077) [1993-2002]

Contributed by John Lee

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: Estes

Estes Sidewinder

I'm goin' t' be takin' part in a rocket exhibition for some elementary aged kids next month and wanted t' show a wide variety o' types. Ahoy! In thinkin' about it, me bucko, arrr, I realized that I have nay built a true helicopter recovery model before. Begad! I began t' look around t' see if I had a really simple one and I found t' Estes SkyWinder which seemed t' fit t' bill.

T' first step in construction is t' locate t' two halves o' t' plastic fin can. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Blimey! I found them and test fit them. Well, blow me down! They seemed t' fit together fine but I did find some plastic flash I wanted t' clear off usin' a razor knife. Ahoy! Blimey! I then put t' halves together usin' Plastuct instead o' t' tube type cement recommended.

Next up be t' lower launch lug. It be found on a sprue which ostensibly contained t' upper lug as well but t' instructions said t' discard t' upper part since on this rocket t' upper lug is molded into a different part. Avast, me proud beauty! T' lug be placed with Plastruct as well.

After t' lug came t' fins. Ya scallywag! There are four plastic fins t' be attached. Aye aye! I test fit them and found 2 t' be perfect fits and 2 t' need a little trimming. Begad! T' fins were then bonded into place with Plastruct.

T' shoulder for t' lower rotor hub be then located as was a cardboard centerin' rin' that needed t' be inserted within it. Arrr! Blimey! Begad! Blimey! I sanded around t' rin' t' smooth it up a bit and test fit it. That's when I noticed that thar be a directional key slot. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! It will fit correctly only in t' right orientation. For this step, ya bilge rat, me bucko, me bucko, t' rin' was bonded with Testor's tube style cement. Begad! Blimey! Well, blow me down! Blimey! T' shoulder also required t' insertion o' a blue BT-5 sized insert. Avast! Blimey! I assume that t' cardboard hold up t' t' ejection charge better than t' plastic but that's just a guess. Ya scallywag! Blimey! It too was placed with t' tube cement, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, matey, and as per t' instructions, every effort be made t' clean up any excess at t' end. Avast! Blimey! With that, t' aft shoulder be slid into place on t' fin can. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! It is keyed so that it can fit only in t' correct orientation. Ahoy! Blimey! It be bonded into place with more Plastruct.

Estes Sidewinder T' rotor hub was easy t' locate and identify because it is a white plastic piece in t' midst o' mostly black plastic. Aye aye! Avast! It be placed on t' shoulder and checked t' make sure it rotated freely. Begad! It did without any problem. T' cap t' hold it in place was then located. Blimey! Aye aye! Its a short piece o' red coupler tubin' for BT-5. Ahoy! Begad! I test fit that and found thar was no problem thar either. Blimey! T' coupler was then pulled back off and given a dose o' tube cement and then replaced, makin' sure that it did nay interfere with t' rotor.

T' rotor hinges were t' other bits o' white plastic. Ahoy! Well, ya bilge rat, blow me down! They were located and, after careful examination o' t' illustrations in t' instruction t' ensure proper orientation, were snapped into place. Avast, me proud beauty! They did nay travel as freely as I expected but I suspect that t' range o' movement is adequate.

T' actual body tube for this rocket is a white section o' BT-5. Avast! Avast! It was located along with a plastic stop meant t' fit into one end. Aye aye! Well, blow me down! As per instructions, arrr, t' stop was installed with tube cement.

T' upper slide is another plastic black component. Well, me bucko, blow me down! It was located along with a black cardboard rin' meant t' be installed around t' tongs o' t' slide t' prevent them from openin' too much. Ahoy! Aye aye! T' rin' be bonded with more o' t' tube cement and allowed t' dry. Blimey! T' slide was then fit around t' bottom o' t' BT and slid up into place.

With t' upper body assembled and put onto t' BT, t' BT then had t' be placed onto t' red coupler just above t' hub. Avast, me proud beauty! T' fit be too tight and t' cement joint betwixt t' plastic and paper coupler sheared almost immediately. Aye aye! I did some sandin' on t' coupler and then reseated t' BT usin' some thick CA as t' adhesive this time. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! I also made sure nay t' get any onto t' rotor.

T' kit comes with four "butter pats" o' clay t' be used as a nose weight. Arrr! From what I have read on T' Rocketry Forum, matey, that makes this rocket particularly heavy on prone t' damage on landing. Avast! I've also read that failure t' use it can lead t' very unstable flights. T' instruction method is t' roll t' clay into snakes and tamp it into t' nose cone. Ya scallywag! Blimey! I did nay want t' do that. Avast! Instead, I measured out an equivalent weight in BBs and poured those into t' plastic nose cone. Well, blow me down! Aye aye! Blimey! I then mixed some 15 minute epoxy and poured that in on top t' keep it all in place.

Attachment o' t' rotors is probably t' most difficult aspect o' t' build, but it is nay particularly difficult. T' rotors are clear plastic and have slots that fit over a protrusion on t' hinges. Blimey! T' only real issue is tryin' t' identify t' correct orientation since t' illustrations are nay very clear. Begad! Begad! A little thought and t' text pointin' out that that rotors form a "tube" around t' BT gave only one possible option, shiver me timbers, even though t' result does nay look much like a tube t' me.

For t' most part, this rocket is pre-finished. All t' parts are colored and thar are some stickers with which t' decorate it. Ahoy! I chose t' do some minimal paintin' though. Avast! T' plastic nose cone had some pretty bad seams on it. Ya scallywag! I sanded them down but that left t' black plastic lookin' awful. Avast! Blimey! I decided t' paint t' NC. Ya scallywag! So it was that I sanded it a little more and then shot it with white primer. Avast! It got 2 coats o' t' primer.

After t' primer, I decided t' go with an orange nose cone instead o' black and sprayed on 2 coats o' Testor's Competition Orange. I happened t' have it sittin' out for another project it so grated on me less than most oranges do. Arrr! Arrr! I actually liked t' result.

Since t' nose cone would look pretty silly sittin' on t' bench while t' rest o' t' rocket went flying, I used some tube cement t' bond it into t' upper slide. Avast, me proud beauty! That just left t' motor retainer t' put into place before I could finish "finishing" me rocket with t' stickers.

I detest stickers. Avast! I would much rather have waterslide decals and sometimes scan stickers t' print me own waterslides. Ahoy! Avast! I would nay do that with a kit like this so I was pleasantly surprised when I actually took a close look at t' stickers. Ya scallywag! Avast! Most o' t' time, me hearties, stickers are thick things that do nay want t' follow a curve too well. Aye aye! These were not. Begad! Begad! They are fairly thin, shiver me timbers, nay much thicker than waterslides. Aye aye! I learned that they stick better than most stickers also.

T' first t' be applied were t' stripe pattern on t' rotor blades. Aye aye! Once in place, they greatly improved t' look o' t' rocket and made t' blades much more visible t' boot.

One thin' I did nay consider when paintin' t' NC orange was t' placement o' a bar pattern sticker on t' cone. Avast! T' oranges did nay match up and t' pattern would have been much more visible on t' black, me bucko, me bucko, but it's nay completely terrible.

Another group o' stickers intended for t' NC was a series o' three long, arrr, arrr, orange triangles t' length o' t' NC. I used only two o' them and they did nay show up all that well (although better than in t' photo).

One o' me common pet peeves with Estes is their inability t' count compounded by their unwillingness t' often provide enough stickers/decals for both sides o' t' fins. Ahoy! In this kit, arrr, me hearties, they were guilty o' both. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! In a perfect world, me hearties, ya bilge rat, thar would have been 8 stickers; this would handle both sides o' 4 fins. Begad! Well, me hearties, blow me down! In actuality, me bucko, it came with three so that three fins have a single sticker and one is stayin' "nekkid".

Placement o' t' fin stickers completed me build but I wanted t' try somethin' first and make sure that t' rotors would deploy. As such, I added t' rubber bands, arrr, folded them against t' BT, arrr, and set t' slide in place t' retain them. Avast! I pulled up t' NC and t' rotors deployed. I then got stupid and tried t' fumble with t' camera while manipulatin' t' NC, arrr, me bucko, ya bilge rat, fins and rotors and wound up with this short sequence.

Personally, arrr, I would nay classify this kit as bein' an E2X. Ahoy! It is easy but it does take a little bit o' building. Begad! Level 1 should be about right.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

Flight and Recovery:
For t' first flight I chose t' B4-2, shiver me timbers, t' recommended motor. I did this even though many on TRF said it be underpowered. They were right.

It took off and arced over. Blimey! I be very thankful for just havin' a 2-second delay when I saw t' blades pop out. T' rotation be fine and, except for landin' nose first in a fresh cow patty, me bucko, it was fine.

A video o' t' first flight can be seen here.

For t' second flight, I used a C6-3. Begad! This time everythin' went right and I had me first real heli-recovery rocket operational. A video can be seen here.

Estes SidewinderEstes Sidewinder

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

This rocket is nay a bad introduction t' helicopter recovery. Ya scallywag! From what I understand, matey, it is a piece o' cake compared t' other copters. Ya scallywag! Avast, arrr, me proud beauty! Its probably nay t' most durable choice but its somethin' just about anyone can build.

Don't pick a B4 motor!

Persons interested in followin' t' development o' this rocket in photos and vids are invited to check here.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Estes Skywinder By Jeff Gilmer

    This is an easy to build helicopter recovery rocket. Kit contains one body tube, two nose pieces and a dozen or so motor/rotor pieces The overall instructions are classic Estes. They start with a complete parts list move logically into a step by step description with illustrations. The beauty of this kit is the ease of building. Except for a couple of issues this kit can be completed ...

  • Estes Skywinder By Spinal

    (Reprinted with permission from Spinal's Fun & Hobbies Page)  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  Company: Estes  Price: $16.69  Series: E2X  Rating: (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)  Engines: B4-2, B6-2, C6-3  Nose Cone: Plastic  Engine Mount: Quick Release Engine Hook (screw out kind)  Fins: Plastic  Recovery: ...


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