Scratch Andromeda

Scratch - Andromeda

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Manufacturer: Scratch

(OOP) Estes Andromeda

While t' Estes Condor was without a doubt me favorite regularly flown rocket as a kid, t' kit that headed up t' list o' great unflown rockets o' me fleet was t' Estes Andromeda. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Received as a 15th birthday present, me bucko, t' Andromeda had t' misfortune t' be on t' buildin' table when me flyin' buddies decided that they had better use for their time than model rockets. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! While I occasionally flew after this, matey, I never found myself on a field large enough t' make me feel comfortable launchin' t' big black bird. Avast! Blimey! Years later when I started college, matey, matey, me bucko, I gave t' Andromeda away t' t' younger brothers o' a friend. Begad! Blimey! (Sadly he has no recollection o' this.) When I discovered t' joys o' clonin' in 2001, me hearties, arrr, t' Andromeda was high on t' list o' rockets t' be cloned. While I started t' project in May o' 2001, it be only recently that I found myself with all o' t' parts needed t' complete t' project.

Andromeda plans can be found here. T' parts list:

  • 2 BT-20 main body tubes (18")
  • 2 BT-50AH ram tubes (1 7/8")
  • BT-50H parachute compartment tubes (7.75")
  • BT-50S reactor body tube (4")
  • BNC-50J (original Estes part)
  • JT-20C tube coupler
  • EW-49 shroud
  • 3 AR-2050 adapter rings
  • 3 5055 fiber centerin' rings (BMS)
  • EH-2 engine hook
  • 2 1/8" dowels
  • WD-2 antenna dowel
  • 2 LL-2A launch lugs
  • screw eye
  • 48" sewin' elastic shock cord
  • medium snap swivel

(OOP) Estes Andromeda

Despite t' five years that passed betwixt t' start o' this project and t' rockets first flight, construction itself be surprisingly easy. Blimey! Begad! I had t' tubes together and t' fins ready for attachment on t' first weekend but without a source for t' AR-5055 fiber rings that were critical t' t' design. (I hadn't heard about BMS back then.) They had been made from cardstock on t' original Andromeda, ya bilge rat, me hearties, but I didn't trust myself t' cut even vaguely circular rings from cardstock. T' BMS pieces were a perfect fit and should have spurred me toward completin' t' project, arrr, but they got misplaced on me desk and didn't resurface for quite a while.

With t' embarrassin' five year anniversary rapidly approaching, me hearties, ya bilge rat, I made it a point t' hunt up t' parts needed for completion.

Lots o' tube surface for this one and an equally large area o' balsa, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, so this wasn't a job I was lookin' forward to. Arrr! That said, me bucko, me bucko, it wasn't that bad when I finally got around t' it. T' worst part was tryin' t' hide t' seam in t' rather clumsily made paper transition, shiver me timbers, me bucko, but even that eventually reached "good enough" status. Arrr! Fillin' was done with thinned Elmer's Fill 'n' Finish, me hearties, after which t' whole rocket was sprayed with Valspar primer. T' ram tubes were sprayed with fluorescent orange from t' same no label can that I've been usin' for years. Well, blow me down! Once they dried sufficiently I slid expended 24mm motor casings into them and sprayed t' rest o' t' rocket with Valspar gloss black. Ahoy! A set o' 2001 vintage Jim Z decals will eventually complete t' look. Ahoy! With t' exception o' t' missin' foil sticker, (and t' bent BT-5 tube,) this could be me 1977 model all over again.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Flight and Recovery:
As with a lot o' me rockets, t' first flights took place without paint, but no one seemed t' mind. Blimey! Even in primer, me hearties, t' Andromeda is a head turner. While it seems almost too delicate t' fly, t' Andromeda is a surprisingly robust performer. Nay wantin' t' risk a B6-4 flight, I loaded it with a C6-5 and waited until t' breeze had died down before takin' it t' t' pad. Aye aye! T' first flight arced slightly and gently t' t' north as it left t' rod and climbed t' a respectable altitude for such a long rocket. Well, blow me down! Avast, me proud beauty! Ejection occurred just as it began t' tip over, but t' chute fouled on t' large aft sail and t' whole rocket began t' fall in a horizontal position. Avast! Begad! With everythin' stickin' out in t' wind, shiver me timbers, t' descent be a surprisingly gentle one. Avast! It be fallin' toward a large section o' ankle deep grass, shiver me timbers, so I didn't think t' impact would cause much, if any, damage. Begad! It didn't, me bucko, me hearties, and I immediately swapped t' heavier nylon chute out for a Mylar one for t' next flight.

T' second flight was also on a C6-5, ya bilge rat, but it be flown toward t' end o' t' day when t' wind had shifted somewhat. Blimey! Arrr! Once again t' Andromeda arced into t' breeze, me hearties, me bucko, this time back over t' flight line. Ejection again occurred just as t' rocket tipped over, and for a moment it looked like another adventurous recovery because t' Mylar chute at first failed t' fill. Aye aye! Ahoy! Even with t' chute actin' as just a streamer t' descent was fairly gentle. Blimey! Ahoy! T' chute filled a moment later and t' rocket drifted t' within 20 feet o' t' pad for an almost perfect recovery.

(OOP) Estes Andromeda(OOP) Estes Andromeda

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

PROs: Truly classic futuristic design. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Surprisin' performance. Avast! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Loved this bird as a kid.

CONs: Fragile. Arrr! Aye aye! Never flew t' one I had as a kid. Blimey! Lots o' stuff hangin' out t' foul t' chute.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5

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Rich DeAngelis (August 17, 2011)

I had an original Estes kit I started building back in the 1970's, but I never finished it...until this year 2011. It was a lot of work sanding and finishing, but I took my time to try and get it right. Of course, I had to replace the rubber shock cord which was rotted. Another problem I had was that apparently over the years it developed a bit of a warp not really visible to the eye. On launch day I couldn't get the two launch lugs to slide lightly on the rail, they appear to have a bit of a mis-alignment. I still don't know how to fix that without destroying the paint job. Anyway I flew it on a different rod that felt better - perhaps it was a bit straighter. It reached almost 300 feet on a C6-3, but I would be afraid to try it on a B6 motor - I think it would barely get high enough.

I decided to paint it gloss black instead of flat, and it seems to look nicer that way. I also added Testors silver paint to trim around the edges of the engine pods, the antennas, the edges of the rings surrounding the motor and the two little cardboard rectangles on the pods. It looks pretty nice with that little bit of silver sparkle!  After applying all the original 35-year-old decals, I gave it a few coats of clearcoat. I used a Home-Depot brand that caused trouble with the decals, the clear film of the decals clouded up pretty bad. Fortunately as it dried they cleared up a bit, but it looks pretty bad around the window 'dots' in the crew compartment. The other problem with the clearcoat was it seemed to disolve the silver paint on the body tube rings edges. I painted them very carefully and precisely and now the silver edges run on the rings and it looks pretty sloppy.  I know what you are thinking but no, I waited 48 hours for the decals to dry and another 48 hours waiting for the silver paint to dry before clearcoating.  When I was string-stability-testing the model, it folded right in half above the dowels and ripped open the body tube!!!  I was able to fix it by cutting off about 2 inches and using a tube coupler. I decided to only glue it to one side and use masking tape for a tight fit so it would be easier to transport. Just in case though, I glued the ends of about one foot of kevlar thread to the inside of each tube just in case it seperated at deployment - that way the lower half will still hopefully be attached to the parachute. I re-tested it but this time I taped a launch rod to the side of the rocket to stiffen it, but that wasn't so easy because each time I had to move the CG point of the string, I had to also move the launch rod's CG to the exact same point. In the end, I had to give my model about 15 grams or so of noseweight to get it to pass using the C6 motor. I don't know for sure if it really needed it, but although it surely reduces the peak altitude, it should help the model fly straighter. In spite of all the trouble, I really like this model so much that I might NOT fly it much so I can avoid risking total destruction of it. It is an antique you know, not a knock-off, so I should probably take care of it. Who knows - maybe it will end up in a musuem someday?

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