Art Applewhite Rockets Scimitar 29mm

Art Applewhite Rockets - Scimitar (29mm)

Contributed by Drake "Doc" Damerau

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Art Applewhite Rockets

29mm Pyramid saucer type


Parts List:

  • 3 - Rectangle foam-backed boards
  • 1 - Triangular foam-backed board
  • 1 - 29mm MMT
  • 1 - 3-page instructions

This new kit from Art Applewhite Rockets is definitely one o' t' more unusual designs that Art has designed. Ya scallywag! T' package came much faster than I expected via Priority mail. Aye aye! It arrived in perfect condition. Ahoy! Blimey! T' kits contents were in a heavy plastic sealed bag. Avast! T' box had that air-bag packin' stuff on each end.

T' instructions are very detailed. Ya scallywag! There is only five pieces in t' kit, shiver me timbers, me bucko, but thar are 34 steps in t' instruction sheets. Begad! T' assembly be somewhat more difficult than some o' t' other kits, only because o' havin' t' cut t' foam-boards lengthwise at a 45 degree angle. By t' last cut, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, matey, you'll become a pro. Ahoy! T' instructions say t' use a fresh blade in your X-Acto knife. Ahoy! This is a necessity because t' foam betwixt t' boards will collapse with a dull blade. Avast, me proud beauty! T' foam board was just barely large enough t' fit t' pattern you use t' cut t' three sides. Avast! As a result, t' curved edges needed t' be shaped t' eliminate a flat spot on each side. Arrr! Begad! Once t' 45's were cut and trued up, me hearties, assembly went quickly. Ahoy! T' longest time t' build t' kit be waitin' for t' glue t' dry. Arrr! T' kit took less than an hour t' build.

Once sanded, matey, matey, I coated t' exposed foam surfaces with glue. Aye aye! Its first launch be t' be in a snow covered field, so t' white 'camouflage' had t' go. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I chose t' paint t' bottom surface flat black t' hide any exhaust damage. Aye aye! T' outer surfaces were painted yellow so t' stickers would show up well.

T' difficulty in paintin' any foam product is that paint will dissolve t' foam. Ahoy! As t' instructions spell out, a thin layer o' glue on all t' exposed foam surfaces appears t' seal them well enough t' paint. This kit didn't come with any decals or stickers, me bucko, ya bilge rat, so I found a few lyin' around t' spruce it up. Blimey! These were from t' DC Gemini I used in one o' me Descon entries.

Construction Rating: 4 ½ out o' 5

One o' t' recommended motors is an Ellis Mountain G35, ya bilge rat, and I just happen t' have one in me box. Begad! Arrr! This is just t' kit that this long burn motor is made for. Avast! As with all kits from Art Applewhite, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, this thin' roared off t' pad and slowly ascended up. Ya scallywag! This kit is different than other saucer kits because t' offset design makes it spin as it ascends. Begad! T' flight was spectacular. It was spinnin' so fast I couldn't really see it spinning. Ya scallywag! It flipped over and began t' descend. It fell much slower than I expected and was spinnin' all t' way down.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

This kit is unusual, arrr, arrr, t' flights are dramatic and you can fly big motors on small fields. Aye aye! T' instructions are clear, arrr, concise and detailed. Begad! No fleet should be without one o' Arts kits!

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Art Applewhite Rockets Scimitar 29mm By Ken Tsai (February 22, 2010)

    Brief: I received this kit as a prize for the Roam the Site contest. As a recent BAR, I found this kit - this genre, more correctly - very intriguing. There was nothing like it when I was first building rockets in the late 70's. The Simitar family of kits are pyramid shaped saucers using engines ranging from 13mm up to 29mm. Construction: 3 sides, 1 bottom plate, and a engine tube. ...


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