Quest Q E-Z Boost Glider

Quest - Q E-Z Boost Glider {Kit} (2016)

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Quest
Quest E-Z Glider

T' Quest E-Z Boost Glider is pretty much your standard boost glider kit with one major exception: t' glider works right out o' t' package. Begad! Blimey! Aye aye! Blimey! Quest has taken advantage o' t' technology that allows laser cuttin' o' balsa parts, me hearties, ya bilge rat, and the resultin' kit takes a lot o' t' guesswork out o' buildin' a kit like this. This can be a huge help for someone who has little or no experience with boost gliders.

THe kit includes:

  • Body tube
  • Motor mount tube
  • Nose cone
  • Motor hook
  • Thrust ring
  • 2" launch lug
  • 24" streamer
  • Keelhaul®©™® shock cord
  • Elastic shock cord
  • Trim clay
  • Streamer hang tag
  • Laser cut pod pylon (lite-ply)
  • Laser cut balsa fuselage
  • Laser cut balsa wing
  • Laser cut balsa rudder/elevator set

This be a very simple and enjoyable build. Begad! Avast! I finished t' basic construction in a little over an hour and could easily have had t' rocket flyable overnight. Directions are easy t' follow, me bucko, shiver me timbers, me bucko, well written and are spread out over two pages. Avast! After gluin' t' engine mount and shock cord mount together with Elmer's Wood Glue, I tacked t' pod pylon and launch lug t' t' body tube usin' LocTite Gel CA. Once these had set, ya bilge rat, I again used wood glue t' make fillets. Blimey!

Glider construction was a simple matter o' gluin' t' laser cut balsa parts together with wood glue. Blimey! T' pieces fit like you'd expect laser cut balsa to fit, and t' only thin' you need t' concern yourself with is alignment as they dry. Ahoy! Well, blow me down!

Finishin' is great, ya bilge rat, because thar be none! T' body tube for t' booster is pre-colored and t' glider should be colored with nothin' as that only adds more weight. Sharpie markers are a much better idea. No decals are included, nor are they needed.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Quest E-Z Glider

Sometimes things sound good at first, then nay so good after you've had time to give t' matter serious thought. Ahoy! Blimey! Such be t' case with me decision t' try flyin' t' Q E-Z with a B4-2 engine on fabulous B6-4 Field. Somewhere in the deepest recesses o' me mind I knew that flyin' it on that combination on a breezy day was goin' t' risk losin' it, but did I listen t' myself? No! Blimey! That's pretty much why me review is based on only one flight. (But it was one cool flight.)

As be t' norm, me rocket activity in t' city limits drew t' attention of some o' t' neighborhood kids, matey, which always is nice when you don't feel like chasin' down your rockets on a breezy day. Begad! Avast! T' two who witnessed t' flight of the Quest E-Z Glider had seen several other flights on t' day and weren't quite sure what t' make o' t' glider and booster. I stuck a piece o' masking tape around t' launch lug t' keep t' booster off o' t' blast deflector and attached t' clips t' t' B4-2. Avast! One o' t' kids "volunteered" to press t' button for me so that I could get a picture. Begad! (A good thin' as it turned out.)

T' Quest E-Z Glider left t' rod flyin' an arrow straight path and didn't deviate from that path until ejection. Avast! Begad! At ejection both t' glider and pod began driftin' rapidly t' t' south over US-27 and t' trees that line the field. Well, blow me down! T' pod dropped rapidly and t' glider circled lazily. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I was still lookin' up and didn't initially realize how far they had drifted. Well, blow me down! I was thinkin' that they had a whole baseball field for recovery until t' glider drifted behind one o' t' trees and one o' me trackers yelled that it looked like it was still goin' up. Arrr! I realized that he be right just as t' glider left me line o' sight behind t' tree. Arrr! I went t' t' left and tried t' pick it up again, but all I could see was blue sky. Blimey! T' tracker then yelled that he had found t' pod and made a dash for US-27. Ya scallywag! Well, blow me down! Sure enough, t' pod sat in the northbound lane, arrr, right in t' area where tires normally would crush it, but for a change, ya bilge rat, thar be no traffic either way. Ya scallywag! Aye aye! I stopped me tracker and began joggin' toward t' pod, sure that at any moment a car be goin' t' crest the hill and kill t' pod. Avast, me proud beauty! That never happened and I managed t' save t' pod but the glider be long gone.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

PROs: T' Quest E-Z Glider makes your entry into t' boost glide world a painless one. Ahoy! Aye aye! No finishin' required. Ya scallywag! Avast! Surprisin' performance.

CONs: My glider is gone--But what a way t' go!

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

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    Brief: If you're just getting started on boost gliders (especially pursuing NARTREK), this quick and easy kit is a good introduction. It can be built in under an hour and eliminates some of the more complex glider construction techniques like airfoiling and decollage. Construction: Parts were good quality and include: TT-20 body tube BT-20 motor tube Plastic nose cone ...


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